Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092

Canary In The Coal Mine

Above all was this week’s banking meltdown the canary in the coalmine? We’ll talk about it in Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092.

Banks Fail

That is to say the meltdown of at least three banks this week sent shock waves through the financial community.

Screaming Fire

And allowed You Tube financial geeks and politicians the opportunity to scream fire in a crowded auditorium.

Cause For Concern

Certainly bank closures at any time are cause for concern.


But there’s a reason for these developments.

Plain Language

Firstly Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092 is not a podcast with a bunch of statistics and language no one can understand.


Secondly I am updating some of the podcasts I did earlier this year and last on the US Economy.

Of course my personal concern has been the price of diesel fuel.

Greater Concerns About The Economy

On the other hand greater concerns about the US Economy are beginning to be top of mind.

Most importantly these concerns are not unfounded.


To clarify the US is dealing with inflation which requires higher interest rates.

Higher Interest Rates

Subsequently we’re seeing the effects of these higher rates.

Business Not Prepared

Mainly because businesses aren’t prepared for this.

More Carnage Ahead?

As a result there will probably be more carnage.

Finally I am not going to tell listeners what they should do with their money.

In addition I am not going to predict the future.

We’ll see what happens. After that I will do updates as needed.

Won’t Predict The Future

In the same vein one of the subjects of Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092 is the penchant prognosticators have for predicting the future.


And for politicians to politicize financial events they don’t necessarily understand.


In conclusion this is a precarious moment in history.


Most certainly because of the weight of the moment there’s a lot of pressure on those who have to make the decisions.

Personal Hope

For example my personal hope for cheaper fuel!

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Canary-In-The-Coal-Mine-Bob Davis Podcast 1092

#Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042

#Vanlife Rest In Peace?

Firstly could it be true that #Vanlife will rest in peace? Suddenly the negative tea on nomad life is building. Learn more in #Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042.

Beautiful Experience

Secondly I think the negative stories on #Vanlife hide an otherwise beautiful experience.

Nomad Life

Therefore in #Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042 I’ll explain why there is so much interest in the nomad life these days.

Not For Everyone

In addition I’ll explain why it might not be for everyone.

And that’s OK.

Different World

Most importantly our nomad life is not like life back in the world.

That is to say these two worlds are different worlds.

Don’t Bring Your Old Life Along

Even more attempting to be a full time nomad and bring your old life along can make things more difficult.

Media Doesn’t Like #Vanlife Anymore

Finally when social media takes to something like #Vanlife an impression is created.

Social Media Is Fake

Certainly I think anyone who thinks social media is an authentic representation of any experience or person is naive.

What Is Nomad Life Like?

But if you are interested in nomad life full time in a van, converted school bus or even an RV the biggest topic of interest seems to be how it actually is!

Eating Out Of Can?

For example the media seems to be obsessed with eating out of a can and going to the bathroom in a bucket.


Writers also are certainly focused on whether or not nomads are dirty.

And further whether their rigs are a jumble of dirty clothes and candy wrappers.

Freedom And Community Is Real

Meanwhile my experience has been one of freedom and community.

Nomad Life Is Pretty Great

Above all I can’t think of too many negatives associated with the nomad life world.

Hit The Road

Seems like everyone these days wants to hit the road.

And I can’t blame them.

Push Back

To sum up we’re all seeing the beginnings of a push back on the nomad trend.

Love It

On the other hand to know it is to love it.

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#Vanlife-Rest-In-Peace-Bob Davis Podcast 1042




Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961

Dumb Mistakes

Most important thing to do to avoid dumb mistakes?  Be present. Learn more in Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961.

Final Poll Rundown

Secondly I had to stop and run down the final polls before this fiasco ends. Or not.

Nomad Mindset Engaged

Certainly I have a lot going on in my mind. Even more when traveling. Double it if you’re a nomad.

Easy To Make Dumb Mistakes

As a result there is always a point where it’s easy for me to make a dumb mistake.

Early In The Trip

Above all these mistakes happen early in the trip or when I am preoccupied.

The Green Pump

Firstly this particular mistake has to do with the green pump for diesel as opposed to gasoline. I’ll tell you more in Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961.

Final State By State Polls

In addition after a major delay to address my mistake I have to do a final poll run down before the election on November 3rd.

Getting Extra In This Podcast

Consequently this podcast is a little extra. Longer. Some observations about life on the road and mistakes and a run down of the polls.

Pollsters and the Reporters Who Love Them

In the same vein you know how I feel about polling and media coverage this year. If you don’t click here.

Dangerous Predictions

Certainly people are taking liberties and making predictions polling should not be used for.

It’s All Been Worked Out

As a result many people are under the impression this has all been worked out.

Nothing Has Been Worked Out

In fact nothing has been worked out.

Pick A Direction

Finally you’ll learn in Dumb-Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961 that Election 2020 can really go any number of directions.

Up Late

To sum up if you do watch election coverage on November 3rd you might be up late.

My Election Coverage Ends Where It Started

In conclusion it all started for me in 2020 in Iowa covering the caucus campaigns.

Fairfield Iowa

Therefore I will end my coverage of this insane election in Fairfield Iowa.

More in the next podcast

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Mistakes-Final Polls-Bob Davis Podcast 961