Podcast 341

Road Trip Part 1. The first leg of the do or die trip to California, USA. Don’t you hate it when you get twenty miles from home and you can’t remember whether you closed the garage door? The Mobile Podcast Command Unit rolls, from Minnesota, through Iowa, on its way to Kansas City. Observations on systems, donations from listeners, gratitude, and the ever present news media. (In a recent blog I suggested that in the wake of the missing airliner hysteria, now every time a plane crashes we will be on tenterhooks until we find out ‘what happened’. This time, ‘something’ indeed did happen!) In any case it’s nice to actually wait until the so called ‘black box’ is discovered before you speculate on ‘what happened’. We live in a time filled with a lot of promise, and then people do stuff like this. But back to the road, where the fun is. But really? continuous coverage of Bowe Bergdahl’s indictment for desertion. Apparently no one is surprised. And one more thing; This labeling people on the political right as ‘populist’ when you don’t like them has to stop. It seems like these days, all the media does is name, categorize and rank things. This trip, straight down the middle of the United States should be interesting. From Dallas, we turn left on I-40, and head for Phoenix, in search of sun and warm air. Meanwhile, it’s hard to believe this old ambulance can tool down the road at 75 miles an hour. Find out if the first crisis – mileage – is really a crisis. (Thank God for the strong dollar and the oil bust!) Plus truck stops in Iowa, and rest stops in Missouri. Oh, yeah, and Des Moines. Sponsored by Autonomous Cad.  


I planned to make a special announcement over three weeks ago. Now, that I am on the verge of being able to make the announcement. I can’t work. I can’t think, until this gets done! The good news is, when I do announce it, I think most listeners and subscribers to the Bob Davis Podcasts will think it’s pretty cool.

Podcast 304

Snow Storms and Drones. Midweek update on the top stories, starting with the New York Blizzard of the century that fizzled. Now the Governor of New York, Governor of New Jersey and Mayor of New York City look like Chicken Little. A National Weather Service Meteorologist has apologized – profusely – for going so far as to suggest the city be evacuated. This is the same meteorologist who perfectly predicted Hurricane Sandy. Maybe he got lucky, or Pride Goeth Before The Fall. The Justice Department has investigated the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri last summer, and has decided – drum roll please – not to press charged against Police Officer Darren Wilson. Will there be apologies from the ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ crowd for lying? Don’t count on it. Remember the fanfare that greeted the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl last summer? Almost immediately his brothers in arms said he was a deserter. Now Bergdahl will have to go through a Court Martial to determine whether its true. Bergdahl stands to lose rank and at least three hundred thousand dollars in back pay and benefits. Finally a man described as a drunk ‘federal employee’ lost control of a drone Monday night while he was flying it ‘at an apartment building a few blocks from the White House’. He went to bed, woke up the next morning, heard it had crashed onto the lawn of the White House, and called the Secret Service himself to tell them that, yeah he was the guy. The employee works for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which provides the NSA and the Department Of Defense with … you know, stuff. This shows what off the shelf disruptive technology can do to centrally controlled structures, like give the secret service another black eye. Just what they need. The President was traveling Monday, and wasn’t at the White House, although his kids were. Sponsored by Depotstar