How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

How Much Corruption Can You Handle?

Suddenly the word ‘corruption’ is in the news these days. How deep does it go? How much corruption can we handle? Learn more in How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868.

Pollyanna Lives Here

Most of us have grown up being taught a Pollyanna history. Back in the day it was justice for all, World War 2 and liberty.

These days our young people learn about civil rights, the environment and how much government can do to help.

Dark History Might Be The Real History

On the other hand there’s a much darker history. Especially when it comes to those who wield government power.

More Corrupt Than We Imagine

Above all I personally think our governments are more corrupt than we imagine. We’ll start by defining  the word corruption.

Two Definitions Of Corruption

Most important the first definition for corruption deals with money being exchanged for political favors and a lack of integrity. The second is what’s valuable to us politically. This definition suggests debasement or ‘corruption’ of original intent.

Corrupt For A Long Time

Above all, it’s no secret corruption in government has been with us a long time in the United States. Unfortunately, it really got its legs after Prohibition.

Epic Corruption Still With Us

In How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868 I detail US Government corruption dating back to the Articles of Confederation. In conclusion, after prohibition, the story becomes an epic. And it still is. Here’s a link to Gus Russo’s books detailing the years of political corruption in the US as the direct result of prohibition. Critics say Russo’s analysis is guilt by association but I wonder if it’s more than that. Much more.

Finally Partisans beware, my reading of history suggests corruption, legal and illegal, doesn’t have a party preference.

Senator Elizabeth Warren says she’ll tackle corruption if elected. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

[Editor’s Note: This podcast is incorrectly numbered 868. Yes I know. Haven’t done 867 yet. That’s on the way.)

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How-Much-Corruption-Can-You-Handle?-Bob Davis Podcast 868

Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856

A Hot August Night In 1969

I’ll be honest. This podcast is a bit of a departure for me. What’s especially relevant? Seems like everything changed on a hot August night in 1969, in Los Angeles. True crime and social commentary come together in Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856.

Brutal Murders and A Turning Point Once-Upon-A-Time-1969

Back in the day, several brutal murders over a weekend in August in Los Angeles formed some kind of turning point.

A Dream Called Life

Sometimes you get in a groove and it seems like things will never change. Life is funny that way. Almost like a dream.

Then, suddenly everything changes.

Fifty Years

It’s been fifty years since the Tate-Labianca murders. We’re just now finally getting a handle on the changes forced in that time period.

Moreover ‘The Summer of Love’ started with Woodstock and ended with Altamont and Charles Manson.

Recreating That Summer In Once-Upon-A-Time-1969

A new film by Quentin Tarantino explores that fateful time period. This podcast is inspired to a degree by the meticulous recreation of 1969 LA in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

More Music

I don’t say much in this podcast. That fact might surprise listeners. Truth is, music does a lot of the talking in Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856.

Music did a lot of the talking then too.

All About The Radio

First of all, there was no social media. For the huge younger generation it was all about the radio. Everyone was on the move. Every car had a radio. Somehow it felt like everyone was connected through the music and the radio stations of the time.

Lyrical and Musical Prophecy

One of the great things about the movie is the depiction of the musical subtext. The music and the lyrics told the story, before the story went down.

Summer of Love Ends In Horror

That summer began started with a pristine moment.

It ended with horror and death.

A time when Innocence lived next door to a deep, dark corruption.

(Editor’s Note: Technically the ‘Summer of Love’ was the summer of 1967 in San Francisco. However, in my experience, it generally referred to the whole time period up to Woodstock and the end of the summer of 1969.)

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856

Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712

They are at it again. Pundits and talking heads are telling us who’s going to win the 2018 mid term elections. What is the truth about 2018? Find out in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

Election Day Tuesday November 6th 2018

Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 is a big day. Up for election is the entire US House of Representatives and one third of the US Senate. Governors and state legislators are also up for election on this day.

It Comes Down To Key Races For Republicans and Democrats

This podcast focuses on the US Senate race in 2018. Specifically on several key races that may decide the majority. This is critical for President Trump’s agenda from 2019 and his reelection effort in 2020. Learn the basic contours of these races in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

The Media IS Doing It Again

Problem is the media has already decided the outcome of this election. It will be democrat wave, they say. The reason? Big national issues favor the democrats. Gun Control. The Me Too movement. Immigration. Trade Protection. Is this true?

These days it seems like when the media says something is going to go one way, it often goes another. I will not tell you what’s going to happen. The Bob Davis Podcasts isn’t in the business of predicting the future, telling people what to think or who to vote for. As in 2016, I’ll try to stick to the facts we know about these races and let you decide what to think about them.

Battleground Senate Races

This podcast focuses on US Senate races in key states considered ‘battlegrounds’. Truth is, republicans are defending fewer vulnerable seats than democratic candidates. Whether than means the GOP will hold onto their majority in the US Senate is quite another question.

All Politics Is Local – Especially Statewide Senate Races

Moreover, Senate races may be effected by national issues, but they are statewide races. Personality and local issues are major factors in such elections. I spend a little time in this podcast outlining examples of regional and geographic political differences. Check it out in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

Time for Truth about 2018 US Senate Predictions in Podcast 712

In conclusion, despite what the pundits and so called experts tell you, national issues that seem to benefit republicans or democrats, don’t always benefit candidates in tight races in their home states.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating Of Saint Paul

Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712