Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918

Is It Time To Turn America Back On?

These days social media is a hot mess of disputes about the extent of the corona virus. Maybe it’s time to Turn America Back On. Who wants to be first? Learn more in Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918.

Corona Is A Partisan Football

It’s most noteworthy now that a virus which doesn’t care who you are or what political party you like, has become a partisan football.

Social Media Is The Real Pandemic

Especially relevant is the question of whether Social Media is the real pandemic.

Heavy Stress

Moreover we’re all under stress. I don’t feel anxious or depressed but one never knows.

Endless and Useless Arguments

Certainly our levels of anxiety and stress are amplified by endless arguments on Facebook and Twitter. Is there a cure? Could the models be wrong? Is this tyranny? Will the economy bounce back? Should we turn America back on? Everyone’s talking about it!

My Video Beats Your Meme!

No one really knows for sure. But that guy on Facebook does and he has a video from another guy to prove it.

Facebook Is Real Bro!

First of all I’m amazed that people who consider anything from the so called main stream media is fake news, completely believe a meme on social media.

End The Bickering

I think it’s time to end this ridiculous bickering.

End Social Distancing

Finally the only way we’ll ever really know if social distancing works is to end it. Fire up the lights. Action please!

Go Back To Work

Do you think it’s time to turn America back on, and go back to work?

Sponsored by Auntie B Rentals and Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918




Will-Corona-Quarantine-Cause-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 913

Will Corona Quarantine Cause A Depression?

These days the word depression has begun to appear in the news. Especially relevant? We’re talking about economic depression because business is pretty much shut down. Will the Corona Quarantine Cause Depression? Learn more in Will-Corona-Quarantine-Cause-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 913.

Uncharted Waters

We’re in uncharted waters due to the pandemic. No nation has ever brought its economy to full stop in such a short period of time.

Biggest Reduction In Economic Growth Ever

Even more major banks are predicting at least a 25 percent reduction in US output in the first quarter.

Bigger Than The Great Depression

This is unprecedented even in the darkest days of the Great Depression back in the 1930’s.

What’s Done Is Done

While we can ask whether this was a good idea, what’s done is done.

Can We Hit Pause? Or will The Corona Quarantine Cause Depression?

Seems like people think you can ‘hit pause’. Come back in thirty, sixty, ninety or one hundred twenty days. Hit ‘play’ and everything will be fine.

Real Life

But above all, this is real life. Even though it seems like we’re in a movie, we’re not.

We May Not Be Able To Easily Restart

Economies may not start easily once they are shut down. Moreover the central banks have been running very loose monetary policies for years. I’ve done a lot of podcasts about this. The central banks may not have much ammunition left. I’ll tell you what this means in Will-Corona-Quarantine-Cause-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 913.

What About Actions Government Has Taken?

As a result of ordered lock downs the government has taken action in the last week or so.

Interest Rates Slashed

The federal reserve slashed interest rates twice. The effective interest rate is now zero.

Another 2 Trillion of Relief On The Way

A 2 trillion dollar relief package is working its way through congress.

One Thousand Dollar Checks

We’re all supposed to get one thousand dollar a month checks as needed.

Why Are They Doing This?

Certainly there’s a reason for all of this. It has to do with what a depression is and what causes it. I’ll explain it in Will-Corona-Quarantine-Cause-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 913. Are we there yet? Time will tell.

Making It Better…Or Worse

Finally in the end economists and policy makers will sift through whatever wreckage is left and tell us whether the measures taken now made things better or worse.

Short Deep Recession or Depression

In conclusion whether we have a short and deep recession or a world wide economic disaster known as a depression depends on what our leaders do now.

Out of Our Hands

It sure seems to me like it’s out of our hands.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Will-Corona-Quarantine-Cause-Depression?-Bob Davis Podcast 913

YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815

They used to say don’t believe everything you read. These days that maxim applies to just about any story. Especially when it comes to YouTube. We’ll talk about it in YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815.

Love YouTube

Right off the bat, I love YouTube. Furthermore, I spend way too much time going down the rabbit hole of videos in my feed, based on videos I have watched.

Propaganda On YouTube

Some people love watching videos about how to install motorcycle parts. Some people love crazy theories about the end of the world and conspiracy theories. Especially relevant is my hobby of pointing out propaganda on YouTube. In addition, my questions about Americans joining less educated populations in believing mostly pure nonsense. Propaganda as a purpose. As a result, we’re gonna get into it in YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815.

Sun No Longer Shining

Lately the motherlode of propaganda and other hogwash are videos from someone who claims to be a Doctor Claudia Albers. Moreover her claims get more absurd by the day. For instance, the sun is no longer shining. Our light comes from “sun simulators“.

I Just Got A Call and You Won’t Believe What’s About To Happen

In addition, videos by so called ‘people in the know’. The guy on YouTube who claims to “know someone” in the Defense Department, FEMA or some shadowy agency. “Hey Guys”, they chirp. “I just got a call and it’s about to go down“.

Hoodwinking America For Fun and Profit

Certainly these videos appear to be pure fantasy. Therefore I wonder how many people are hoodwinked into believing conspiracy theory and pure nonsense. Aside from making YouTube a vast intellectual wasteland, above all is there a rhyme or reason to this madness? I think there is.

If YouTube Is The Source How Do We Know What’s Real?

Considering the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine, in the final analysis what is fact or fiction? Who funds these channels? What is their impact?

Finally if mistrust and confusion is the goal of propaganda, this particular current sample from YouTube is the Motherlode.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

YouTube’s Hogwash Motherload-Bob Davis Podcast 815