Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818

These days it is common to hear all kinds of cute ideas about changing the nature of our government. What’s good for the goose is not necessarily what’s good for the gander, especially when it comes to rights. Learn more in Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818.

A Republic Madam, If You Can Keep It

Moreover, apparently it has become controversial to correctly refer to The United States as a Representative Republic. Sanding and buffing away the differences in search of ‘democracy‘ in “These United States” has created a nearly monolithic “The United States”.

Civil War and World War 2

Especially relevant in this process were two significant events for the US and the world. The US Civil War and Reconstruction, and World War 2. Both events had far reaching consequences. I’ll explain why and how in Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818.

Buy Local

Consequently I think it is time to celebrate “These United States” as a concept. I have traveled on back roads all over this country. I have learned and often talked about the differences between states. While these differences should be celebrated, our politicians seem hell bent for leather to sand away the federal system. It’s time to suggest this action negatively effects our individual rights.


When it comes to our local, state and federal governments a key word is sovereignty. The concept of joint sovereignty in the United States federal system is often overlooked when it comes to politics. The fact that this is what makes it all work, is lost on politicians who want a chicken in every pot, or tell us our boys won’t be sent to any foreign wars.

Pure Democracy is the Mob

Finally I think one of the most overused words in politics today is ‘democracy‘. We are not a ‘democracy’. As a people we don’t decide every issue. We elect representatives to do that for us, so we can get on with the pursuit of happiness. When representatives start messing with sovereign rights it is time to “throw the bums out” regardless of party.

Don’t Mess With The Core Code

In conclusion when politicians start tinkering with the core code, getting rid of the electoral college, expanding the power of the federal government, turning the Supreme Court into a mini senate and increasing the membership of congress we should pay attention.

When government is used to solve all the world’s problems and “make” us happy, tyranny is often the result.

(Photo By Andrew Davis)

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Celebrating These United States-Bob Davis Podcast 818

Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

Tensions are high these days. People fear violence. The media sells a coming Civil War. Now we’re hearing calls for ‘Unity’. Is it a con? Learn more in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Now We’re Tribes

A popular word these days is ‘tribal‘. People who think a certain way are a ‘tribe’. I thought we were all Americans. One tribe. Apparently not.

We’re Supposed To Disagree

Aren’t we supposed to disagree? Moreover we have a system designed to use disagreement to find the best path forward.

Is Unity Tyranny?

In this freewheeling talker, I suggest unity implies we all have to agree. Especially relevant is the problem pushing for ‘unity’ creates. You have to agree with me. I have to agree with you. Those who disagree or say things ‘we’ don’t agree with should be ‘sent away’. Listen to Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Emotionally Charged Environment

In addition media goes for the emotional hook. Because we’re in an emotionally charged environment, there’s no context. Even more, trends of thought or story lines pass for ‘news’. Large swaths of the population get their information without history or context from social media.

False Choice

Most noteworthy in a world fueled by feelings, talking heads tell us we have to choose “between war and peace”. Civil war or Civil peace. Certainly this is a false choice and a very dangerous suggestion. More in Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772.

Celebrate Factionalism

Finally factionalism is a natural human tendency. That’s ok. Social systems designed to weed out factions are tyrannies. If we both agree, one of us is unnecessary.

Read History Gain Perspective

In conclusion beware of all this unity talk. If we can’t disagree and talk about problems, we can’t solve them. Celebrate differences. Read history. Consequently gain perspective.

Freedom Isn’t Easy

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Unity Confidence Game-American Tribes-Bob Davis Podcast 772

American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

These days political violence, mobs and otherwise boorish behavior are all the rage when it comes to politics. I’ll talk about it in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Safe Spaces And Don’t Let The Other Guy Talk

Our politics is more about not letting the other guy talk than it is about discussing issues and solutions. From open attacks to never ending investigations. From confronting politicos while they eat to running innocents over with a car or shooting congressmen. Most noteworthy are recent mailings of bombs to prominent democrats, although at the time of this writing it has not been determined who sent them.

Tear Down This Wall, Cause I said So!

Especially relevant are demands to tear down whatever the other guy wants. Through it all, continuing complaints about how the other side is ‘destroying American Democracy’.

Conspiracy Theory and Rumor

In addition ‘news’ is mostly conspiracy theory and rumor. No wonder Russia and China find it easy to erode Americans’ faith in their political institutions, using social media platforms.

It’s A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Forget for a moment the United States is technically not a democracy. In fact, our government is a representative republic. We The People are the sovereign. Our government is supposed to have limited power to solve the problems we want it to solve. Has it become to big? Find out in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Fear The Mob

Finally what our founders feared the most was the mob. Throngs of louts pushing their will onto the minority. Makes you wonder whether we could actually recreate a republic dedicated to limited government and liberty if we had to do it all over again.

Civil War Talk Is Foolishness

In conclusion all this seems to encourage fools who write and talk about civil war. Who would win? What would happen? Meanwhile we spend, tax and borrow more and more to do less and less.


Truth is people can barely name more than two presidents, don’t know when the actual American Civil War took place, and are fine with government power when it benefits them. Sounds like Idiocracy to me.

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American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770