Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896

Jury Duty All Week, Campaigning All Weekend

First of all US Senators are the jury in the Impeachment trial of the president. Or so some of them say. So weekends in Iowa are for campaigning. Learn more in Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896.

How Candidates Interact

Moreover these podcasts give listeners a sense of how candidates are interacting with potential caucus goers.

Senior Senator

Especially relevant? Klobuchar’s status as a senior Senator and moderate Democrat, running in a field of progressives.

Practical Progressive

She calls herself a ‘practical progressive‘.

Lots Of Talk

Certainly politicians talk a lot. Some of these events seem to go on forever.

Editing and Accurate Representation of Events

Due to this circumstance I have to edit. Hopefully these podcasts will be accurate representations of these events.

Taking You Inside Events So wear Headphones

Above all the effort is to take you inside an event so you can experience it. In addition with shorter length podcasts you’ll get an impression of as many candidates as I can record before caucus night!

Trump Is A Big Part Of Campaign

Seems like all the democratic candidates want to talk about the impeachment. They all talk a lot about the President.

Republicans Take Note

Because of this republican leaning listeners and Trumpers may find it difficult to listen all the way through.

Organization and Pivot Counties

However one of my takeaways already is the depth of democrat arguments and the detail of their proposed agendas, should they become president. Even more the level of organization I am seeing here.

Listen and Learn

Finally republicans and Trumpers would be well advised to listen to these arguments and ideas.

Democrat Strategy

In conclusion one thing is sure to be a factor in 2020. Democrats are targeting pivot counties here in Iowa in preparation for a national strategy along those lines later in the campaigns.

Testing Ideas and Arguments For Campaigning This Fall

Therefore it might be a good idea to hear and understand the arguments they’ll use.

Some of them are pretty good.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Election2020-Amy-Klobuchar-DesMoines-Bob Davis Podcast 896





Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874

Tom Emmer On The Record

These days more important than arguing with politicians is getting them on the record. In view of election results in Virginia and Kentucky recently this podcast is most noteworthy. Learn more in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874.

Focus On The Issues

Especially relevant is are the issues in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874. We start with mining in Northern Minnesota near the Boundary Waters and Superior National Forest.


Congressman Emmer says mining is good for Minnesota’s economy and schools. Moreover, he says Congress needs to make sure the Federal Government lives up to its agreements with Minnesota on this subject.


In addition immigration is a top issue. Specifically Somalis in the 6th district. Will congress pass comprehensive immigration legislation soon? Emmer lauds the President’s travel ban and says immigration action depends on GOP control of the House.

He Sold Us Out Some Constituents Say

Moreover Emmer blames assistance to immigrants for high levels of chain migration. Some 6th district constituents say Emmer sold them out on the immigration issue. He responds.

Funding For 2020 House Races

What about funding for house races? Emmer says republicans need to win at least 19 seats to take back the house. Trump on the ballot means the GOP takes back the house in 2020, says Tom.

Virginia and Kentucky Election Results

In contrast to Emmer’s hubris, democrats won recent elections in Kentucky and Virginia this week. Even more rumors of difficulty for the president in battleground states persist. Especially with women voters. Not to worry, says Emmer. Trump will win it all, the only question is the president’s margin of victory.

Foreign Policy

Similarly foreign policy issues are not clear cut for 2020. Another issue is trade. He also comments on Syria, Latin America and China.

Trade and The US Economy

Finally what about the US economy? Is the US growing? What about the budget deficits and debt?

Heavy On Issues Talk

In conclusion Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874 is heavy on issues talk. For people who want to know what this congressman thinks, this podcast and Part1 are recommended.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874