Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006

Upstate New York Great Lakes

First of all welcome to Upstate New York and the Great Lakes region. Above all the back roads on these shores are great. Learn more in Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006.

Links For Travelers

Secondly while these are not purely travelogue podcasts I do make an effort on this blog to provide resources for travelers. Check out the links.

Heard The Stories

Above all I’ve heard all the stories about urban decay and the rust belt in Upstate New York.


However as you drive along these lakes you’re captivated with the region.


Certainly the history. I’ll talk about some in Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006.

In addition there’s a whole twentieth century story in this part of the Empire State.

Finally I am enjoying this ‘Industrial Revolution In Reverse’ part of the trip.

That is to say I am moving East against the path of the industrial revolution rather than west.

Small Towns and Lake Shores

But the small towns! Rivers! Lake Shores and more.

Moreover what happens when you get lost in cities like Rochester.

Getting The ‘Feel’

Meanwhile as I travel through this part of the country I can’t get over the feel of it.

Of course winter up here is cold. A lot of snow.

But in the summer and fall it comes alive.

History. Again.

Most importantly there’s so much history you could stop in almost any town.

Native American History. America’s Revolution. The war of 1812. Industrial development. Even more the growth of these great New York Cities.

To sum up I’d never been here before. I didn’t know what to expect.

From the wineries to the small towns Upstate is worth the trip.

Heading East

In conclusion I’m headed to the Adirondak Mountains and then east from there.

Three states I’ve Never Been

Vermont. New Hampshire. Maine.

Therefore I have a lot of driving to do and can’t stop at all these great places.

But I’ll Be Back!

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Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006



How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

How Much Corruption Can You Handle?

Suddenly the word ‘corruption’ is in the news these days. How deep does it go? How much corruption can we handle? Learn more in How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868.

Pollyanna Lives Here

Most of us have grown up being taught a Pollyanna history. Back in the day it was justice for all, World War 2 and liberty.

These days our young people learn about civil rights, the environment and how much government can do to help.

Dark History Might Be The Real History

On the other hand there’s a much darker history. Especially when it comes to those who wield government power.

More Corrupt Than We Imagine

Above all I personally think our governments are more corrupt than we imagine. We’ll start by defining  the word corruption.

Two Definitions Of Corruption

Most important the first definition for corruption deals with money being exchanged for political favors and a lack of integrity. The second is what’s valuable to us politically. This definition suggests debasement or ‘corruption’ of original intent.

Corrupt For A Long Time

Above all, it’s no secret corruption in government has been with us a long time in the United States. Unfortunately, it really got its legs after Prohibition.

Epic Corruption Still With Us

In How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868 I detail US Government corruption dating back to the Articles of Confederation. In conclusion, after prohibition, the story becomes an epic. And it still is. Here’s a link to Gus Russo’s books detailing the years of political corruption in the US as the direct result of prohibition. Critics say Russo’s analysis is guilt by association but I wonder if it’s more than that. Much more.

Finally Partisans beware, my reading of history suggests corruption, legal and illegal, doesn’t have a party preference.

Senator Elizabeth Warren says she’ll tackle corruption if elected. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

[Editor’s Note: This podcast is incorrectly numbered 868. Yes I know. Haven’t done 867 yet. That’s on the way.)

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How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

America’s Royalty-Bush-McCain Funerals-Bob Davis Podcast 784

Watching coverage of George HW Bush’s funeral I wondered when we turned our presidents into emperors. Learn more in America’s Royalty-Bush-McCain Funerals-Bob Davis Podcast 784.

Royal Weddings and State Funerals

Moreover I think state funerals in this country are going overboard. The State Funeral has become our answer to British Royal weddings and coronations.

No Pomp and No Titles of Nobility

Most noteworthy our constitution forbids granting of titles of nobility. Furthermore Alexander Hamilton called this the cornerstone of the Republic.

Why No Royalty In The US?

The real founders of this country did something that had never been done before. Our constitution guarantees the sovereignty of the people.

We The People Are The Nobility. Not The Politicians!

Moreover We the people ARE sovereign. Americans don’t need royalty.

In contrast, leave it to the media and the politicians to create a backdrop to make them seem like royalty.

Mediocre Politicians Should Not Be Hailed As National Heroes

These days a mediocre politician who dies can’t just be a guy who lived a full life and served his country. The loss is a national tragedy. The deceased was a “contemporary founding father“, or a “Hero”.  Hence, Bush and McCain funerals carry all the trappings of American Imperial Nobility.

Settling Scores At Funerals Is Bad Form

Even more offensive to me is the penchant some of these people have to settle political scores.

We are submitted to an endless stream of mind numbing stories about politicians who won’t talk to other politicians. Or reports on what clothing was worn and how it was received and so on.

The Media loves these royal funerals. Funerals mean big ratings.

Consequently politicians love funerals. Above all, they love the chance to be seen being seen. I’ve never met a politician who will miss a funeral.

A Macchiavellian World Without Principle

Truth is we’re lauding men and women who came up in a system which demands loyalty. The rules in politics are, never refuse a favor. Dance with the one who brung ye. Be a good boy. Good boys get rewarded. Long political careers sand away the rough edges and principles.

Is This What We Want?

Finally these days people complain a lot about politicians. The people say their representatives don’t listen and aren’t true to their word.

Here we have President Bush who famously pledged “Read My Lips, No New Taxes”, then raised taxes.

Then we have John McCain, who torpedoed the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Remember, the republican majority, and the president ran on repeal legislation. This is heroism?

In conclusion I think we should remember, no matter how high the media holds them up, even presidents are chosen by the people. We delegate our sovereign authority to them. It’s not the other way around.

They are not Caesars.

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America’s Royalty-Bush-McCain Funerals-Bob Davis Podcast 784