Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884

Person Of The Year…A Waste Of Time

I am not often amused by what passes for news these days. Moreover our obsession with year end lists and rankings bores me to tears. On the other hand Time’s ‘Person of The Year’ stunt is always worth a few laughs. Learn more in Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884.

Poster Child Greta

First of all the decision to put Climate Change Poster Child Greta Thunberg on the cover as person of the year for 2020 has upset your crazy Uncle Fred and all his baby boomer conservative friends.

Baby Boomers Love Their FaceBook

Even more no one would have paid any attention until these aging baby boomers took to FB to express their rage. Meanwhile we’re missing key issues that really matter.

Time! Number One! A Hundred Years Ago

Especially relevant is the fact that Time Magazine struggles to remain relevant.

What used to be the number one weekly magazine in the United States about a hundred years ago, is a shadow of a shadow of its former self.

Ask SIRI or Alexa

For example, without asking SIRI or Alexa, can you remember last year’s person of the year?

Crazy Uncle Changes Positions on Climate Change!

What’s more when was the last time anyone convinced anyone to change their position on Climate Change?

United Nations…Hotbed Of Capitalists!

Greta’s most noteworthy rage against the machine of conservative capitalists at the United Nations is pure comedy.

Stunt Culture and Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis

Certainly we’re missing something here. I believe it must be said. Again. We live in a stunt culture. If the current president has proven anything it is drawing attention to yourself is the path to power and profit.

Constant Manipulation

As a result we are submerged in a fish tank of constant manipulation by all kinds of media in this country, feeding on one stunting public personality after another.

Like Moths To A Flame

They can’t help themselves and neither can we.

Taking The Bait Over and Over

Too bad so called conservatives have taken the bait. Again.

Kinda Funny Though

Although I must admit, some of the Greta Memes are pretty funny.

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Person-Of-The-Year-Stunt-Bob Davis Podcast 884


D-Day’s-75th-WW2-Significance-Bob Davis Podcast 838

Highly Significant

I think World War Two might have been the most significant historic event in more than the last two hundred years. These days people don’t think or talk much about the second world war, but we’re living in the world created by it. Learn more in D-Day’s-75th-WW2-Significance-Bob Davis Podcast 838.

Father’s and Grandfather’s War

Like most kids growing up in the 70’s World War 2 was our father’s war. Our grandfather’s war.

Certainly World War 2 was historic. Almost every American family has stories from that war. Family members who served. Army Air Force, Marines, Army and Navy or Coast Guard. The stories fade a little more every year, as our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers, mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers fade too. Inevitably, the significance of that war gets lost in time.

When Everything Changed

What’s most noteworthy is the structure of the world today is the result of World War 2. Especially relevant to this podcast is this. The world that preceded the start of the war in 1939 is gone. The life Americans knew before the war, was obliterated by it. Learn more in D-Day’s-75th-WW2-Significance-Bob Davis Podcast 838.

Governments Run Amok

When I was growing up we’d go to the army surplus store in Hammond, Indiana. We’d pick through the boots, jackets, and tanker goggles. Whenever we could we watched all the black and white movies. ‘The Longest Day‘, ‘The Sands of Iwo Jima‘, ‘They Were Expendable‘ and many others. Those movies miss or gloss over mistakes governments made that got us into that war.

Gold Star Windows Up and Down the Block

I am old enough to remember the faded gold stars in the windows of the old ladies on the block, who’s sons never came home. Some were from the Korean and Vietnam wars, but many were still there from World War 2. They were the most faded.

How Could They Have Survived Omaha Beach?

In addition I am lucky enough to have been to Normandy, and of course, Omaha Beach. I have two takeaways. That hill is close to the water and very steep, and I wonder how anyone could have survived crawling up under fire the morning of June 6th, 1944.

They Didn’t Talk About It…They Did It

In conclusion we don’t think about the war that changed the world. Forever.

These days there’s a lot of talk about making the world a better place.

Those who fought that war, actually did.

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D-Day’s-75th-WW2-Significance-Bob Davis Podcast 838


Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

These days the scolds are telling us how to live. What to do. Put down the hand held device. Give up screen time. So called conservatives especially stake out the moral high ground. Problem is there don’t seem to be any principles when it comes to politics. We’ll talk about it in Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Sacrifice For The Greater Good

If we can just sacrifice for the greater good. Devote our lives to something bigger than ourselves. Become more passionate and purposeful about that purpose. Right?

The Greatest Generation

What’s more, the World War 2 generation can always be trotted out as an example of virtue. Just think how much better the world would be if those distracted millennials and super liberal generate Z people would emulate the “Greatest Generation”.

It’s The Millennials Right?

Truth is the world is changing fast. We’re at the dawn of a fast moving wall of change. Moreover demanding people act a certain way may not be the right idea. In Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Principle Free Politics

Welcome to the seedy underbelly of politics. Moralists on both sides tell everyone else how to act while they ignore basic principles. Yeah sure, democrats have been doing this for years. Now republicans are becoming champions at principle free politics. Looks to me like one big mob.

Character Is Someone Else’s Problem

Get the guns and deal with due process later. A 25 cent per gallon gas tax increase. Trade protection. Spend and spend. Pile on national debt. President for life sounds like a good idea. What to do when a republican president promotes ideas directly opposed to republican ideals? Defend him. Go figure.

Principles Or Power?

In conclusion, given the fast pace of change in the world what troubles me isn’t character, it’s the lack of principle in the political party that controls all three branches of government.

In the near future the Technology Revolution will challenge us all. If all anyone wants to do is tear the old world down we’re in for a rough ride.

As far as I’m concerned there’s only one principle that matters these days. Individual Freedom.

Do republicans care about liberty anymore? Or do they just want power.

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Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705