Media-Distorts-Poll-Results-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 932

Media Back To Its Old Tricks

Firstly the media is back to its old tricks. They are showing a shocking level of ignorance when it comes to political polls. Learn in Media-Distorts-Poll-Results-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 932.

Predicting The Future. Again.

Secondly we should be suspicious of a media with a penchant for predicting the future.

No Partisan Coverage of Election 2020 Here

More importantly I have avoided partisan criticism of the president. In addition I have refused to engage in the same kind of misinformation when it comes to potential presidential candidates. Now you understand why.

No Partisan Issue Advocacy Here Either

Moreover I refuse to advocate for partisan issues or tell listeners and subscribers what to think.

Political Polling Coverage

Therefore I am starting my political coverage of presidential polling for 2020.

State By State Reports

To clarify from time to time I will do some podcasts discussing recent polling on a state by state basis.

Ignorant Story Lines

Truth is, the story lines being created now may or may not be the eventual result. I’ll explain why in Media-Distorts-Poll-Results-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 932.

All About The Electoral Vote

Even more we choose our presidents through the electoral college. We do not vote directly for the office of president in the United States.This reality forces presidential campaigns to develop electoral strategies.

Divided? Really?

Above all we keep hearing how the United States has become a ‘divided’ country. It’s the Blue States against the Red States.

County By County Vote Totals

But county by county vote totals show the votes are often ‘blue’ or ‘red’ by pluralities, not majorities.

National Presidential Polls Are Useless

Finally citing national popularity polls, presidential job approval polls, or even national political preference is little more than a waste of time.

Another Close Contest, So Far…

In conclusion, the 2020 presidential race at this time looks like another close contest. Unless that reality changes it’s going to come down to some key states.

Still Not A Lot Of Polling Data For Battleground States

Meanwhile polling data is not available for all the so called battleground states.

Fantasy Reporting

In short don’t believe everything you hear.

(Editor’s Note: I refer to both candidates running as ‘presidents’. Obviously I meant President Trump and former Vice President Biden. In addition at the time of recording of this podcast  results of the Iowa US Senate Primary had not been released. Due to this, no polls were available on the race. The primary was held on June 2nd, 2020. I said no democrat had yet been selected in the Iowa US Senate Race, which includes Senator Joni Ernst as the republican incumbent. This was true at the time. Now Ernst has a democratic opponent. For the results go here.)

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Media-Distorts-Poll-Results-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 932


Midnight-Curfew-WalkandTalk-Bob Davis Podcast 931

Rules For WalkandTalk Podcast

Firstly, rules for the walk and talk podcast are no preparation and no plan. Just walking and talking. Time to take a break from the surreal world we live in. Join me on the walk in Midnight-Curfew-WalkandTalk-Bob Davis Podcast 931.

Throw The Plan Out

Secondly, I did have some things I thought I would talk about in this podcast. As soon as I got outside I threw all of that out.

Switch On Summer

Above all, we’re having a warm beginning of June here in the Upper Midwest. We don’t take that lightly.

Back In The Day

On the other hand it’s still hard for me to believe that 75 days ago we were living ‘normal’ lives.

What’s Next?

These days there’s a surreal quality to everything. Consequently we don’t have a sense of where things are headed. How any of this will play out is anyone’s guess.

No Predictions Here

Above all there is my firm commitment not to tell listeners and subscribers what to think or how we should proceed. Everyone is going to have to come to their own conclusions.

Living Through Difficult Times

Certainly I wonder how people felt during times of upheaval in history. Subsequently I am sure few of those people ‘knew’ where ‘things’ were going or how it would turn out.

Sure Hope Something Else Doesn’t Happen!

For example someone remarked to me in a networking session this week, “I sure hope something else doesn’t happen!”.

Likewise I am sure.

Midnight Walk In The Moonlight Cures Just About Anything

Finally my antidote for angst about the future and the crisis we’re all living through is a midnight walk in the moonlight. Even during a curfew it works wonders every time.

Walk…And Talk

In short, join me while I take a walk and talk about some new audio equipment, the surreal times we’re living through and more in Midnight-Curfew-WalkandTalk-Bob Davis Podcast 931.

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Midnight-Curfew-WalkandTalk-Bob Davis Podcast 931



Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930

Reaching The Limits Of Government Power

First of all this is a developing story. Even so, seems like people of all political stripes have about had it with the government. We’ll talk about it in Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930.

Developing Story

Especially relevant? We don’t know all the details in the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police.

Unprecedented Reaction

Even more riots are breaking out in the vicinity of the incident and across the metro. This has never happened before in Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

What’s The Pattern?

I see a pattern here. However I’m not sure others will appreciate it.

Feeling Our Fellow Citizens’ Pain

Above all some also will not appreciate the pain of the community where George Lloyd died recently.

Lock Down Protests

On the other hand protests against lock downs are still fresh, although these were orderly by comparison.


In Minnesota residents of communities far from Minneapolis took to the streets to protest what they called tyranny.

Trump’s Rule By Fiat

Finally the president of the United States issued yet another executive order limiting 1st amendment rights for the big social media companies. Learn more in Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930.

All In One Basket

Most importantly some will not agree with me putting all government over reach into one basket. But I think it works for this podcast. Whether it’s police, presidents, governors or mayors, people have about had it.

Incompetency, Arrogance and Danger Of Government Abuse Of Power

To clarify, I do it to draw attention to the increasing incompetency and arrogance of all our governments. It’s certainly been a theme in these podcasts.

No One Likes It

In conclusion, we’re all suffering.

No one likes shut downs.

We all feel it when any citizens are mistreated.

Self Inflicted Economic Catastrophe

Further, the whole country is suffering from a self inflicted economic catastrophe.

Riot and Carrying AR-15’s

In addition we can argue about whether people should riot, or carry AR-15’s to a protest at the capitol.

What’s undeniable? Apparently a lot of people are furious at the government. They’ve definitely got their reasons.

Word to the Wise

Certainly so called elected representatives and public servants better figure it out. And soon.

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Reaching-Limits-Of-Government-Power-Bob Davis Podcast 930