Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003

Finding Happiness In Nomad Life

Firstly can you find happiness in nomad life? Learn more about my experience in Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

Big Subject

Secondly it’s a big subject for one podcast. Find more podcasts about nomad life here.

However I’ll give it a shot on a barefoot around the woods and lake.


Life used to be all about survival.

Happiness As A Life Purpose

Certainly happiness as a life purpose is a relatively new thing.

Because these days our basic survival needs are easier to address.

But survival is still the primary purpose of life in some places.

Time To Think

Finally here at the Wisconsin Base Camp there’s time to think about these ideas.

Find out my conclusions by listening to Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

New Questions About Nomad Life

In addition I still get fun questions about nomad life.

For instance how long am I going to keep doing this.

And what are the negatives of nomad life.

I couldn’t really think of any.

To clarify I would say questions of time and resources play a role.

In addition how fast I need to move around the country to address a business concern.

Opportunities Not Negatives

On the other hand I take “negatives” as opportunities.

Life Lessons

There’s a life lesson there.

How do you measure happiness?

Higher Vibration

In the same vein there’s something about being unbound and unburdened that seems to promote a higher vibration.

In short these days thousands of people are refusing to return to offices.

Hitting The Road

Even more many are hitting the road.

They are chucking their old life for the promise of something new.

And we now have the tools to do it!

To sum up that’s what nomad life is all about.

Something Going On

Likewise there’s something going on with this nomad ‘thing’.

Americans are definitely more motivated to take control of their lives in a way I have not seen before.

Taking Back Our Power

Moreover we don’t have to be a nomad to take back our power.

For many it’s making the decision to continue to work from home.

Or a pretty rad cabin in the woods.

Meaning and Happiness

In short the search for happiness and meaning in life is intensifying.

Back Roads

In conclusion I find meaning on the back roads and it’s pretty great.

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Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003