Celebrating-1100-Podcasts-Bob Davis Podcast 1100

Celebrating 1100 Podcasts

Most importantly it’s hard to believe I’m celebrating 1100 podcasts. Time to reach for the highest ground in Celebrating-1100-Podcasts-Bob Davis Podcast 1100.

Campfire Every Night

And it’s even more fun to do this podcast in front of a campfire very late at night.

There’s Something About Eleven Hundred

On the other hand I usually save these celebrations for podcasts in the five hundred increment.

But there’s something about the number eleven hundred.

Pivotal Time

Firstly the last one hundred podcasts have covered a pivotal time in history.

Secondly these last one hundred podcasts have spanned a similar period in my own life.


So the content in Celebrating-1100-Podcasts-Bob Davis Podcast 1100 has some depth.

Back To The First

For example going back to the first podcasts I did back in 2009.

Changes In Travel Style

In addition the changes in travel style triggered by the inflation which started back at the end of 2021.


Finally eleven hundred podcasts comprise a great deal of content.

More Than Ten Years

That is to say in addition to a radio career now podcasting for more than ten years.

Veteran Content Creator

Makes me a veteran content creator too.

Changes In The World Of Podcasting

Above all there’s been a lot of changes in the world of podcasting.

YouTube Too

Even more with the restart of my own YouTube channel there have been quite a few changes with me too.

Twists And Turns

Certainly it’s been an opportunity to follow the twists and turns driven by the podcast.

Personal Development

And the personal development that’s come with those twists and turns.

Radio Show

For example most of the early podcasts were a continuation of my radio show.

Evolution To The Deep

But very quickly evolved into deeper topics.

Travel and Adventure

Consequently moving out of the political social content toward travel and adventure.


And as a result much happier as a person.

Bette Davis

In the same vein it was the actress Bette Davis who famously said she never sought money but experience.

Labor Of Love

Similarly this has been a labor of love for me since the beginning.

Back Roads Rule

Moreover I have learned more about people in the United States on the road and on back roads than I ever could have in a radio or podcast studio back home.


To sum up the nomad experience has been sublime for many reasons.

Joy Of Two Lanes

And here’s hoping the next 1100 podcasts reflect the joy of the two lane experience.

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Celebrating-1100-Podcasts-Bob Davis Podcast 1100



Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079

Are We At A Turning Point About To Erupt

Above all this podcast asks if we are at a turning point on the eve of an economic eruption. Details in Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079.

Watching Markets

Firstly I have been watching the economy and the markets very closely ever since the rapid increase of fuel prices last year.

Secondly I’ve done a series of podcasts detailing what I have learned about this situation.

Finally I am clear on the causes of the current inflation.

And the solution.

About To Suffer

Even more as the central banks work to smother the current inflation, we’re about to suffer.

Volcanic Social Eruption

That is to say when it goes it could be a volcanic eruption in our society.

Of course people might say I am a pessimist.

I am not.

In fact I believe all of this will eventually be seen as a positive development.

Difficult Road Ahead

However we have to get to through the difficult road ahead first.

Top Of The Roller Coaster

For example imagine yourself at the very top of a roller coaster.

As the coaster heads down there’s a feeling of weightlessness.

And then fear.

Biggest Bubble In History

That is to say today we have what many experts describe as the biggest everything bubble in history.

The More You Know

Certainly I have learned the more you know about these things the less you know.

But what interests me are the potential volcanic effects on our society.

And the melt down.

Round House

In conclusion it’s as though our train as reached the old fashioned round house house having come in on one track.

And being turned to go out in a different direction.

Living Through The Easy Part

In short if you think the past couple of years have been tough think again.

We’ve been living through the easy part of the cycle.

In the same vein now comes the hard part.

Clinging To The Old World

Finally given the situation it’s interesting how people use debt to cling to an old lifestyle.

Ignorance Is Bliss

And how many seem unaware they’re living on top of a volcano.

About to erupt.

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Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079


Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078

Ridiculous RV Rig Prices

Most importantly when people are paying fifty percent more for fuel they can’t afford these ridiculous RV and Rig Prices. Details in Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078.

Paid Shills

Furthermore it’s the paid prognosticators on YouTube doing the RV salesperson’s work by telling people rig prices can’t come down.

Engaging On This Issue

Firstly I got into a little bit of a tiff on Instagram recently because I decided to engage on this price issue.

Prices Cuts

Secondly this podcast explains why price cuts are on the horizon.

And I reference another podcast I did some months ago on economic issues.

Nomad Perspective

Certainly I see things from the nomad perspective.

That is to say we don’t like to spend money.

Some Have More Resources

Certainly some people come to this lifestyle with more resources than others,

In addition others buy an RV to use every now and then.

Sticker Shock Prevails Among All

But even the causal RV person is shocked at what dealers are asking for these rigs.

Rising Interest Rates

Even more there is the issue of rising interest rates and less liquidity in the banking system.

Breaking Point

To clarify most financial people these days say we’re reaching the breaking point on inflation.

Wholesale Prices Plummeting

It’s early yet but as a result wholesale prices for used cars in particular are plummeting.

Dealers Jacking Up Prices

However dealers are jacking up prices to get the most out of the consumer before the whole thing goes south.

And it will.

RV Dealers Playing The Same Game?

One wonders whether RV and Rig sellers are playing the same game.

Finally we nomads usually operate with rigs cobbled together from heavier duty vehicles

Moreover we are often very choosy about creature comforts.

Versatility and Reliability Win The Day

And we’ll often choose versatility and reliability over hardwood floors and double door refrigerators.

Experience Is The Best Teacher

That is due to the fact that experience is the best teacher.

You Don’t Need A Double Door Fridge Out Here

To sum up to the nomad borrowing tens of thousands of dollars to overpay for a shiny new rig is just not an option.

Change Is Coming

Finally the overall economic picture suggests things are about to change.


In fact big price reductions on almost everything may be in the picture soon.

Sales People Always Say This Is The Best Time To Buy

However sales people will always tell prospects it’s a great time to buy.

YouTubers Too

Including those prognosticators on You Tube.

Eye Opener

In conclusion always do your own research.

But don’t forget to look at the overall economic picture at the same time.

It’s an eye opener.

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Ridiculous-RV-Rig-Prices-Bob Davis Podcast 1078