Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930

Reaching The Limits Of Government Power

First of all this is a developing story. Even so, seems like people of all political stripes have about had it with the government. We’ll talk about it in Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930.

Developing Story

Especially relevant? We don’t know all the details in the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police.

Unprecedented Reaction

Even more riots are breaking out in the vicinity of the incident and across the metro. This has never happened before in Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

What’s The Pattern?

I see a pattern here. However I’m not sure others will appreciate it.

Feeling Our Fellow Citizens’ Pain

Above all some also will not appreciate the pain of the community where George Lloyd died recently.

Lock Down Protests

On the other hand protests against lock downs are still fresh, although these were orderly by comparison.


In Minnesota residents of communities far from Minneapolis took to the streets to protest what they called tyranny.

Trump’s Rule By Fiat

Finally the president of the United States issued yet another executive order limiting 1st amendment rights for the big social media companies. Learn more in Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930.

All In One Basket

Most importantly some will not agree with me putting all government over reach into one basket. But I think it works for this podcast. Whether it’s police, presidents, governors or mayors, people have about had it.

Incompetency, Arrogance and Danger Of Government Abuse Of Power

To clarify, I do it to draw attention to the increasing incompetency and arrogance of all our governments. It’s certainly been a theme in these podcasts.

No One Likes It

In conclusion, we’re all suffering.

No one likes shut downs.

We all feel it when any citizens are mistreated.

Self Inflicted Economic Catastrophe

Further, the whole country is suffering from a self inflicted economic catastrophe.

Riot and Carrying AR-15’s

In addition we can argue about whether people should riot, or carry AR-15’s to a protest at the capitol.

What’s undeniable? Apparently a lot of people are furious at the government. They’ve definitely got their reasons.

Word to the Wise

Certainly so called elected representatives and public servants better figure it out. And soon.

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Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930

Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918

Is It Time To Turn America Back On?

These days social media is a hot mess of disputes about the extent of the corona virus. Maybe it’s time to Turn America Back On. Who wants to be first? Learn more in Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918.

Corona Is A Partisan Football

It’s most noteworthy now that a virus which doesn’t care who you are or what political party you like, has become a partisan football.

Social Media Is The Real Pandemic

Especially relevant is the question of whether Social Media is the real pandemic.

Heavy Stress

Moreover we’re all under stress. I don’t feel anxious or depressed but one never knows.

Endless and Useless Arguments

Certainly our levels of anxiety and stress are amplified by endless arguments on Facebook and Twitter. Is there a cure? Could the models be wrong? Is this tyranny? Will the economy bounce back? Should we turn America back on? Everyone’s talking about it!

My Video Beats Your Meme!

No one really knows for sure. But that guy on Facebook does and he has a video from another guy to prove it.

Facebook Is Real Bro!

First of all I’m amazed that people who consider anything from the so called main stream media is fake news, completely believe a meme on social media.

End The Bickering

I think it’s time to end this ridiculous bickering.

End Social Distancing

Finally the only way we’ll ever really know if social distancing works is to end it. Fire up the lights. Action please!

Go Back To Work

Do you think it’s time to turn America back on, and go back to work?

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Turn-America-Back-On-Bob Davis Podcast 918




Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818

These days it is common to hear all kinds of cute ideas about changing the nature of our government. What’s good for the goose is not necessarily what’s good for the gander, especially when it comes to rights. Learn more in Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818.

A Republic Madam, If You Can Keep It

Moreover, apparently it has become controversial to correctly refer to The United States as a Representative Republic. Sanding and buffing away the differences in search of ‘democracy‘ in “These United States” has created a nearly monolithic “The United States”.

Civil War and World War 2

Especially relevant in this process were two significant events for the US and the world. The US Civil War and Reconstruction, and World War 2. Both events had far reaching consequences. I’ll explain why and how in Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818.

Buy Local

Consequently I think it is time to celebrate “These United States” as a concept. I have traveled on back roads all over this country. I have learned and often talked about the differences between states. While these differences should be celebrated, our politicians seem hell bent for leather to sand away the federal system. It’s time to suggest this action negatively effects our individual rights.


When it comes to our local, state and federal governments a key word is sovereignty. The concept of joint sovereignty in the United States federal system is often overlooked when it comes to politics. The fact that this is what makes it all work, is lost on politicians who want a chicken in every pot, or tell us our boys won’t be sent to any foreign wars.

Pure Democracy is the Mob

Finally I think one of the most overused words in politics today is ‘democracy‘. We are not a ‘democracy’. As a people we don’t decide every issue. We elect representatives to do that for us, so we can get on with the pursuit of happiness. When representatives start messing with sovereign rights it is time to “throw the bums out” regardless of party.

Don’t Mess With The Core Code

In conclusion when politicians start tinkering with the core code, getting rid of the electoral college, expanding the power of the federal government, turning the Supreme Court into a mini senate and increasing the membership of congress we should pay attention.

When government is used to solve all the world’s problems and “make” us happy, tyranny is often the result.

(Photo By Andrew Davis)

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Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818