Rule Of Law-Rhetoric-Bob Davis Podcast 831

Rule Of Law Battle Cry

The latest battle cry among democrats is “We don’t follow the rule of law in this country these days”. Is the House of Representatives playing the white knight battling a lawless pretender in the White House? Find out in Rule Of Law-Rhetoric-Bob Davis Podcast 831.

Democrats and Republicans Fight Like Cats and Dogs

Especially relevant is the ongoing battle between democrats the house and the republican president. The flashpoint? Recent committee hearings on Attorney General Barr’s ‘summary’ of the Mueller report on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

A Bad Divorce

Even more like a bad divorce, Mueller publicly released a letter criticizing Barr’s summary. Consequently a House committee ‘investigating’ Barr’s conclusions demanded Barr ‘testify’ again. Barr refused. As a result, the House Judiciary Committee finds Barr in “contempt of congress”.

Media Churns Up Outrage With Little Background

Hit play on the media machine and this is what you get. Gasp. Barr is in ‘contempt’. Trump is not ‘obeying’ the ‘rule of law’! Horrors! Due to this contempt of the rule of law, something must be done!

What does ‘contempt of congress’ mean?

Will Trump and Barr be cellmates in the house jail?

Time For A Midnight Walk and Talk

On a midnight walk and talk I look into this. People shouting about the ‘rule of law’ might be shocked to learn just what contempt of congress means. How does contempt of congress contrast with contempt of court? Check out Rule Of Law-Rhetoric-Bob Davis Podcast 831.

Everyone Holds All Of Them In Contempt

In addition the administration is in distinguished company when it comes to contempt of congress. Presidents back to the federalists and anti federalists have held congress in contempt and have been held in contempt by congress.

A Kerfuffle Boiled Into ‘Crisis’

Finally do people fully understand the overblown “constitutional crisis” is nothing more than business as usual in Washington? Certainly these kinds of disputes are nothing new.

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Rule Of Law-Rhetoric-Bob Davis Podcast 831


American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

These days political violence, mobs and otherwise boorish behavior are all the rage when it comes to politics. I’ll talk about it in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Safe Spaces And Don’t Let The Other Guy Talk

Our politics is more about not letting the other guy talk than it is about discussing issues and solutions. From open attacks to never ending investigations. From confronting politicos while they eat to running innocents over with a car or shooting congressmen. Most noteworthy are recent mailings of bombs to prominent democrats, although at the time of this writing it has not been determined who sent them.

Tear Down This Wall, Cause I said So!

Especially relevant are demands to tear down whatever the other guy wants. Through it all, continuing complaints about how the other side is ‘destroying American Democracy’.

Conspiracy Theory and Rumor

In addition ‘news’ is mostly conspiracy theory and rumor. No wonder Russia and China find it easy to erode Americans’ faith in their political institutions, using social media platforms.

It’s A Republic, If You Can Keep It

Forget for a moment the United States is technically not a democracy. In fact, our government is a representative republic. We The People are the sovereign. Our government is supposed to have limited power to solve the problems we want it to solve. Has it become to big? Find out in American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770.

Fear The Mob

Finally what our founders feared the most was the mob. Throngs of louts pushing their will onto the minority. Makes you wonder whether we could actually recreate a republic dedicated to limited government and liberty if we had to do it all over again.

Civil War Talk Is Foolishness

In conclusion all this seems to encourage fools who write and talk about civil war. Who would win? What would happen? Meanwhile we spend, tax and borrow more and more to do less and less.


Truth is people can barely name more than two presidents, don’t know when the actual American Civil War took place, and are fine with government power when it benefits them. Sounds like Idiocracy to me.

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American Idiocracy-Incivility-Mobs-Bob Davis Podcast 770

Podcast 304

Snow Storms and Drones. Midweek update on the top stories, starting with the New York Blizzard of the century that fizzled. Now the Governor of New York, Governor of New Jersey and Mayor of New York City look like Chicken Little. A National Weather Service Meteorologist has apologized – profusely – for going so far as to suggest the city be evacuated. This is the same meteorologist who perfectly predicted Hurricane Sandy. Maybe he got lucky, or Pride Goeth Before The Fall. The Justice Department has investigated the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri last summer, and has decided – drum roll please – not to press charged against Police Officer Darren Wilson. Will there be apologies from the ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ crowd for lying? Don’t count on it. Remember the fanfare that greeted the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl last summer? Almost immediately his brothers in arms said he was a deserter. Now Bergdahl will have to go through a Court Martial to determine whether its true. Bergdahl stands to lose rank and at least three hundred thousand dollars in back pay and benefits. Finally a man described as a drunk ‘federal employee’ lost control of a drone Monday night while he was flying it ‘at an apartment building a few blocks from the White House’. He went to bed, woke up the next morning, heard it had crashed onto the lawn of the White House, and called the Secret Service himself to tell them that, yeah he was the guy. The employee works for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which provides the NSA and the Department Of Defense with … you know, stuff. This shows what off the shelf disruptive technology can do to centrally controlled structures, like give the secret service another black eye. Just what they need. The President was traveling Monday, and wasn’t at the White House, although his kids were. Sponsored by Depotstar