Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948

Midnight Lake Walk and Talk

These days I hate to say it but the election campaigns are shifting into high gear. I’ve been touring the upper Midwest and needed more time by the lake. Learn more in Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948.

Political Takeaways From My Recent Road Trip

Certainly my road trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and West Coast was for fun. However I saw some things from a political perspective that are worth mentioning.

Politics Losing Its Luster

Most importantly when you’re doing a road trip podcast the political stuff loses it’s luster.

Stumbling Through Woods and The Shore

Therefore I decided to put my observations into another podcast. So join me as I stumble around the lake shore and woods in Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948.

Here Comes The Campaign

When this week is over the 2020 election campaign will be in full swing.

No Predictions

In addition to the recent podcasts I’ve done about polling I examine this issue of ‘predicting the future’.

Questions About What We’re Being Told

Even more my quick tour through the traditionally democrat and union parts of the Upper Midwest yields some questions about what you are being told these days.

Far From Decided

I was one of the first who noted that Trump could win in 2016. My analysis of the polls so far as well as some detail gleaned from these trips suggest this election is far from decided yet.

Calm Waters Starlight

Finally there’s something about the calm waters and starlight of a late summer midnight.

Put On Your Headphones

If you listen to this podcast with headphones you’ll be right there with me as I walk barefoot. In the dark. Avoiding acorns and other debris. From the fire to the lake and back.

Media and Campaigns Preaching To The Choir

To sum up despite the media’s penchant for predicting the future and preaching to the choir this is not over.

Suddenly A Literal Three Day TV Commercial Is News?

Most importantly think about the irony of how the media covers conventions which used to be deliberative. What is now news is essentially and literally a produced television commercial.

Either Way People Are Gonna Vote

Even so people are going to make up their minds and cast votes in some way in November.

Beware The Deep Impact…Of An Asteroid!

Unless an asteroid produces a deep impact event, just before the election on November 3rd.

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Midnight-Lake-Walk-And-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 948


Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847

Peak Summer

We’re living through a pretty intense time these days. Moreover I noticed something I call ‘peak summer‘ recently. It’s a pristine moment when time seems to stop and you can’t get enough. Learn more in Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847.

A Time To Transcend The BS

In addition I think summer has a transformational quality. You can transcend all the BS. Especially in that moment when evening turns to dusk, the moon rises, and night starts to come on.

Power of Sound Gets It Across

I am fascinated with the power of sound. You can’t really film peak summer. Oh sure, some movies capture it. Pictures sometimes get it. On the other hand recording peak summer bottles the experience.

Evening Becomes Night and You Are There

As a result I have been out recording blocks of sound. In Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847 listen to evening become night. You’ll have to put up with my explanation of why summer is transformative and some summer memories.

Summer Memories

I first experienced peak summer when I was a kid. Seems like around twelve, thirteen or fourteen. When you hit that age there is a natural separation from the family and a yearning for freedom.

Freedom and Independence

Maybe due to age, maybe by my insistence, my parents relaxed the rules a little during those times. I got to stay out later. Spent the night on the front porch, or in my fort in the backyard.

A Night Owl Returns To His Roots

I’ve always been a night owl. Consequently I spent a lot of time on the front stoop on those summer nights, listening to the radio and dreaming the way a kid dreams about the future.

It’s most noteworthy that these days I seem to have returned to those halcyon days. The glow of the street lights. Wind in the trees. The sound of trains in the big switching yard in my home down.

Don’t Forget To Enjoy It

We’re at the moment of peak summer right  now. Enjoy It.


I don’t have to tell people who live in the Upper Midwest, it’s a fleeting and magical moment. But I can share it with you…

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Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847