
A Patient Focused Solution To A Complicated and Expensive Process

These days paying for health and dental care is complicated and expensive. Learn more about Ethical-Dentistry-Reflections-Dental-Care here.

Ethical Dentistry At Reflections Dental Care

Reflections Dental Care Eases The Burden

Even more adding dental care to your insurance can be a burden too.

From The Bunker Blog Gives Readers Options

Firstly every now and then I like to use The From The Bunker Blog at The Bob Davis Podcasts to give podcast listeners and subscribers content they can use. That’s why this blog deals with Ethical-Dentistry-Reflections-Dental-Care.

Recommending Reflections Dental Care In Maple Grove Minnesota

Secondly when it comes to dental care, one of the best recommendations I can make is Reflections Dental Care in Maple Grove, Minnesota.

Here’s why

Reflections Dental Care is known for its patient focused approach. Moreover Reflections Dental Care is owned and operated by two great friends of mine; Doctor Anupam Gatecha and Reflections Dental Care’s business manager Hetal Gatecha.

One On One Patient Focus

Certainly in this day and age of corporate volume oriented businesses the one on one customer focus is often lost.

Why “Doctor G” Started Reflections Dental Care

Doctor Gatecha wanted to focus one on one with patients and that is why he started Reflections Dental Care.

The idea behind this amazing clinic was to reflect his values as a Dentist.

It’s All About Patient Focus and Giving Time

Patient Focus

Dr G’s approach is patient focused, rather than market focused.

A Big Plus

And obviously that focus turns out to be a big plus for patients.

Yes There Is A Discount Plan

For example, the Reflections Dental Care’s Discount Plan.

Real talk…Dental insurance can be an expensive and difficult proposition for both the patient and doctor.

The Reflections Dental Care discount plan allows you to pay just three hundred dollars for a whole year.

Included are two cleanings, two x-rays, two exams, flouride treatments and a 15 percent discount on other services.

The good news?

No insurance middleman.

No haggling over bills.

Because Reflections Dental Care’s discount plan eliminates the middle man.

This is a great plan if you’re just getting started in life.

In addition it’s valuable if you have kids.

And if you have young adults just coming off parents’ medical and dental plans at 26.

Why Discount Plan Is So Important

Reflections Dental Care’s approach is to make sure you’re getting regular cleanings and visits.

Checkups and Cleanings Mean Better Dental Health

In addition with regular checkups and cleanings your Dentist can deal with issues before they become problems.

No Copay With Reflections Dental Care Discount Plan

Certainly with the discount plan, there’s no copay.

Even more there’s no issues with insurance, when you change jobs.

Introducing Doctor G

Friends of Reflections Dental Care in Maple Grove affectionately call Doctor Anupam Gatecha, “Doctor G”.


Doctor G started reflections because his philosophy is to give time to patients,

Giving Time

Doctor G and Hetal say giving time helps Doctor G understand your concerns as a patient.

Moreover giving time allows Doctor G and Reflections Dental Care to provide more options to you because your concerns are better understood.

Genuine Concern

This genuine concern for individual patients is why Reflections Dental Care exists.

You can see Reflections Dental Care’s concern and attention to detail in the photos of Reflections Dental Care’s Clinic in Maple Grove, in this edition of my blog.

Unique and Positive Experience

Patients at Reflections Dental Care report that the experience is completely unique and the best they’ve ever had.

Moreover people who refer Reflections do so with high confidence.

Family Focused Too

If it’s check ups, cleanings, X-rays, emergencies, braces and other dental issues with your kids, Reflections Dental Care is family focused.

Ethical Dentistry

To sum up, It’s about the ethical practice of Dentistry and the patient.

Finally if you’re looking for ethical dental care I can also happily refer you to Reflections Dental Care.

This is a dentists office? At Reflections Dental Care it is.



Concern For Neighborhood Pets After Fireworks

Concern for animals inspired me to blog about a friend’s non profit called Inspire and Flourish. This fourth of July weekend I couldn’t believe the intensity of neighborhood fireworks.

Neighborhoods Were Popping

Firstly without full community fireworks this year it seemed like everyone in the neighborhoods put on their own displays!

Not So Fun For A Golden Retriever Named ‘Murphy’

It was a rip roaring good time. However not so fun for most people’s pets.

People Still Looking For Their Pets

Secondly people took to social media the next day to search for terrified pets that ran away.

Still Wandering Scared and Confused

Even more, people continue to report animals missing. Pets continue to wander, confused and scared.

Scared To Death…Concern-For-Animals-Inspires-Flourishes

Likewise my son’s dog was scared to death even though he’d been raised in a frat house! Learn more in Concern-For-Animals-Inspires-Flourishes.

Inspire and Flourish To The Rescue

Therefore I called Steffany Flemming, creator of Inspire and Flourish, for some advice.

What’s Inspire and Flourish?

Inspire and Flourish is a nonprofit helping animals and people in need.

Creating and Supporting Events To Help People and Beloved Animals

Above all Inspire and Flourish creates and supports great events like its annual dog fashion show. In addition Inspire and Flourish features carnival games and inspired benefit events.

Podcast From Dog Fashion Show

Certainly you can check out my podcast live from that event here.

Helping Partners Flourish

Above all these events provide fundraising and awareness to help partner organizations flourish.

Helping The Most Vulnerable

Steffany says Inspire and Flourish exists help the most vulnerable.

Children and Animal Rescue

It all started just wanting to help animal rescues, and seeing the need everywhere. These days it’s extended to children that are struggling, as well as animal rescue groups.

Animals Are A Comfort

Animals are a comfort to all of us, especially children.

Those In Crisis Are Likely To Aid Their Pets First

Most importantly someone in crisis will often feed their animals first.

Inspire and Flourish Helps Their Beloved Pet So They Can Help Themselves

They can come to an inspired event, get a bag of dog food and save enough money feel so they can better about taking care of their own needs too.

Plugging Gaps In Animal Rescue Needs

But plugging gaps in the animal rescue world is what Inspire and Flourish does best.

Always Animals In Need

Flemming says there will always be animals in need. There will always be a need for animal rescue.

But Helping Them Is Expensive

It’s really expensive, she says.

Intervene To Offset Expenses

If Inspire and Flourish can intervene to offset expenses for these organizations, “then we have fulfilled our purpose”.

Volunteer With Inspire and Flourish

Finally Steffany Flemming and the volunteers at Inspire and Flourish will do just about anything to help animals in need.

How To Help Dogs Triggered

Oh yeah, what about the fireworks effects on my son’s dog? Inspire and Flourish let me know rescue dogs especially can be triggered by loud noises and revert as a result.

Hold And Comfort As Long As It Takes

In short you have to hold and comfort the animal as long as it takes to calm them down. They don’t understand what all the fuss is about.

And that’s Steffany. Whatever it takes. As long as it takes!

That’s Inspire And Flourish

In the same vein CBD oil for dogs doesn’t hurt either.

Especially for a golden raised in a fraternity house in the heart of Baltimore.

Check out Inspire and Flourish here.

Donations always help too

And, Steffany says she can put volunteers to work right away.

Inspire and Flourish




We’re living through an epidemic of Loneliness. Healthy and Safe Touch doesn’t just help during lock downs during Corona. My friend Dawn Bennett – an expert in a technique called ‘tapping’ – shows us how touch can help with so many other things. Free your mind, and the rest will follow. Learn more in my latest ‘From The Bunker’ blog.