Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070

Simplicity In A Storm

Most importantly there is simplicity in a storm because all you can do is sit there and experience it! Learn more in Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070.

Life Is Complicated

The Nomad Solution

Certainly nomads will agree being out in the middle of nowhere better than being in a city.


Firstly there’s a kind of energy in forests, mountains and deserts.



Opposite In The City

Secondly you get the opposite energy in cities.

Some Small Towns Not Good

Even more these days in small towns.

Which is a surprise.


For instance the “Suburbanization” of small towns like Flagstaff, Arizona.

Carnival In The Red Rocks

Or the “Wisconsin Dells” approach of places like Sedona, Arizona.

Finally there is the Internet.

Zombie Companies

And modern companies.


We all have our lists.

I’ll give you my list in Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070.

Experience A Full Monsoon Storm

But for this podcast it is the opportunity to finally fully record one of the west’s magnificent Monsoon storms.

Headphones Please

Even more the chance for listeners to sit back, put their headphones on and have the same experience I had recording.

There Has To Be A Better Way

Above all I can’t help feeling like there has to be a better way.

I Just Don’t Know What It Is

To clarify all these ‘improvements’ were supposed to make our lives easier.

How’d That Turn Out For You?

In short I am not sure anyone thinks it turned out that way.

Hitting The Road Is The Antidote

Above all this is the main reason I hit the road.

And that is true of many others.


In the same vein there is a very relaxing approach to life when you’re a nomad.

Hey! There’ No Signal In Paradise

Especially when you find yourself unable to check your social media, send and receive messages, or even make a call.

It Will Have To Wait

It’ll have to wait, whatever it is!

Nature Rewires Us

Likewise there’s something about nature that has rewired my city brain.

Storms Sun Vistas And Fun

In conclusion I’d rather be out here with the storms and sun, vistas and fun, than the city.

After that what can one say?

The Dream Is Alive…In Portland?

Sitting and drinking in cafes in urban neighborhoods just doesn’t compare to the mist after the rain, a fire, and a simple cup of coffee after the rain.

Sponsored by 36/Lyn, The Independently Owned and Operated Refueling Station in South Minneapolis

Simplicity-In-A-Storm-Bob Davis Podcast 1070

If-Nothing-Changes-Bob Davis Podcast 946

What Happens If Nothing Changes

These days coming up with podcasts can be difficult, if you don’t walk the well worn path. It took a spectacular summer storm to blow up the thought, what happens if nothing changes? Learn more in If-Nothing-Changes-Bob Davis Podcast 946.

In A Word, Weird

First of all the storm I speak of took almost all day to blow up. Weird orange light. Constant lightning and thunder for hours. Kind of like the time we’re living through. In a word? Weird.

When Everything Is Changing

In If-Nothing-Changes-Bob Davis Podcast 946 I decided to talk about what happens if we don’t change, when everything is changing. In other words you can’t live your life standing still.

It’s A Bizarre World

Secondly it doesn’t matter what happens in this time frame. No matter how bizarre, you shrug.

People Moving Out Of The Cities

More importantly I can’t tell you how many people I know have decided to move out of the cities. In addition rural areas are seeing an influx of city ‘refugees’.


Even more some are trying to reinvent the concept of ‘community’. That is to say the old models of community don’t seem to be working these days.

Everyone Wants To Be Nomad

Seems like everyone wants to hit the road in RV, find ten acres somewhere ‘out there’. Somewhere for a garden, away from all the madness. Me too!

My Own Change

Above all the biggest change in my life and in my podcasts is a firm decision to avoid partisanship.

A Sea Of Voices

We’re living in a sea of voices predicting the future and telling us what to think. How to act.

Well Worn Path Not For Me

I won’t tread that well worn path.

If Nothing Changes

Finally they say if nothing changes, nothing changes.

Not Standing Still

To sum up, if we can’t live our lives standing still, what kinds of changes might we make?

Values Built On A Sand

Certainly we know what our personal values are. However when we try to define the values a nation can accept, they slip away.

Weird Time

In conclusion it’s a weird time.

Silver Linings

There are silver linings in those clouds though. You just have to look for ’em.

Sponsored by Kim Nybo Insurance and Les J Hill Life and Business Coaching

If-Nothing-Changes-Bob Davis Podcast 946


Podcast 583-Summer Storm

Podcast 583-Summer Storm. Nothing better than a summer storm to help you forget the bitter cold. It’s well below zero in Minnesota. While Europe and parts of the South consider mid twenties to thirties ‘bitter’ cold, in the Upper Midwest we’re talking minus twenty, thirty or even forty below. This is the kind of cold you don’t need windchill to exaggerate. If you’re in the deep freeze this podcast is designed to provide a half an hour or so of relief.

Last summer I had a chance to record a huge summer storm that rolled through the area. The storm track on this podcast isn’t edited. It was recorded in real time, complete with bouts of heavy rain and thunder. Interspersed throughout the storm are some thought starters to help subscribers to the Bob Davis Podcasts mentally escape.

Maybe when you were a kid your family did a road trip to Florida. Or while in college you and your friends took a trip through the mountains, or the desert. Many have had one of those summer college jobs for some agricultural company that required rolling around on back roads across Iowa and North Dakota, recording the growth of corn, or whatever those companies require people to write down on clipboards.

For me, sitting in a broken down old ’67 Ford Galaxy in the fields and watching the storms roll in across the prairie in Rural Illinois, will always remind me of deep summer. It’s easy for people to say, “Why don’t you get on a plane and go to LA, or Hawaii”. Yes, it sure would be nice. Thing is, not all of us can do that.

As we head into the deep freeze, keep this podcast handy. Put on your headphones for Podcast 583-Summer Storm and prepare to be transported to my porch during an awesome summer storm. Of course, you’ll have to put up with me talking in your ear about places I’ve been and places to go, but it’s better than looking out the window wishing it wasn’t twenty five below.

It is true we welcome the cold weather, at least the first blush and especially at Christmas Time. Trust me, though. You’re going to want to escape. If you can’t get away as soon as you’d like to or at all this year, Podcast 583-Summer Storm is your ticket to paradise. Summer in the Midwest. Storms. Thunder. Steady Rain. The hum of summer insects. Thoughts of rolling down two lane roads cutting through green fields. Freedom is a clean windshield and a full tank of gas.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.