#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140

#Nomad Life Lessons Learned

Firstly #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 is a continuation of the line of thought I started in Part 1 in this series.

Welcome To The Anarchy

Secondly #Nomadlife itself is an anarchic world.

That is to say there are no set rules or “To Do’s” necessarily.

In other words there is no set way to be a ‘nomad’.

All About The Individual You

The lifestyle chiefly depends on the individual.

For instance what you need and what works for you.

Most Advice Is Useless

By all means my own interpretation of what is available when it comes to nomad content I have found to be pretty useless if you’re just starting out.


Accordingly having a conversation with yourself about your purpose is important.

Work Is No Picnic These Days

Certainly it’s necessary to reiterate current economic conditions make housing very expensive…

Even more rules about coming back to the office put people of all age groups in a vice.

Because with seventy minute commutes in most major cities and higher prices, keeping up has become difficult.

Not to mention the oppressive nature of corporate and work life.

Alternative Lifestyle

So wanting an alternative lifestyle is not just a romantic notion these days.

All in all #nomadlife is a consideration…

What To Expect

Therefore in #Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140 my goal is to give future nomads an idea of what to expect.

For the most part it’s a great experience.


However we all need a revenue stream and a purpose.

Vehicle or ‘Rig’

Thereafter almost everyone’s attention turns to what kind of vehicle to get.

Unquestionably this is is the fun part.

By the same token so is throwing all your crap away before you leave.

Don’t Borrow Money For An RV

But don’t borrow a bunch of money for an RV because they are not built for what we do..

Leave The Minivan At Home

And you might want to think twice about cramming into a minivan…

Although you will find videos and blogs that tell you this is a great idea.

To clarify there is a fair amount of desperation out there…

You need a little bit more room and capability than a minivan although some have made it work.

It’s a Personal Journey

Finally I don’t think the personal journey is emphasized enough.

Even more I think going out for the first year alone is a good idea.

In conclusion I spent a fair amount of time at the end of this podcast talking about the personal journey.

The Story Travel Tells

The story you are allowing time and space and travel to tell you.

And it’s so important to remember sometimes to have an adventure you have to just go.

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#Nomadlife-Lessons-Part-Two-Bob Davis Podcast 1140


Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879

West Virginia Stand Out

I promised a podcast for Ohio and West Virginia. West Virginia though, is most noteworthy. Find out why in Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879.

Hard To Remember Where I was!

I’m on a mega road trip for Thanksgiving week. Heading across the central United States from Minneapolis and Saint Paul all the way to Richmond Virginia and back. As a result it gets difficult to remember just where I was.

Back Road Fading

First of all I intended to include more of Ohio. My route for a good part of this trip is US 33. Truth is, much of 33 through Ohio is actually more like an Interstate than it is a two lane back road.

Pouring Rain and Autobahns

Moreover through most of the time in Ohio, it was pouring rain. As I angled down toward West Virginia I focused on driving. In addition, I was a little frustrated with highway improvements that have left 33 a four lane autobahn with seventy mile an hour speed limits. I am searching for adventure in Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879. That means backroads.

Wild and Wonderful

In contrast, there is West Virginia. I am enchanted with this “Wild and Wonderful” state. A place that turned out to be the stand out of the trip so far.

Mountains Mountains Mountains!

Maybe it’s the mountains. Towns and mountain hamlets. Old trailers and school buses. Picturesque unincorporated clusters of churches and antebellum houses. The contrast between wealth and poverty in some places goes back generations.

Hairpin Curves and 10 Percent Grades

Due to the mountains, there are times when Mobile Podcast Command was rumbling along at 25 to 40 miles an hour, rather than freeway speeds. Through most of the state 33 is two lanes, with hairpin curves and 10 percent grades up and down. Almost heaven!

Story Within A Story

Seems like every little turn and twist in West Virginia’s mountain roads have a story. From Glenview to Elkins and more. Almost certainly all these places actually do have pretty good stories.

Crystal Clear Night

Finally this podcast ends in Virginia. One hundred miles from nowhere. On a crystal clear quiet night just before Thanksgiving.

Now I get to plan the return trip.

Stay Tuned

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Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879

Podcast 583-Summer Storm

Podcast 583-Summer Storm. Nothing better than a summer storm to help you forget the bitter cold. It’s well below zero in Minnesota. While Europe and parts of the South consider mid twenties to thirties ‘bitter’ cold, in the Upper Midwest we’re talking minus twenty, thirty or even forty below. This is the kind of cold you don’t need windchill to exaggerate. If you’re in the deep freeze this podcast is designed to provide a half an hour or so of relief.

Last summer I had a chance to record a huge summer storm that rolled through the area. The storm track on this podcast isn’t edited. It was recorded in real time, complete with bouts of heavy rain and thunder. Interspersed throughout the storm are some thought starters to help subscribers to the Bob Davis Podcasts mentally escape.

Maybe when you were a kid your family did a road trip to Florida. Or while in college you and your friends took a trip through the mountains, or the desert. Many have had one of those summer college jobs for some agricultural company that required rolling around on back roads across Iowa and North Dakota, recording the growth of corn, or whatever those companies require people to write down on clipboards.

For me, sitting in a broken down old ’67 Ford Galaxy in the fields and watching the storms roll in across the prairie in Rural Illinois, will always remind me of deep summer. It’s easy for people to say, “Why don’t you get on a plane and go to LA, or Hawaii”. Yes, it sure would be nice. Thing is, not all of us can do that.

As we head into the deep freeze, keep this podcast handy. Put on your headphones for Podcast 583-Summer Storm and prepare to be transported to my porch during an awesome summer storm. Of course, you’ll have to put up with me talking in your ear about places I’ve been and places to go, but it’s better than looking out the window wishing it wasn’t twenty five below.

It is true we welcome the cold weather, at least the first blush and especially at Christmas Time. Trust me, though. You’re going to want to escape. If you can’t get away as soon as you’d like to or at all this year, Podcast 583-Summer Storm is your ticket to paradise. Summer in the Midwest. Storms. Thunder. Steady Rain. The hum of summer insects. Thoughts of rolling down two lane roads cutting through green fields. Freedom is a clean windshield and a full tank of gas.

Sponsored By Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Hydrus Performance.