Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

These days the scolds are telling us how to live. What to do. Put down the hand held device. Give up screen time. So called conservatives especially stake out the moral high ground. Problem is there don’t seem to be any principles when it comes to politics. We’ll talk about it in Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Sacrifice For The Greater Good

If we can just sacrifice for the greater good. Devote our lives to something bigger than ourselves. Become more passionate and purposeful about that purpose. Right?

The Greatest Generation

What’s more, the World War 2 generation can always be trotted out as an example of virtue. Just think how much better the world would be if those distracted millennials and super liberal generate Z people would emulate the “Greatest Generation”.

It’s The Millennials Right?

Truth is the world is changing fast. We’re at the dawn of a fast moving wall of change. Moreover demanding people act a certain way may not be the right idea. In Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Principle Free Politics

Welcome to the seedy underbelly of politics. Moralists on both sides tell everyone else how to act while they ignore basic principles. Yeah sure, democrats have been doing this for years. Now republicans are becoming champions at principle free politics. Looks to me like one big mob.

Character Is Someone Else’s Problem

Get the guns and deal with due process later. A 25 cent per gallon gas tax increase. Trade protection. Spend and spend. Pile on national debt. President for life sounds like a good idea. What to do when a republican president promotes ideas directly opposed to republican ideals? Defend him. Go figure.

Principles Or Power?

In conclusion, given the fast pace of change in the world what troubles me isn’t character, it’s the lack of principle in the political party that controls all three branches of government.

In the near future the Technology Revolution will challenge us all. If all anyone wants to do is tear the old world down we’re in for a rough ride.

As far as I’m concerned there’s only one principle that matters these days. Individual Freedom.

Do republicans care about liberty anymore? Or do they just want power.

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Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

These days the we see the US from a bird’s eye view. Americans eat the same kind of food. Listen to the same kind of music. Dress the same. Look the same. Right? Not really. Find out why in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Media Says We’re One People

One people, one culture. That’s what they say on TV. Furthermore, news ratings depend on selling the myth that we’re all the same. We’re supposed to be nine or eleven ‘nations’ of North America. Or as ‘The Fourth Turning’ says, behavior can be predicted by our generation, or where we are from.

Except that isn’t true. Never has been.

Travel Teaches How Real Differences Work

I’ve been up and down both coasts. Crisscrossed the midwest. Toured the west from the Mile High City to Las Cruces. I’ve been up and down Skyline Drive and the birthplace of country music in Bristol. I can tell you from experience there are some real differences in Americans. It’s what makes this country great. In Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Big Assed States

First of all, these fifty states are geographically imposing. Even the so called ‘little’ states in New England are big. Each of them have regional differences that can play out politically in some significant ways.

Different Places Different People

Moreover the personality of these states depends on the settlers. When did they come? Who were they? Why did they come? Where did they come from. What ideas and culture did they bring with them?

Regional Differences

One of the things I hear a lot these days is, “Why can’t they get it done?”. Or, why is a state so ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’. Look closer and you might be surprised. Whatever ‘IT’ is. Part of the reason are the regional differences that might surprise you. Find out about them in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Northern Minnesota Democrats who support 2nd Amendment rights. Conservative residents of Mountain West states like Colorado that supported legalizing marijuana. West Virginia republicans who want trade protection and aid for coal mines.

These differences are especially relevant when it comes to congressional districts.

All Politics Really Is Local

In conclusion, 2018 is an election year. All of congress. One third of the senate. State Legislatures and Governors. Judges and special elections. The pundits, the media, and the parties will try to make it about national issues. More often though, when it comes to so called off-year cycles, all politics is local.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating and Ciro3D motorcycle products and accessories

Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701

First of all, it’s been a theme in my podcasts to discuss bad information spread by media. Most noteworthy are what the mainstream media likes to call ‘narratives’. Yet there is plenty of out and out nonsense in new media too. We’ll talk about it in Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701.

Are We Sane and Rational?

We like to think of ourselves as sane and rational in this country, but I am starting to wonder. Are we reversing in our progress, going back in time to become a more superstitious people?

Pseudo Science To The Rescue

People now use divination, prophecy and pseudo science to predict the future. These kinds of videos on You Tube have hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of subscribers. Moreover it’s becoming harder to argue You Tube videos have less credibility than mainstream outlets.

We Don’t Need Facts Anymore

It is especially relevant that rather than focusing on facts most of the mainstream news outlets focus on opinion to keep people watching. As a result we’re not using facts to make judgements about our world.

Anything Makes Sense When We Know Nothing

Hence, we might believe the US is about to attack North Korea. Why not accept story lines suggesting there is a planetary system hiding behind the sun and our government is keeping proof of its existence from us? Why wouldn’t we believe pseudo science stories about people who channel aliens?

Your Child Is A Genius

Because it’s easy to accept the idea that our children are geniuses and have evolved DNA and that a benevolent alien race is about to change the energy level on earth, allowing us to live disease free, and promoting love.

Welcome To A Tribal Way of Life

I think it might be easy to accept outrageous stories, when you’re fed opinion disguised as facts on the real stories? Are we well on our way to becoming a tribal rather than rational culture?

Self Reliant People Don’t Believe In Fairy Tales

In conclusion we have all been taught Americans descend from ruggedly self reliant people therefore, we are self reliant. Are we? Can we be strong and self reliant if we believe fairy tales?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701