Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875

Winter Is Here…Already

I think it’s time to talk about a more reflective season. Winter is here in Minnesota. Even though it’s only Veterans Day, it’s winter. More time spent reading, streaming TV and more. We’ll talk about it in Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875.

Two Recent Podcasts Highlighted

First of all I have to start with a review of my two recent podcasts with Congressman Tom Emmer. You can listen to them here and here. At one point in posting content on social media, I mentioned those two podcasts would be impossible on the radio today.

Mission Of The Bob Davis Podcasts

Moreover it reminds of me the mission of the Bob Davis Podcasts these days. Especially relevant is the need to say, and say again, I am not driven by wanting to be in a specific political or social construct.

Biggest Problem In Media Today

In addition it is necessary for me to say not only do I not want to be a ‘this or that’, I think the biggest problem in media today is most of the commentators, reporters, and so called analysts seem to need and want to come from a partisan perspective.

Some People Need Acceptance…Apparently

I think it is the wanting, even more the need to be accepted by some group. Learn more in Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875.

Playing To The Crowd

Furthermore playing to an audience adds to the problem.

Say What We Want To Hear

Audiences expect content creators to say certain things. To defend or attack to shore up expectations. To say what they want to hear.

Not My Mission

Of course this is not my mission. My mission is to progress. To be decidedly unpredictable. To refuse a side. Ask questions. Advance the story. Artists progress, sometimes to the dismay of their audiences. Think Picasso, or even Elton John’s changes in style critics did not necessarily liike.

Don’t Follow. Lead!

Sometimes you have to lead the audience.

Human Progress?

I also thought a lot recently about human consciousness. Whether we are making progress. You hear a lot of talk these days about how much progress human beings are supposedly making.

You’ll have to listen to the podcast to get an idea of what I think.


Finally the question of the progress of human consciousness leads me to wonder how we got where we are today. So much confusion about who’s right and wrong, what direction works, failing institutions and new ideas.

From Podcasts To The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald In This Podcast

Therefore it is a fitting random discussion that takes us from recent podcasts to The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald, the role of artists, and more.

I had a lot of fun with this one.

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Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875

Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874

Tom Emmer On The Record

These days more important than arguing with politicians is getting them on the record. In view of election results in Virginia and Kentucky recently this podcast is most noteworthy. Learn more in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874.

Focus On The Issues

Especially relevant is are the issues in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874. We start with mining in Northern Minnesota near the Boundary Waters and Superior National Forest.


Congressman Emmer says mining is good for Minnesota’s economy and schools. Moreover, he says Congress needs to make sure the Federal Government lives up to its agreements with Minnesota on this subject.


In addition immigration is a top issue. Specifically Somalis in the 6th district. Will congress pass comprehensive immigration legislation soon? Emmer lauds the President’s travel ban and says immigration action depends on GOP control of the House.

He Sold Us Out Some Constituents Say

Moreover Emmer blames assistance to immigrants for high levels of chain migration. Some 6th district constituents say Emmer sold them out on the immigration issue. He responds.

Funding For 2020 House Races

What about funding for house races? Emmer says republicans need to win at least 19 seats to take back the house. Trump on the ballot means the GOP takes back the house in 2020, says Tom.

Virginia and Kentucky Election Results

In contrast to Emmer’s hubris, democrats won recent elections in Kentucky and Virginia this week. Even more rumors of difficulty for the president in battleground states persist. Especially with women voters. Not to worry, says Emmer. Trump will win it all, the only question is the president’s margin of victory.

Foreign Policy

Similarly foreign policy issues are not clear cut for 2020. Another issue is trade. He also comments on Syria, Latin America and China.

Trade and The US Economy

Finally what about the US economy? Is the US growing? What about the budget deficits and debt?

Heavy On Issues Talk

In conclusion Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874 is heavy on issues talk. For people who want to know what this congressman thinks, this podcast and Part1 are recommended.

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Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 874




Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873

Once Upon A Time…

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, my friend Tom Emmer and I had a radio show. These days Tom is a US Congressman. Join us for a the first installment reunion podcast in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873.

Looking Back…Then The Issues

At the top of the list in Part 1 are some fun stories from back in the day and then we get to the issues. After that it gets heavy as we tick off each one of the local and national issues.

It’s All About The Money

One of Emmer’s duties these days is running the republican effort for House races in the 2020 election. Most noteworthy is at least one congressman who lost his bid for reelection in 2018 blamed John McCain and ‘Green Money’ for his loss. It’s all about the money when it comes to these house races. Will there be enough in 2020? Find out in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873.

Emmer’s Reelection Bid

Moreover as the top republican congressman in the state of Minnesota, what does Emmer’s bid for reelection look like in 2020? One of the issues is whether Emmer has what it takes to disagree with President Trump. For his part, Emmer says he does. In addition he tells a story about how the president reacted to one of his recent votes.

Emmer’s Ok With Trump Being The Issue

As far as issues for 2020 are concerned, first off is the question of what it is like to run in an environment where Trump and Trump’s personality is the issue. Tom makes some predictions for the outcome of the next election that should be noted.

Impeachment Is A Dead End According To Emmer

Second, what about impeachment proceedings? Emmer condemns the democrats saying they’re fabricating evidence and not allowing elected republican officials to see evidence.

The Big Issues…Besides Trump

Even more what issues will candidates be dealing with?

On Health Insurance, Democrats are promoting Single Payer Health. How does Emmer explain the republican plan for Health Insurance Reform?

Part 1 Tees Up Part 2

In conclusion, it’s a good thing Podcasting doesn’t have breaks and you can go on as long as you want. Part 1 only tees us up for Part 2.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873