Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101

Nomad Dollars And Sense

To begin with I am going to do a series of podcasts discussing dollars and sense for the nomad. Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 is the first in that series.


Most importantly Part1 deals exclusively with our preconceptions about what exactly “The Economy” actually is.

Updates Podcast 1069

And this podcast series updates earlier comprehensive podcasts about the economy and the nomad.

In fact this is necessary because I want to deal with specific metrics in the second podcast in this series.

Business Coverage

Most importantly the reality of business news coverage these days is mostly political.

Or it is alarmist.

No Overlay

That is to say if you overlay a political or religious template on economic information you lose the ability to analyze what is going on.

Force Of Nature

Certainly the overall world economy is a force of nature.

In other words a force similar to waves on the ocean.

Therefore making predictions about outcomes is extraordinarily difficult.


And our modern information channels are filled with misinformation.


In addition there are many charlatans spreading misinformation for their own purposes.


I have also learned it takes a long time to get comfortable with terms and context when it comes to financial markets and economic discussions.

My Story

Firstly I’ll tell you a little about my story as a nomad and how I became intensely interested in this subject.

Secondly I’ll tell you why I think the economy in general is at an inflection point.

And what that all means.

Podcast Series

Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 sets up the next podcast which will deal with the key data in the economy I have learned to look at.

Finally it comes down to whether you are Pollyanna or a Cassandra.

Moreover why so many main street business owners are in fact Pollyanna.

And why they’re missing the latest economic data which could signal what is just head.

To sum up the nomad wonders when fuel prices will collapse.

And when food prices will come down.

Even more the one hundred and eighty million Americans who aren’t millionaires and billionaires wonder when they will get a break.

The answers to those questions begin with a baseline for a dollars and sense evaluation of conditions as they are.

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Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101


Nomad-Relaunch-Go-West-Bob Davis Podcast 990

Nomad Relaunch Going West Next

Above all it has been a minute or two and now it’s time for a nomad relaunch to go west. Details in Nomad-Relaunch-Go-West-Bob Davis Podcast 990.

Florida and Outer Banks

First of all, just returned from my trip to Florida and along the Outer Banks.

Podcast Avoidance

In addition I avoided doing a podcast for at least week.

Coming To The End Of Family Work

Most importantly we were coming to the end of our work here in Richmond related to family.

No More From The Driveway Podcasts

Secondly it did not feel right to me, doing another spate of podcasts from my mom’s driveway in Richmond.

Back On The Road

Consequently I made the decision to get back on the road.

Questions About Nomad Life

Meanwhile time for a podcast with some of the questions people keep asking me about my decision to go nomad

Future Travel

And some plans for future travels.

Normies With Questions

For example people wonder why I don’t “live somewhere” and travel for a few weeks and “come home”.

We’re Worried About You

Moreover I’ve been told people are “worried” about me.

Getting The Nomad Thing Explained

Finally it’s clear the so called normal world just doesn’t get the nomad thing.

No Half Million Dollar RV For Me

Certainly I did not sell a big house and buy a half million dollar RV. Nothing even close.

Actually Having Fun

However people I’ve met actually having fun are driving aged trucks in various states of disrepair.

Flight Of Fancy

Lots of flights of fancy in Nomad-Relaunch-Go-West-Bob Davis Podcast 990 to clarify some of these ideas.

Pure Freedom Through Forever Travel

In the same vein there’s really nothing that compares to the feeling of pure freedom which is part of travel without having to come home, because you are home.

Are We Really Free?

In short I wonder whether we are truly free in this country.


Burdened with debt.


Forced to work in situations we don’t feel comfortable in.


Restricted in one way or another these days.

We Can Drive If We Want To

In conclusion for the time being the one thing we can do is drive. See the country when, where and how we want.

I can’t wait to head back out.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

Nomad-Relaunch-Go-West-Bob Davis Podcast 990



There-Is-Something-Going-On-Bob Davis Podcast 954

Have You Ever Felt Like There Is Something Going On?

Firstly have you ever felt like there is something going on? Something you can’t quite put a finger on. More importantly a feeling welling up from deep inside. That’s what There-Is-Something-Going-On-Bob Davis Podcast 954 is all about.

Feelings Rule In This Podcast

Second I know this is weird. Therefore this is not a ‘fact-based’ podcast. This is about feelings and trusting your feelings or intuition.

Wanting To Go!

Most importantly many people seem to have this instinctive urge to ‘get away’. To ‘Go’. So this podcast is for them.

Everyone Wants to Go To Ground

In addition real estate in rural and exurban areas is hot right now. Lots of houses in the city up for sale. RV’s sales and prices are through the roof.

All At Once

Seems like everyone wants to hit the road, move to the country. All at once.

Is There Something Going On?

Certainly this begs the question. Is this some kind of animal instinct. Like going to ground before an earthquake?

What Do We Do With Our Instincts?

Moreover do we listen to our instincts or rationalize them away? And, what happens when we do that?

Not Everyone Can Be A Nomad Or Buy A Farm

Meanwhile life goes on. Not everyone can become a nomad or buy a farm.

The Rational And The Sensitive

Finally some do not feel the urge at all.

Doesn’t Mean There Isn’t Something Going On

On the other hand if some feel it and some don’t one doesn’t invalidate the other.

Feel The Feels

In the same vein I’ll just say I feel this urge strongly.

Trouble Ahead

Even more, my instincts tell me there’s more trouble ahead and this might be what some people are reacting to.

Mayhem And Madness…Seem Normal Now

In the same vein, fill in the blank with whatever mayhem you think we might have to face.

2020 Is A Very Strange Year

Given what we have already dealt with in 2020, I don’t think anyone can say, “That’s not going to happen”, with any degree of confidence!

Strange Brew

In conclusion, I don’t know what I’ll do with these feelings.

Speak My Truth And Move On

Finally I do know that I can’t move on with my regular podcast schedule without getting this off my chest. That is what I do in There-Is-Something-Going-On-Bob Davis Podcast 954.

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There-Is-Something-Going-On-Bob Davis Podcast 954