Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003

Finding Happiness In Nomad Life

Firstly can you find happiness in nomad life? Learn more about my experience in Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

Big Subject

Secondly it’s a big subject for one podcast. Find more podcasts about nomad life here.

However I’ll give it a shot on a barefoot around the woods and lake.


Life used to be all about survival.

Happiness As A Life Purpose

Certainly happiness as a life purpose is a relatively new thing.

Because these days our basic survival needs are easier to address.

But survival is still the primary purpose of life in some places.

Time To Think

Finally here at the Wisconsin Base Camp there’s time to think about these ideas.

Find out my conclusions by listening to Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003.

New Questions About Nomad Life

In addition I still get fun questions about nomad life.

For instance how long am I going to keep doing this.

And what are the negatives of nomad life.

I couldn’t really think of any.

To clarify I would say questions of time and resources play a role.

In addition how fast I need to move around the country to address a business concern.

Opportunities Not Negatives

On the other hand I take “negatives” as opportunities.

Life Lessons

There’s a life lesson there.

How do you measure happiness?

Higher Vibration

In the same vein there’s something about being unbound and unburdened that seems to promote a higher vibration.

In short these days thousands of people are refusing to return to offices.

Hitting The Road

Even more many are hitting the road.

They are chucking their old life for the promise of something new.

And we now have the tools to do it!

To sum up that’s what nomad life is all about.

Something Going On

Likewise there’s something going on with this nomad ‘thing’.

Americans are definitely more motivated to take control of their lives in a way I have not seen before.

Taking Back Our Power

Moreover we don’t have to be a nomad to take back our power.

For many it’s making the decision to continue to work from home.

Or a pretty rad cabin in the woods.

Meaning and Happiness

In short the search for happiness and meaning in life is intensifying.

Back Roads

In conclusion I find meaning on the back roads and it’s pretty great.

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Finding-Happiness-In-Nomad-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1003






Spacetime-Is-Making-Us Crazy-Bob Davis Podcast 952

Spacetime Did What?

First of all spacetime is as much a mystery to me as to anyone else. Learn more in Spacetime-Is-Making-Us Crazy-Bob Davis Podcast 952.

We’re All Nutty Now

But something happened in deep space recently and it might be effecting us now. Secondly I’ve done a number of podcasts about how nutty everyone is right now.

Thoughts Invading My Brain

Finally as I counted down the final hours of Labor Day Weekend and essentially the end of summer these are the thoughts invading my brain!

Front Porch Podcast

So join me on the front porch, in the rain, for Spacetime-Is-Making-Us Crazy-Bob Davis Podcast 952.

Black Holes

Above all, in May of 2019 astronomers detected a collision of two black holes millions of light years from us.

Collisions Light Years Away

To clarify this collision happened millions of years ago and we only saw it last year. Find out in Spacetime-Is-Making-Us Crazy-Bob Davis Podcast 952.

Spacetime Was Disrupted!

However as the light reached us here on Earth, so did the disruption in spacetime.

Shock Wave!

Even more while these kinds of things are fairly common out there in deep space this collision was epic. Two giant black holes and one giant interstellar shock wave!

New Reality?

Certainly ever since Einstein we’re living in a new reality. We think of reality differently in the last one hundred years than we did a hundred years before the theory of relativity..

Developments You Might Have Missed

And I wonder whether these seemingly benign developments out there in deep don’t effect us here in time. Deeply. The Metaphysical community certainly thinks it’s possible.

Crazy You Say?

However that’s crazy, right?

Crazier Than Today’s News?

Not any crazier than people going nuts at Walmart because they’ve been asked to wear a mask.

Deep State

Or quoting an unidentified person from the Internet who has ‘inside’ information on the mysterious workings of the ‘deep state’.

Maybe This Explains It

Therefore consider this explanation for what ails us.

Changes In Magnetic Fields

In conclusion human beings are animals, and we are very small in comparison to the rest of the universe we live in. What if we are more deeply effected by changes in our gravitational and magnetic fields?

Time Of Change

Likewise there’s no question we’re in a time of change.

Chem Trails You Say?

Some say it’s social media. Others, electronic energy fields. Chem Trails.

Collision On The Edge Of Town

In short, why not magnetic and gravitational fall out from a collision of black holes out there on the edge of town?

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(Editor’s Note: In this podcast I suggest modern humans coexisted with Cro Magnon man. I meant to say Neanderthals. And it is documented that so called modern man existed with its closest predecessor. However there is also research that suggests that indeed Cro Magnon may have also coexisted with the more advanced Homo sapiens.)

Spacetime-Is-Making-Us Crazy-Bob Davis Podcast 952