Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856

A Hot August Night In 1969

I’ll be honest. This podcast is a bit of a departure for me. What’s especially relevant? Seems like everything changed on a hot August night in 1969, in Los Angeles. True crime and social commentary come together in Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856.

Brutal Murders and A Turning Point Once-Upon-A-Time-1969

Back in the day, several brutal murders over a weekend in August in Los Angeles formed some kind of turning point.

A Dream Called Life

Sometimes you get in a groove and it seems like things will never change. Life is funny that way. Almost like a dream.

Then, suddenly everything changes.

Fifty Years

It’s been fifty years since the Tate-Labianca murders. We’re just now finally getting a handle on the changes forced in that time period.

Moreover ‘The Summer of Love’ started with Woodstock and ended with Altamont and Charles Manson.

Recreating That Summer InĀ Once-Upon-A-Time-1969

A new film by Quentin Tarantino explores that fateful time period. This podcast is inspired to a degree by the meticulous recreation of 1969 LA in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

More Music

I don’t say much in this podcast. That fact might surprise listeners. Truth is, music does a lot of the talking in Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856.

Music did a lot of the talking then too.

All About The Radio

First of all, there was no social media. For the huge younger generation it was all about the radio. Everyone was on the move. Every car had a radio. Somehow it felt like everyone was connected through the music and the radio stations of the time.

Lyrical and Musical Prophecy

One of the great things about the movie is the depiction of the musical subtext. The music and the lyrics told the story, before the story went down.

Summer of Love Ends In Horror

That summer began started with a pristine moment.

It ended with horror and death.

A time when Innocence lived next door to a deep, dark corruption.

(Editor’s Note: Technically the ‘Summer of Love’ was the summer of 1967 in San Francisco. However, in my experience, it generally referred to the whole time period up to Woodstock and the end of the summer of 1969.)

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Once-Upon-A-Time-1969-Bob Davis Podcast 856