Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873

Once Upon A Time…

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, my friend Tom Emmer and I had a radio show. These days Tom is a US Congressman. Join us for a the first installment reunion podcast in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873.

Looking Back…Then The Issues

At the top of the list in Part 1 are some fun stories from back in the day and then we get to the issues. After that it gets heavy as we tick off each one of the local and national issues.

It’s All About The Money

One of Emmer’s duties these days is running the republican effort for House races in the 2020 election. Most noteworthy is at least one congressman who lost his bid for reelection in 2018 blamed John McCain and ‘Green Money’ for his loss. It’s all about the money when it comes to these house races. Will there be enough in 2020? Find out in Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873.

Emmer’s Reelection Bid

Moreover as the top republican congressman in the state of Minnesota, what does Emmer’s bid for reelection look like in 2020? One of the issues is whether Emmer has what it takes to disagree with President Trump. For his part, Emmer says he does. In addition he tells a story about how the president reacted to one of his recent votes.

Emmer’s Ok With Trump Being The Issue

As far as issues for 2020 are concerned, first off is the question of what it is like to run in an environment where Trump and Trump’s personality is the issue. Tom makes some predictions for the outcome of the next election that should be noted.

Impeachment Is A Dead End According To Emmer

Second, what about impeachment proceedings? Emmer condemns the democrats saying they’re fabricating evidence and not allowing elected republican officials to see evidence.

The Big Issues…Besides Trump

Even more what issues will candidates be dealing with?

On Health Insurance, Democrats are promoting Single Payer Health. How does Emmer explain the republican plan for Health Insurance Reform?

Part 1 Tees Up Part 2

In conclusion, it’s a good thing Podcasting doesn’t have breaks and you can go on as long as you want. Part 1 only tees us up for Part 2.

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Congressman-Tom-Emmer-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 873




Economic-Boom-Smoke-And-Mirrors?-Bob Davis Podcast 872

Everyone Gets An Award. So What?

These days we live in a world where everyone gets an award for participation. Every now and then reality intrudes on our blissful paradise. We’ll talk about the 3rd quarter GDP numbers and what they mean in Economic-Boom-Smoke-And-Mirrors?-Bob Davis Podcast 872.

Ballyhoo and BS

We’ve been the victims of economic ballyhoo at least since 2016. Even more for years since the recession of 2008 we’ve been sold all kinds of snake oil. Green Shoots. The Light At The End Of The Tunnel. Priming The Pump. Economic Boom!

GDP Is The Yardstick

Gross Domestic Product is the yardstick by which we measure the economic performance of the world’s countries. This is especially relevant in the United States, where we will choose a new president and congress in 2020.

How Are We Doing?

Economy is one of the yard sticks by which we determine how our leaders ‘are doing’ at their jobs.

Third Quarter

Therefore when the third quarter GDP numbers came out this week, we now have a third data point on which to judge US economic performance in 2019.

Smoke and Mirrors?

How are we doing? We’ll find out in Economic-Boom-Smoke-And-Mirrors?-Bob Davis Podcast 872.

What’s A Boom?

First of all exactly what does an economic ‘boom’ look like and are we really living through one?

What About All The Other Stats?

Second, what about other measurements like employment, government spending, consumer spending and productivity?

Concentrate On Outcomes

I have often described my mission with these podcasts as a quest to concentrate on outcomes and relatively objective analysis of those outcomes.

No Predictions

Above all I avoid predictions. I won’t use superlatives to describe how great or bad things are. I do not want tell listeners what they’re supposed to think or advocate for.

More Questions

In conclusion, these new numbers raise more questions than answers.

In addition, what about inflation, business investment and growth in the future.

Moreover what about intervention by central banks?

I wonder, if there’s an economic boom why do we need so much government spending and interventions to keep it going? What about the enormous spending deficits and public debt?

Meeting Challenges

Finally what are the biggest economic and therefore social challenges ahead. Are we on path to address those challenges?

I don’t hear too much talk about that on the campaign trail, in government and in the media.

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Economic-Boom-Smoke-And-Mirrors?-Bob Davis Podcast 872