Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884

Person Of The Year…A Waste Of Time

I am not often amused by what passes for news these days. Moreover our obsession with year end lists and rankings bores me to tears. On the other hand Time’s ‘Person of The Year’ stunt is always worth a few laughs. Learn more in Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884.

Poster Child Greta

First of all the decision to put Climate Change Poster Child Greta Thunberg on the cover as person of the year for 2020 has upset your crazy Uncle Fred and all his baby boomer conservative friends.

Baby Boomers Love Their FaceBook

Even more no one would have paid any attention until these aging baby boomers took to FB to express their rage. Meanwhile we’re missing key issues that really matter.

Time! Number One! A Hundred Years Ago

Especially relevant is the fact that Time Magazine struggles to remain relevant.

What used to be the number one weekly magazine in the United States about a hundred years ago, is a shadow of a shadow of its former self.

Ask SIRI or Alexa

For example, without asking SIRI or Alexa, can you remember last year’s person of the year?

Crazy Uncle Changes Positions on Climate Change!

What’s more when was the last time anyone convinced anyone to change their position on Climate Change?

United Nations…Hotbed Of Capitalists!

Greta’s most noteworthy rage against the machine of conservative capitalists at the United Nations is pure comedy.

Stunt Culture and Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis

Certainly we’re missing something here. I believe it must be said. Again. We live in a stunt culture. If the current president has proven anything it is drawing attention to yourself is the path to power and profit.

Constant Manipulation

As a result we are submerged in a fish tank of constant manipulation by all kinds of media in this country, feeding on one stunting public personality after another.

Like Moths To A Flame

They can’t help themselves and neither can we.

Taking The Bait Over and Over

Too bad so called conservatives have taken the bait. Again.

Kinda Funny Though

Although I must admit, some of the Greta Memes are pretty funny.

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Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884



Time to talk about the elephant in the room. These days Trump gets better and better at causing a hurricane then standing in the eye of the storm. Find out why in Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733.

Children Detained Since 2014

First of all everyone now knows some details about the children of illegal immigrants being detained at the border. Pictures of children in cells from the Obama era have been around since 2014. At the root of these detainments is something called ‘Flores‘.

Trump Promises Trump Delivers

President trump made two promises specific to Immigration during his 2016 campaign. Trump said he wanted to build a wall on the southern border and that he would enforce immigration laws if he became president.

Media Firestorm

Due to enforcement efforts and the courts, there’s a new batch of kids on the border. Welcome to the latest media firestorm.

Plenty of Blame To Go Around

While there are two sides to every story there’s plenty of blame to go around on this one. Find out why in Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733.

A Public Relations Nightmare? Not So Fast

Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing. This is a travesty and a public relations nightmare for the US. Is it the same for the president?

Finally Trump retreated and used his favorite means of ‘legislation’. He issued an executive order, to keep detained families together.

Another Trump Stunt

Especially relevant here are officials within the Trump administration who have argued for years this kind of stunt is just what the doctor ordered to get congress to act.

Immigration Law And Texas History

In Trump-Cognitive-Dissonance-Chaos-On-Border-Pure-Genius-Podcast-733 some history of immigration law and the southern US Border in Texas. In addition some details on the ‘Flores Decision’ which is central to this issue.

How Would We Solve This?

More important, what do we think of this issue as citizens? How would we solve this problem? Most noteworthy is the fact that Americans do not agree on this issue. At all.

Cognitive Dissonance

Finally, these kinds of stunts on both sides of the so called political divide don’t solve anything. This is what Trump wants. When you add emotion to the mix no matter what new information comes to light, people only fight harder for their original position.

Midterm Elections

Republican voters don’t care about their local candidates in the midterm elections. They care about Donald Trump. My sense is the president figures whatever it takes to get the so called republican core off their asses and to the polls is good enough. Besides, we’ll all forget about kids in jails after the next stunt, coming to a television near you soon.

Trump In The Eye Of A Storm He Created

In the final analysis, this kind of thing works politically, until it doesn’t. Trump can stand in the eye of the storm. He can be proud of not knowing all the details, until one of these days he causes a real crisis.

Until then. Enjoy the party.

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Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712

They are at it again. Pundits and talking heads are telling us who’s going to win the 2018 mid term elections. What is the truth about 2018? Find out in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

Election Day Tuesday November 6th 2018

Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 is a big day. Up for election is the entire US House of Representatives and one third of the US Senate. Governors and state legislators are also up for election on this day.

It Comes Down To Key Races For Republicans and Democrats

This podcast focuses on the US Senate race in 2018. Specifically on several key races that may decide the majority. This is critical for President Trump’s agenda from 2019 and his reelection effort in 2020. Learn the basic contours of these races in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

The Media IS Doing It Again

Problem is the media has already decided the outcome of this election. It will be democrat wave, they say. The reason? Big national issues favor the democrats. Gun Control. The Me Too movement. Immigration. Trade Protection. Is this true?

These days it seems like when the media says something is going to go one way, it often goes another. I will not tell you what’s going to happen. The Bob Davis Podcasts isn’t in the business of predicting the future, telling people what to think or who to vote for. As in 2016, I’ll try to stick to the facts we know about these races and let you decide what to think about them.

Battleground Senate Races

This podcast focuses on US Senate races in key states considered ‘battlegrounds’. Truth is, republicans are defending fewer vulnerable seats than democratic candidates. Whether than means the GOP will hold onto their majority in the US Senate is quite another question.

All Politics Is Local – Especially Statewide Senate Races

Moreover, Senate races may be effected by national issues, but they are statewide races. Personality and local issues are major factors in such elections. I spend a little time in this podcast outlining examples of regional and geographic political differences. Check it out in Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712.

Time for Truth about 2018 US Senate Predictions in Podcast 712

In conclusion, despite what the pundits and so called experts tell you, national issues that seem to benefit republicans or democrats, don’t always benefit candidates in tight races in their home states.

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Truth About 2018 US Senate Predictions-Fairy Tales-Podcast 712