Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958

Jumping The Gun Again?

First of all they’re jumping the gun again. Learn more in Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958.

Secondly I don’t care who wins the presidential election in 2020.

Leaps Of Faith

However I can’t ignore the leaps of faith when it comes to candidate preference polls in this election.

There Are Limits

In other words there are limits to the conclusions to be drawn from political polling.

Bob Davis Podcast Coverage Of Election 2020

Certainly this has been the subject of more than one political podcast this year.

Battleground State Review Series

Consequently it’s time for another review of the polls in the battleground states.

Even more paying special attention to balancing breathless predictions about ‘who’s going to win’.

Too Many Factors For Predictions

Most importantly there are too many factors to consider a prediction about the outcome of the vote in these battleground states.

But That Doesn’t Stop The Media

In addition it sure looks to me like media is jumping the gun. Again.

And in a world where everything one candidate does is right a proper and everything the other does is wrong and misguided, I am not surprised.

Non Partisan. No Attacks. No Defense.

Finally I don’t seek to defend or attack either mainline party candidate.

Blind Spot

Instead I point out a significant blind spot with almost all media in the United States in this election year.

Don’t Know What Will Happen November 3rd

In conclusion we don’t know what the outcome of this election will be. I think it is very difficult to predict given the many moving parts this year.

New Ballot Wrinkles

For example, absentee ballots, early voting and so on.

Balanced Coverage

To sum up I have been producing balanced coverage of these polls. That includes explanations how on they work and their limitations.

Listen to Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958 for some poll analysis without predictions.

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Jumping-The-Gun-On-2020-Bob Davis Podcast 958




Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948

Midnight Lake Walk and Talk

These days I hate to say it but the election campaigns are shifting into high gear. I’ve been touring the upper Midwest and needed more time by the lake. Learn more in Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948.

Political Takeaways From My Recent Road Trip

Certainly my road trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and West Coast was for fun. However I saw some things from a political perspective that are worth mentioning.

Politics Losing Its Luster

Most importantly when you’re doing a road trip podcast the political stuff loses it’s luster.

Stumbling Through Woods and The Shore

Therefore I decided to put my observations into another podcast. So join me as I stumble around the lake shore and woods in Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948.

Here Comes The Campaign

When this week is over the 2020 election campaign will be in full swing.

No Predictions

In addition to the recent podcasts I’ve done about polling I examine this issue of ‘predicting the future’.

Questions About What We’re Being Told

Even more my quick tour through the traditionally democrat and union parts of the Upper Midwest yields some questions about what you are being told these days.

Far From Decided

I was one of the first who noted that Trump could win in 2016. My analysis of the polls so far as well as some detail gleaned from these trips suggest this election is far from decided yet.

Calm Waters Starlight

Finally there’s something about the calm waters and starlight of a late summer midnight.

Put On Your Headphones

If you listen to this podcast with headphones you’ll be right there with me as I walk barefoot. In the dark. Avoiding acorns and other debris. From the fire to the lake and back.

Media and Campaigns Preaching To The Choir

To sum up despite the media’s penchant for predicting the future and preaching to the choir this is not over.

Suddenly A Literal Three Day TV Commercial Is News?

Most importantly think about the irony of how the media covers conventions which used to be deliberative. What is now news is essentially and literally a produced television commercial.

Either Way People Are Gonna Vote

Even so people are going to make up their minds and cast votes in some way in November.

Beware The Deep Impact…Of An Asteroid!

Unless an asteroid produces a deep impact event, just before the election on November 3rd.

Sponsored by Nathan W Nelson Strategic Attorney and Founder of Virtus Law and AuntieBRentals

Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948


Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941


Firstly chances of a happy ending to this pandemic are fading. Learn more in Corona-Recession-Becoming-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 941.

Going Against The Optimists

Secondly I know what I have to say goes against the optimists.


However there’s optimism, then there’s Pollyanna.

Mental Health

Thirdly and most importantly are concerns and questions about our overall mental health.

Giving In To Reopening Pressure

Certainly it’s now clear some states gave in to political pressure to reopen.

Shutting Back Down

As a result we face the specter of shutting back down. One of the reasons I ask whether the Corona Recession Is Becoming A Depression?

Negative Economic Impacts

Above all the big concern is additional negative impacts on the US Economy.

Relief Running Out

Even more unemployment benefits and business relief packages are running out.

The Sheriff Is Here With Your Eviction Notice

Finally as the grace period on evictions ends people are forced to move.

“This Is All Going To End, You’ll See”

This was all supposed to be over by now, right?

Taxpayers Are Broke…So Is The Government

Meanwhile Congress and the White House are negotiating new relief that starts at one trillion dollars. Where is the production and the tax revenue to pay for it?

Enormous Debt To Stop The Panic

More debt, more money printing and more borrowing future growth to stop the bleeding now.

The Boom Was A Dream

In addition the bill for the central bank’s propping up the world economy for at least ten years is coming due. Our economic boom was a dream. Corona is the shock that ended it.

Good Morning Sunshine!

In short it is not a pretty picture.

Optimism Rests On Stock Market and Unemployment Numbers

Similarly you’re going to hear a lot about unemployment numbers, the stock market and so on. But these are not how we measure the economy.

Top Guys Hedging Their Bets

In conclusion top financial people are already hedging their bets. Warning of gathering storm clouds and trouble ahead.

Kanye West, Protests and Karen

The fact that these stories have not seeped into the mainstream is especially relevant. But when you have riots, Kanye West and Karen’s antics at the WalMart to share on social media, who cares about the economy?

Really Hope The Optimists Are Right

To sum up, batten down the hatches America, in about a month we all may wish the eternal optimists were right.

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