Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101

Nomad Dollars And Sense

To begin with I am going to do a series of podcasts discussing dollars and sense for the nomad. Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 is the first in that series.


Most importantly Part1 deals exclusively with our preconceptions about what exactly “The Economy” actually is.

Updates Podcast 1069

And this podcast series updates earlier comprehensive podcasts about the economy and the nomad.

In fact this is necessary because I want to deal with specific metrics in the second podcast in this series.

Business Coverage

Most importantly the reality of business news coverage these days is mostly political.

Or it is alarmist.

No Overlay

That is to say if you overlay a political or religious template on economic information you lose the ability to analyze what is going on.

Force Of Nature

Certainly the overall world economy is a force of nature.

In other words a force similar to waves on the ocean.

Therefore making predictions about outcomes is extraordinarily difficult.


And our modern information channels are filled with misinformation.


In addition there are many charlatans spreading misinformation for their own purposes.


I have also learned it takes a long time to get comfortable with terms and context when it comes to financial markets and economic discussions.

My Story

Firstly I’ll tell you a little about my story as a nomad and how I became intensely interested in this subject.

Secondly I’ll tell you why I think the economy in general is at an inflection point.

And what that all means.

Podcast Series

Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101 sets up the next podcast which will deal with the key data in the economy I have learned to look at.

Finally it comes down to whether you are Pollyanna or a Cassandra.

Moreover why so many main street business owners are in fact Pollyanna.

And why they’re missing the latest economic data which could signal what is just head.

To sum up the nomad wonders when fuel prices will collapse.

And when food prices will come down.

Even more the one hundred and eighty million Americans who aren’t millionaires and billionaires wonder when they will get a break.

The answers to those questions begin with a baseline for a dollars and sense evaluation of conditions as they are.

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Nomad-Dollars-Sense-Part1-Bob Davis Podcast 1101


YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815

They used to say don’t believe everything you read. These days that maxim applies to just about any story. Especially when it comes to YouTube. We’ll talk about it in YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815.

Love YouTube

Right off the bat, I love YouTube. Furthermore, I spend way too much time going down the rabbit hole of videos in my feed, based on videos I have watched.

Propaganda On YouTube

Some people love watching videos about how to install motorcycle parts. Some people love crazy theories about the end of the world and conspiracy theories. Especially relevant is my hobby of pointing out propaganda on YouTube. In addition, my questions about Americans joining less educated populations in believing mostly pure nonsense. Propaganda as a purpose. As a result, we’re gonna get into it in YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815.

Sun No Longer Shining

Lately the motherlode of propaganda and other hogwash are videos from someone who claims to be a Doctor Claudia Albers. Moreover her claims get more absurd by the day. For instance, the sun is no longer shining. Our light comes from “sun simulators“.

I Just Got A Call and You Won’t Believe What’s About To Happen

In addition, videos by so called ‘people in the know’. The guy on YouTube who claims to “know someone” in the Defense Department, FEMA or some shadowy agency. “Hey Guys”, they chirp. “I just got a call and it’s about to go down“.

Hoodwinking America For Fun and Profit

Certainly these videos appear to be pure fantasy. Therefore I wonder how many people are hoodwinked into believing conspiracy theory and pure nonsense. Aside from making YouTube a vast intellectual wasteland, above all is there a rhyme or reason to this madness? I think there is.

If YouTube Is The Source How Do We Know What’s Real?

Considering the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine, in the final analysis what is fact or fiction? Who funds these channels? What is their impact?

Finally if mistrust and confusion is the goal of propaganda, this particular current sample from YouTube is the Motherlode.

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YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815