Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879

West Virginia Stand Out

I promised a podcast for Ohio and West Virginia. West Virginia though, is most noteworthy. Find out why in Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879.

Hard To Remember Where I was!

I’m on a mega road trip for Thanksgiving week. Heading across the central United States from Minneapolis and Saint Paul all the way to Richmond Virginia and back. As a result it gets difficult to remember just where I was.

Back Road Fading

First of all I intended to include more of Ohio. My route for a good part of this trip is US 33. Truth is, much of 33 through Ohio is actually more like an Interstate than it is a two lane back road.

Pouring Rain and Autobahns

Moreover through most of the time in Ohio, it was pouring rain. As I angled down toward West Virginia I focused on driving. In addition, I was a little frustrated with highway improvements that have left 33 a four lane autobahn with seventy mile an hour speed limits. I am searching for adventure in Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879. That means backroads.

Wild and Wonderful

In contrast, there is West Virginia. I am enchanted with this “Wild and Wonderful” state. A place that turned out to be the stand out of the trip so far.

Mountains Mountains Mountains!

Maybe it’s the mountains. Towns and mountain hamlets. Old trailers and school buses. Picturesque unincorporated clusters of churches and antebellum houses. The contrast between wealth and poverty in some places goes back generations.

Hairpin Curves and 10 Percent Grades

Due to the mountains, there are times when Mobile Podcast Command was rumbling along at 25 to 40 miles an hour, rather than freeway speeds. Through most of the state 33 is two lanes, with hairpin curves and 10 percent grades up and down. Almost heaven!

Story Within A Story

Seems like every little turn and twist in West Virginia’s mountain roads have a story. From Glenview to Elkins and more. Almost certainly all these places actually do have pretty good stories.

Crystal Clear Night

Finally this podcast ends in Virginia. One hundred miles from nowhere. On a crystal clear quiet night just before Thanksgiving.

Now I get to plan the return trip.

Stay Tuned

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Roadtrip-Adventure-Ohio-West-Virginia-Bob Davis Podcast 879

Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871

Political Chatter

These days there’s a lot of political chatter. We’ll talk about it in Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871.

Who the candidates are.

Who’s going to be nominated.

Which ones will win. It seems to change every week.

Not Much Real Talk About Issues

In contrast there hasn’t been a lot of talk about the issues. We’ll do that it in Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871.

Our Dream State Of Politics

This podcast opens with a quote about the dreamlike nature of our politics. Then there are the pundits who seem to want to break it down with percentages and numbers. To advocate. The desire is to make a call and tell you who’s going to win.

I won’t do that.

Art Not Science

Politics is more of an art than a science.

Personalities and Partisanship

In 2020 it may come down to personalities and partisanship, not polling and elections data from yesteryear.

Emotions Make Bad Decisions

Moreover I don’t think people driven by emotion, and armed with conspiracy theory, make decisions based on the so called ‘issues’.

Fluid Issues

Issues are also fluid. Killing a famous terrorist changes the fortunes of a president.

In addition so can a series of bad economic numbers or an economic crisis.

One day’s high is the next day’s low.

Long Lists Of Issues

I researched issues. Got long lists of ‘issues’. Certainly many of those ‘issues‘ are included in this podcast. Do they mean anything?

What The Media Is Selling You Already

Will these issues drive the election? That’s what most of the media is selling you.

Not me.

In contrast I’ve picked four key themes I think may have a big impact on what happens in 2020. Let’s not forget we don’t directly elect presidents in the US. We do directly elect congress and our statewide representatives and governors. Those elections are important too.


In conclusion it’s necessary say again I am not supporting or fighting against any candidate. I am not trying to convince listeners and subscribers we need to move a certain way in this country. You listen. Make your own calls.

Sponsored by John Scott Personal Injury Lawyer, Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul and Reliafund Payment Processors

Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871





Trump Foreign Trade Fight-Free Trade-Protection-Bob Davis Podcast 737

President Trump slapped tax increases on goods imported to the US from Europe, China, Mexico and Canada. Our trading partners retaliated with their own tariffs. Now what? Find out in Trump Foreign Trade Fight-Free Trade-Protection-Bob Davis Podcast 737.

What Is A Tariff Anyway?

Finally someone has defined what a tariff is. Moreover you might be surprised to learn the history of trade legislation in the United States goes back to 1789.

These days we are awash in charges and counter charges in the media. Trade Wars and Rumors of Trade Wars. This kind of coverage doesn’t serve anyone.

1945 Looms Large In Trade Discussions

Most noteworthy is the impact of World War 2 and the advent of nuclear weapons in 1945. Since then, trade deals have been  considered central to keeping the peace and stabilizing the world.

Trade Has Been A Political Football since Hamilton

Trade has been regional and national issue in the United States in every political era. None other than Alexander Hamilton was an advocate of high taxes on imports going back to 1789.

Trump A Throw Back To The 1840’s?

Moreover tariffs were an issue in local and national politics in the US until the introduction of the Income Tax in 1913. Is President Trump a throw back to the 1840’s? Find out in Trump Foreign Trade Fight-Free Trade-Protection-Bob Davis Podcast 737.

NAFTA China Mercantilism Free Trade

We hear so much in the news about trade but few of us understand it. China. NAFTA. Mercantilism. Trade Protection. Free Trade. As citizens we need to make informed decisions about what is best for each of us individually and the country. With all the noise about trade it’s almost impossible for people to do that.

Especially Relevant Today As It Was Back In The Day

In conclusion with yet another new trade bill in the offing the question of whether the US should protect its markets or open them is as relevant today as it was in 1789.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Trump Foreign Trade Fight-Free Trade-Protection-Bob Davis Podcast 737