Summer-Sounds-Winter-Relief-Bob Davis Podcast 983

Difficult Winter Calls For Summer Sounds Winter Relief

Firstly we are having a difficult winter and a Summer Sounds Winter Relief is the perfect antidote. Therefore headphones on for Summer-Sounds-Winter-Relief-Bob Davis Podcast 983.

No Talk

Secondly and perhaps most importantly I don’t talk much in this podcast.

Power Of Sound

Above all one of the things I’ve learned is sound has a lot of power.

Sounds Of Summer

For example and maybe the best example, the sound of summer.

Bugs and Storms

Certainly summer is loud. Bugs. Storms. Lawnmowers. People driving by with their radios up and the windows down. Boats. And birds!

Memory and Warmth Trigger Warning

However it is those sounds that trigger the best memories.

Winter Sucks

Especially in the depths of a terrible winter.

Deep Freeze

For instance ice storms, deep sub zero temperatures and snow storms. Seemingly everywhere in this country!

We Need Relief!

Meanwhile we all need relief.

Velvet Summer Sounds

Welcome to the velvet sounds of summer in Summer-Sounds-Winter-Relief-Bob Davis Podcast 983.

Headphones On

In short put your headphones on and turn it up.

Warm You Up

To clarify if you are cold, this will warm you up. Got the winter blues? This podcast will ease your pain.

Sound Does The Talking

Finally I concluded the best thing to do is to shut up. Podcasts are a talker’s game. But sometimes the sound does the talking.

Magnificent Midwestern Summer

As a result I spent last summer recording the sound of a magnificent Midwestern Summer.

Walk Through Summer

To sum up, now all you have to do is put headphones on and walk through that incredible summer.


The heat. Storms. All the things we associate with summer you can hear in Summer-Sounds-Winter-Relief-Bob Davis Podcast 983.

Sound Recording Geek

In the same vein listeners to these podcasts know I get around. As a nomad I get to record sound from where ever I go. I often can be seen with headphones on pointing a microphone in the direction of some interesting sound. Meanwhile, others are enjoying whatever is going on.


In conclusion to some degree I experience life through headphones.

Feel Better

Truth is, it made me feel better just to produce this podcast.

Summer’s Around The Corner

Summer’s around the corner, or at the tip of your fingers…and headphones.

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Summer-Sounds-Winter-Relief-Bob Davis Podcast 983


Nashville-Broadway-Saturday-Night-Bob Davis Podcast 965

Nashville Broadway Saturday Night

What’s Nashville’s Broadway District like on a Saturday night? It’s something you have to hear to believe. I’ll take you there in Nashville-Broadway-Saturday-Night-Bob Davis Podcast 965.

Friends Out On Broadway

First of all every time I come to Tennessee I visit my friend John Holland and we do a podcast.

A Nomad Checks In On Music City

Second when John moved to Nashville and I went nomad, I knew I’d be visiting Music City at some point.

Riding And Podcasting

But rather than sit around and talk, we thought we’d take a ride through one of the top tourist attractions in Nashville and do a podcast.

So that’s the backdrop for Nashville-Broadway-Saturday-Night-Bob Davis Podcast 965.

Covid Concerns In Nashville

Above all there sure doesn’t seem to be much concern about Covid here! Thousands of people in the streets. Many of them wearing masks. Many not.

Certainly Broadway is a tourist attraction. However it is a lot of fun just to see so many people having so much fun.

Having Fun On Broadway

Party buses. Pedal Pubs. Bar band after bar band “turning it up to eleven” to compete with each other and the street musicians.

Stories Too

More importantly there’s a lot of stories in this podcast.

New City New Job

Moving to a new city for a new job. All the usual stories about Nashville’s real “down home” nice.

Further plenty to talk about when it comes to Tennessee’s lack of a state income tax and business friendly environment. The state is growing, of course. But Nashville is a major city these days.

Big Changes In Nashville

A big change from what it was like when I used to come through here on Family road trips.

Trump Country?

Of course everyone I know wants to know what it’s like in “Trump Country”.

Not So Fast

On the other hand Nashville is a more cosmopolitan place than it used to be. Meanwhile Tennessee itself of course votes ‘red’.

Finger On The Pulse

John Holland gives us his usual political run down. After spending years in Chattanooga, Tennessee and working in many of the south’s now burgeoning cities, he’s usually got his finger on the pulse.

Media Town

Finally the fact is, I was amazed at the number of people living in the Nashville Metro who work in media.

The music business, recording studios, film and video production, music itself and much more.

Finally it’s obvious from a trip through Broadway on a Saturday Night, Nashville loves to party.

The Real Nashville…Next Time

Even more I can’t wait to come back and see the real down home Nashville the locals know.

Music City works for me!

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Nashville-Broadway-Saturday-Night-Bob Davis Podcast 965




Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847

Peak Summer

We’re living through a pretty intense time these days. Moreover I noticed something I call ‘peak summer‘ recently. It’s a pristine moment when time seems to stop and you can’t get enough. Learn more in Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847.

A Time To Transcend The BS

In addition I think summer has a transformational quality. You can transcend all the BS. Especially in that moment when evening turns to dusk, the moon rises, and night starts to come on.

Power of Sound Gets It Across

I am fascinated with the power of sound. You can’t really film peak summer. Oh sure, some movies capture it. Pictures sometimes get it. On the other hand recording peak summer bottles the experience.

Evening Becomes Night and You Are There

As a result I have been out recording blocks of sound. In Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847 listen to evening become night. You’ll have to put up with my explanation of why summer is transformative and some summer memories.

Summer Memories

I first experienced peak summer when I was a kid. Seems like around twelve, thirteen or fourteen. When you hit that age there is a natural separation from the family and a yearning for freedom.

Freedom and Independence

Maybe due to age, maybe by my insistence, my parents relaxed the rules a little during those times. I got to stay out later. Spent the night on the front porch, or in my fort in the backyard.

A Night Owl Returns To His Roots

I’ve always been a night owl. Consequently I spent a lot of time on the front stoop on those summer nights, listening to the radio and dreaming the way a kid dreams about the future.

It’s most noteworthy that these days I seem to have returned to those halcyon days. The glow of the street lights. Wind in the trees. The sound of trains in the big switching yard in my home down.

Don’t Forget To Enjoy It

We’re at the moment of peak summer right  now. Enjoy It.


I don’t have to tell people who live in the Upper Midwest, it’s a fleeting and magical moment. But I can share it with you…

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Peak-Summer-Triggers-Transformation-Bob Davis Podcast 847