Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079

Are We At A Turning Point About To Erupt

Above all this podcast asks if we are at a turning point on the eve of an economic eruption. Details in Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079.

Watching Markets

Firstly I have been watching the economy and the markets very closely ever since the rapid increase of fuel prices last year.

Secondly I’ve done a series of podcasts detailing what I have learned about this situation.

Finally I am clear on the causes of the current inflation.

And the solution.

About To Suffer

Even more as the central banks work to smother the current inflation, we’re about to suffer.

Volcanic Social Eruption

That is to say when it goes it could be a volcanic eruption in our society.

Of course people might say I am a pessimist.

I am not.

In fact I believe all of this will eventually be seen as a positive development.

Difficult Road Ahead

However we have to get to through the difficult road ahead first.

Top Of The Roller Coaster

For example imagine yourself at the very top of a roller coaster.

As the coaster heads down there’s a feeling of weightlessness.

And then fear.

Biggest Bubble In History

That is to say today we have what many experts describe as the biggest everything bubble in history.

The More You Know

Certainly I have learned the more you know about these things the less you know.

But what interests me are the potential volcanic effects on our society.

And the melt down.

Round House

In conclusion it’s as though our train as reached the old fashioned round house house having come in on one track.

And being turned to go out in a different direction.

Living Through The Easy Part

In short if you think the past couple of years have been tough think again.

We’ve been living through the easy part of the cycle.

In the same vein now comes the hard part.

Clinging To The Old World

Finally given the situation it’s interesting how people use debt to cling to an old lifestyle.

Ignorance Is Bliss

And how many seem unaware they’re living on top of a volcano.

About to erupt.

Sponsored by Be You Enterprises

Turning-Point-Eruption-Bob Davis Podcast 1079


Nomadlife-Healthy-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1076

Nomadlife Is A Healthy Life

Above all if you’re a nomad I say #nomadlife is Healthy Life. Find out why in Nomadlife-Healthy-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1076.

Research Study Shows

Firstly this podcast is based on research results for people younger than 24.

Hit Hard

Certainly they have been hit hard the last few years.

Older People Too

But older people have suffered too.

Aging Ten Years In Two

Secondly we’re talking about aging ten years in two.

How To Be Saved From The Same Fate

And I believe being a nomad has saved me from the same fate.


Therefore I did a quick podcast on the study results.

Less Open

For example the study shows people to be less open, responsible and social in general.

Nomadlife Requires The Opposite

On the other hand I find nomad life requires us to be more open, responsible and social.

To clarify I certainly didn’t start out that way.

But over time these qualities emerged.

Stresses Back In The World

In addition the stresses back in the world have not been a part of my life the last two years.

Aged Quickly

In the same vein do you feel someone in your life is aged quickly the last few months?

Or become more brittle?

Open Road

During the struggles of the last few years I’ve been on the open road.

And it has been a tonic.

Depictions Of Nomad Life Inaccurate

However most of the depictions of nomad life suggest it is not healthy.

It’s Not Easy

Most importantly it is not necessarily easy.

But what life is?

Mental Health Qualities

Finally one of the measures of mental health is how you score on empathy, responsibility, creativity and social activity.

And nomad life requires those qualities.

Commonalities Not Differences

In short we tend to emphasize commonalities rather than differences.

But back in the world the opposite is usually true.

Not Easy

In conclusion life on the road isn’t easy.

And it’s not for everyone.

Positive Results

But it does have some pretty positive results.

Love The Open Road

That is to say community, helping and being helped, the open road and fresh air are pretty healthy.

Sponsored by Be You Enterprises

Nomadlife-Healthy-Life-Bob Davis Podcast 1076



Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070

Simplicity In A Storm

Most importantly there is simplicity in a storm because all you can do is sit there and experience it! Learn more in Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070.

Life Is Complicated


The Nomad Solution

Certainly nomads will agree being out in the middle of nowhere better than being in a city.


Firstly there’s a kind of energy in forests, mountains and deserts.



Opposite In The City

Secondly you get the opposite energy in cities.

Some Small Towns Not Good

Even more these days in small towns.

Which is a surprise.


For instance the “Suburbanization” of small towns like Flagstaff, Arizona.

Carnival In The Red Rocks

Or the “Wisconsin Dells” approach of places like Sedona, Arizona.

Finally there is the Internet.

Zombie Companies

And modern companies.


We all have our lists.

I’ll give you my list in Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070.

Experience A Full Monsoon Storm

But for this podcast it is the opportunity to finally fully record one of the west’s magnificent Monsoon storms.

Headphones Please

Even more the chance for listeners to sit back, put their headphones on and have the same experience I had recording.

There Has To Be A Better Way

Above all I can’t help feeling like there has to be a better way.

I Just Don’t Know What It Is

To clarify all these ‘improvements’ were supposed to make our lives easier.

How’d That Turn Out For You?

In short I am not sure anyone thinks it turned out that way.

Hitting The Road Is The Antidote

Above all this is the main reason I hit the road.

And that is true of many others.


In the same vein there is a very relaxing approach to life when you’re a nomad.

Hey! There’ No Signal In Paradise

Especially when you find yourself unable to check your social media, send and receive messages, or even make a call.

It Will Have To Wait

It’ll have to wait, whatever it is!

Nature Rewires Us

Likewise there’s something about nature that has rewired my city brain.

Storms Sun Vistas And Fun

In conclusion I’d rather be out here with the storms and sun, vistas and fun, than the city.

After that what can one say?

The Dream Is Alive…In Portland?

Sitting and drinking in cafes in urban neighborhoods just doesn’t compare to the mist after the rain, a fire, and a simple cup of coffee after the rain.

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Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070