Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958

Jumping The Gun Again?

First of all they’re jumping the gun again. Learn more in Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958.

Secondly I don’t care who wins the presidential election in 2020.

Leaps Of Faith

However I can’t ignore the leaps of faith when it comes to candidate preference polls in this election.

There Are Limits

In other words there are limits to the conclusions to be drawn from political polling.

Bob Davis Podcast Coverage Of Election 2020

Certainly this has been the subject of more than one political podcast this year.

Battleground State Review Series

Consequently it’s time for another review of the polls in the battleground states.

Even more paying special attention to balancing breathless predictions about ‘who’s going to win’.

Too Many Factors For Predictions

Most importantly there are too many factors to consider a prediction about the outcome of the vote in these battleground states.

But That Doesn’t Stop The Media

In addition it sure looks to me like media is jumping the gun. Again.

And in a world where everything one candidate does is right a proper and everything the other does is wrong and misguided, I am not surprised.

Non Partisan. No Attacks. No Defense.

Finally I don’t seek to defend or attack either mainline party candidate.

Blind Spot

Instead I point out a significant blind spot with almost all media in the United States in this election year.

Don’t Know What Will Happen November 3rd

In conclusion we don’t know what the outcome of this election will be. I think it is very difficult to predict given the many moving parts this year.

New Ballot Wrinkles

For example, absentee ballots, early voting and so on.

Balanced Coverage

To sum up I have been producing balanced coverage of these polls. That includes explanations how on they work and their limitations.

Listen to Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958 for some poll analysis without predictions.

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Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958




Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896

Jury Duty All Week, Campaigning All Weekend

First of all US Senators are the jury in the Impeachment trial of the president. Or so some of them say. So weekends in Iowa are for campaigning. Learn more in Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896.

How Candidates Interact

Moreover these podcasts give listeners a sense of how candidates are interacting with potential caucus goers.

Senior Senator

Especially relevant? Klobuchar’s status as a senior Senator and moderate Democrat, running in a field of progressives.

Practical Progressive

She calls herself a ‘practical progressive‘.

Lots Of Talk

Certainly politicians talk a lot. Some of these events seem to go on forever.

Editing and Accurate Representation of Events

Due to this circumstance I have to edit. Hopefully these podcasts will be accurate representations of these events.

Taking You Inside Events So wear Headphones

Above all the effort is to take you inside an event so you can experience it. In addition with shorter length podcasts you’ll get an impression of as many candidates as I can record before caucus night!

Trump Is A Big Part Of Campaign

Seems like all the democratic candidates want to talk about the impeachment. They all talk a lot about the President.

Republicans Take Note

Because of this republican leaning listeners and Trumpers may find it difficult to listen all the way through.

Organization and Pivot Counties

However one of my takeaways already is the depth of democrat arguments and the detail of their proposed agendas, should they become president. Even more the level of organization I am seeing here.

Listen and Learn

Finally republicans and Trumpers would be well advised to listen to these arguments and ideas.

Democrat Strategy

In conclusion one thing is sure to be a factor in 2020. Democrats are targeting pivot counties here in Iowa in preparation for a national strategy along those lines later in the campaigns.

Testing Ideas and Arguments For Campaigning This Fall

Therefore it might be a good idea to hear and understand the arguments they’ll use.

Some of them are pretty good.

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Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896