Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099

Changing Nomad Travel Plans Again

Firstly you might want to save changing nomad travel plans again to listen in the dark night of winter. You’ll hear why in Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099.

Live From The Lake Shore

Secondly from the shore of one of those famous fishing lakes in Western Wisconsin comes the sounds of early spring up here.

No Bugs Yet

That is to say the bugs really haven’t gotten started yet.

Mirror Smooth Lake

And between early spring thunderstorms there’s the full moon and mist on a mirror smooth lake.

Audio Rules This World

Certainly audio captures this experience in a way video could not.

Self Realization

Furthermore since I have moved down to the lake shore I have realized something.

Nothing Like A Campfire

That is to say I am surprised how much better I feel with a campfire than inside even a lux North woods cabin.

Or the confined of a well used work shed.

Better Outside Than In

In fact I feel better these days outside and camping than I do inside.

Still Spring Night

On the other hand there is the difference between the still spring night in the upper Midwest…

And the steady breeze of the West.

Travel Plans

Finally we’ll get to travel plans.

Headed North East From Here

Most importantly heading East to pick up a power station from the Campulance Man in New York State.

And to see friends in New Hampshire.

Then heading to the coast for a wedding.

Back To Arizona

In addition I’ll discuss plans for returning to the American South West.

Back Roads Again

After that I’ll return to my usual theme of the back roads experience.

No Plan Is A Plan

To sum up I guess no plan is a plan.

Grateful Too

Most importantly I find myself very grateful for the opportunity to get back outside to a fire.

With unlimited firewood and black coffee.

Moreover steak and eggs or eggs and bacon in a iron skillet is pretty hard to beat.

Eleven Hundred Podcasts

In conclusion I can’t believe I am closing in on eleven hundred podcasts.

Travel and Nomad Experience

Many now focused on travel and the nomad experience.

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Changing-Nomad-Travel-Plans-Again-Bob Davis Podcast 1099


Nomad-Travel-Delta-Madness-The Bob Davis Podcast 1011

Nomad Travel During Delta Madness

Firstly Delta Madness rules back home but on the Nomad Travel beat it’s different. I’ll tell you how in Nomad-Travel-Delta-Madness-The Bob Davis Podcast 1011.

Not Political

Secondly this isn’t some political podcast about reading between the lines.

No Judgements

Even more no judgements on opinions.

About Energy

Above all nomads may perceive energy differently.

And Travel

Because of travel.

At The End Of Our Energy Reserves?

Moreover I hear we’re at the end of our energy reserves.

Back Roads Are Different

But on the back roads it’s different.

More Resolve

I feel more reserve and resolve.

Take this podcast’s setting for example.

Summer Night’s Love ‘Em

Hot summer night. Just after a storm.

Peak Bliss

In short the bliss of a peak summer night.


As a result maybe that’s why I am so calm.

Back Roads Small Towns Different Energy

On the other hand travel through small towns on back roads yields a different energy from the interstates and cities.

The Earth’s Vibration

For instance being able to actually hear the resonance of the Earth’s vibration.

Yeah, it’s a thing.

Intensity In The Cities

On the other hand coming back into urban environments where you can feel the intensity is a thing too.

Fear and Uncertainty Rule?

Never underestimate the impact of fear and uncertainty.

Hit The Road

As a result I know if you’ve hit the road permanently you understand what I mean.

Never More Sure

To sum up I’ve never been more sure being on the road like this is what I should be doing.

Only Just Begun

In addition it feels as though I have only just begun to scratch the surface.

So much more to learn.

And see.

Here’s To The North East Trip

In the same vein I look back on the big loop I’ve taken across the North East and realize what an incredible trip this has been.

Now Headed West

In conclusion I am headed west and ready for the next adventure.

Summer Night Sounds

And if you’re stuck in the city just the sound of the summer night is enough to bring some peace.

Above all I’ll keep going.

A Kind Of Madness

In short I do feel what we’re living through is a kind of madness.

The Road As Protection

But life on the road enables me to avoid being touched by that madness.

Meanwhile I really do hope it’s over soon.

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Nomad-Travel-Delta-Madness-The Bob Davis Podcast 1011


Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006

Upstate New York Great Lakes

First of all welcome to Upstate New York and the Great Lakes region. Above all the back roads on these shores are great. Learn more in Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006.

Links For Travelers

Secondly while these are not purely travelogue podcasts I do make an effort on this blog to provide resources for travelers. Check out the links.

Heard The Stories

Above all I’ve heard all the stories about urban decay and the rust belt in Upstate New York.


However as you drive along these lakes you’re captivated with the region.


Certainly the history. I’ll talk about some in Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006.

In addition there’s a whole twentieth century story in this part of the Empire State.

Finally I am enjoying this ‘Industrial Revolution In Reverse’ part of the trip.

That is to say I am moving East against the path of the industrial revolution rather than west.

Small Towns and Lake Shores

But the small towns! Rivers! Lake Shores and more.

Moreover what happens when you get lost in cities like Rochester.

Getting The ‘Feel’

Meanwhile as I travel through this part of the country I can’t get over the feel of it.

Of course winter up here is cold. A lot of snow.

But in the summer and fall it comes alive.

History. Again.

Most importantly there’s so much history you could stop in almost any town.

Native American History. America’s Revolution. The war of 1812. Industrial development. Even more the growth of these great New York Cities.

To sum up I’d never been here before. I didn’t know what to expect.

From the wineries to the small towns Upstate is worth the trip.

Heading East

In conclusion I’m headed to the Adirondak Mountains and then east from there.

Three states I’ve Never Been

Vermont. New Hampshire. Maine.

Therefore I have a lot of driving to do and can’t stop at all these great places.

But I’ll Be Back!

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Upstate-New-York-Great-Lakes-Bob Davis Podcast 1006