What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

What Makes Your Soul Happy

Above all what makes your soul happy? Recently after a week with a hundred plus degree fever I awoke to this question. Details in What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144.

This Question

Firstly none other than Joseph Campbell suggested that as time goes on and we age we’re left with this question.

This Question Is Dangerous

Certainly when we’re young we don’t make the time for these kinds of thoughts,

Even more a thought like what makes your soul happy is even dangerous.

Because we’re bringing things into this world.

For example family, marriage, getting that great job, starting businesses and so on.

In short making our dreams come true.

But as we age eventually the world recedes and the body gives out.

Of course we know this.

Province of Any Age

Therefore while it is the province of age to nurture our soul it doesn’t hurt to devote some time to this question.

Another Year Of Nomad Life?

As a matter of fact as a nomad I had been considering whether I want to continue to do this.

Quartzsite Nomad Experience

In light of this question I suggest in this podcast that I felt I’d had it with the whole “Quartzsite Nomad Experience” last winter.

Wondering Why

And really wonder why I do this at all sometimes.

On the other hand there is the question of what makes my soul happy.

Looking Back

As an illustration some thoughts come to my about my own childhood.

Wild Child

Because I was a wild child much of my motivations and actions in life seemed impulsive.


No Plan Might Just Be A Plan

And yet my decisions to do this or that sometimes on a whim seemed to always work out.


Given these points I have been considering some changes and wondering whether I want to continue for a fifth year on the road.

To say nothing of the fever.

So when I woke up and asked myself that question…

The answers formed this podcast.

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What-Makes-Your-Soul-Happy-Bob Davis Podcast 1144

Summer-Sounds-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1045

Summer Sounds 2022 Immersion Therapy

Firstly I think we all need a break from the craziness right now. I’ll give you that in Summer-Sounds-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1045.


Secondly put your headphones on to listen.

Spring Is Here

Certainly spring is here.

Not In The North

But in much of the northern tier winter can still come back with a vengeance.

Real Summer Experience

And the real summer experience is a few months away for most northerners.

Sounds You Might Be Missing

Even more if you live in the desert but were raised up north there’s a lot of sound in Summer-Sounds-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1045 you might be missing.

Yearly Project

In addition this is a yearly project for me.

Therefore here’s a link to some of the other summer sounds podcasts I’ve done.

Usually I produce Summer Sounds podcasts in mid winter.

However I was a little delayed this year.

Mountains to Plains

For example unlike other years I’ve traveled all over the US this year collecting sounds from the mountains to the plains and back again.


For example a drum circle in Arizona and fireworks on a Wisconsin lake.


Or the wind more than a mile high in Colorado.


And campfires from Montana to New Mexico.


Summer in all its glory.

No Talk

Finally I don’t talk much in Summer-Sounds-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1045.

In short I talk at the beginning and briefly at the end.

So you won’t be jolted from your summer experience.

Constant Barrage Ends Here

And these days I think most of need to talk less!

That is to say we’re under constant barrage from media.

Telling us what happened and what’s gonna happen.

Stress Cure

Therefore our stress levels are through the roof.

Playing With Sound

To sum up I felt better just producing this podcast. Playing with sound. Discovering sounds I didn’t even know I recorded during travel this year.

Power Of Sound

In conclusion sound is powerful. It can take us down.

Or lift us up.

Further we all need a good lift right about now.

Summer Is Coming

Of course the good news is we won’t have to wait long for the real summer to come.

A Wish For Peace

Above all here’s wishing your summer to be peaceful.

Where ever you are.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating in Saint Paul Minnesota

Summer-Sounds-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1045

Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003

Finding Happiness In Nomad Life

Firstly can you find happiness in nomad life? Learn more about my experience in Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

Big Subject

Secondly it’s a big subject for one podcast. Find more podcasts about nomad life here.

However I’ll give it a shot on a barefoot around the woods and lake.


Life used to be all about survival.

Happiness As A Life Purpose

Certainly happiness as a life purpose is a relatively new thing.

Because these days our basic survival needs are easier to address.

But survival is still the primary purpose of life in some places.

Time To Think

Finally here at the Wisconsin Base Camp there’s time to think about these ideas.

Find out my conclusions by listening to Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

New Questions About Nomad Life

In addition I still get fun questions about nomad life.

For instance how long am I going to keep doing this.

And what are the negatives of nomad life.

I couldn’t really think of any.

To clarify I would say questions of time and resources play a role.

In addition how fast I need to move around the country to address a business concern.

Opportunities Not Negatives

On the other hand I take “negatives” as opportunities.

Life Lessons

There’s a life lesson there.

How do you measure happiness?

Higher Vibration

In the same vein there’s something about being unbound and unburdened that seems to promote a higher vibration.

In short these days thousands of people are refusing to return to offices.

Hitting The Road

Even more many are hitting the road.

They are chucking their old life for the promise of something new.

And we now have the tools to do it!

To sum up that’s what nomad life is all about.

Something Going On

Likewise there’s something going on with this nomad ‘thing’.

Americans are definitely more motivated to take control of their lives in a way I have not seen before.

Taking Back Our Power

Moreover we don’t have to be a nomad to take back our power.

For many it’s making the decision to continue to work from home.

Or a pretty rad cabin in the woods.

Meaning and Happiness

In short the search for happiness and meaning in life is intensifying.

Back Roads

In conclusion I find meaning on the back roads and it’s pretty great.

Sponsored by Nathan Nelson and the Strategic Business Lawyers at Virtus Law

Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003