Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949

Live From The Political Wilderness!

These days the only way to see things clearly is stand back. Way back. I live in the high country. The wilderness. Learn more in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Been Here For Years

Firstly I’ve been here in the wilderness for years.

Best Approach For Listeners and Subscribers

Secondly I think the wilderness has turned out to be best thing for subscribers and listeners of this podcast.

Political Realignment

Because of my vantage point I see a big political realignment coming and I don’t have a dog in that race.

Trapped In The Roach Motel Of Politics

Even more those still trapped in the republican or democrat world might seriously think about the so called wilderness as a destination.

How The Party System Changes

Above all this podcast defines the party system and explains what realignment might mean.

Not Hearing What I Need To Hear

I have certainly said I am not hearing what I need to hear from the mainline political parties.

Land Of Political Confusion

During the time I have been in the high country the political confusion has only increased.

Nothing Seems To Make Sense

Likewise for many nothing seems to make sense anymore.

Hope For The Future

On the other hand there is a hopeful reason for this confusion. That’s what I want to talk about in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Forging A New Party System

To clarify I think the winner, or loser of the 2020 election may forge a new party system in the United States.

It’s As American As…

That is to say the political make up of the two main parties is about to change significantly. This has happened in the same vein in America several times since the 1790’s.

Partisan Commentators That Attack Their Standard Bearers Are Still Partisan

Finally I take some shots at commentators on one side the current divide as well as protesters on the other.

Our Political System Has To Change

To sum up it’s clear our political system has to change. We’re not addressing new technologies and the changes it brings. There’s been no real discussion of our approach to the rest of the world and our real economic problems or opportunities in this political season.

Something To Think About

In conclusion part of the mission of these podcasts is to give listeners and subscribers something to think about rather than to push you down a path.

Your Vote Is Your Business

I’ve always thought what you fight for and how you vote is your business and your business alone.

Sponsored by AuntieBRentals and Reality One Group Choice and by Nathan W. Nelson Strategic Business Attorney at Virtus Law

Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949


Reforming Your Town-Local Issues-Part 2-Bob Davis Podcast 803

When it comes to reform, local issues are often overlooked these days. Jason Bradley and Andrew Richter join me for the second half of our interview to talk local. Click here for part one. Learn more in Reforming Your Town-Local Issues-Part 2-Bob Davis Podcast 803.

Most Towns Have Similar Issues

I joined Andrew and Jason for the 100th Community Solutions MN podcast recently. In that podcast Andrew and Jason made the point that they’ve discovered the most pressing local issues in Minnesota are surprisingly uniform.

Unelected Government Pushing Its Agenda

Moreover what it comes down to is increasing control of local communities by state and federal government. Bike trails. Light Rail. Unelected boards and ghost written city plans. Roundabouts. Higher property taxes and local costs. You’d be surprised to see opposition to these plans from politically unpredictable sources.

Great Ideas Hidden Costs

Certainly some there are some supporters for this kind of development. In contrast support begins to fade when locals learn how much these great ideas cost. Find out about it in Reforming Your Town-Local Issues-Part 2-Bob Davis Podcast 803.

Unsuspecting Locals Forced To Accept National Will

Moreover national groups and sponsors of social initiatives often go around state and federal legislatures to force their will on unsuspecting and weak local residents. Andrew and Jason have called it the death of rural America.

Second Amendment Infringements

Especially relevant here are local infringements on second amendment rights. While state legislatures and the US Congress struggle with firearm legislation regulations are being forced on local communities.

Work Sessions To Avoid Community Action

Community Solutions MN also points out a most noteworthy tactic. Often local councils and boards will use ‘work sessions’ to debate and decide, and have a useless public hearing to take questions at the last minute before levies and initiatives are about to be imposed.

Robbing Us Blind

Finally what about subsidies and costs? Taxes? Levies? Fees? The average american has only five hundred dollars cash in reserve. Financial burdens on the middle class from local governments are more significant than you’d think.

In conclusion everyone focuses on the circus in Washington DC. However local governments are robbing us blind.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating, Metro wide from Saint Paul

Reforming Your Town-Local Issues-Part 2-Bob Davis Podcast 803



Toss Up House Elections 2018-Part 5-Podcast 757

What kind of a news environment are we in these days? A video of a TV reporter struggling against hurricane winds while people walk calmly behind him has gone viral. ‘Fake Wind’ is the latest example of how media covers ‘news’. Are they off base when it comes to politics? Find out in Toss Up House Elections 2018-Part 5-Podcast 757.

All The Toss Up Races All The Time

At the conclusion of this series I have reviewed specific data for Senate, Governors and House elections considered ‘toss ups’ in 2018. Especially relevant is the question of what actual polling data exists, facts about the district and candidates in each of these elections.

These podcasts include much of what I learned. Now you have the same information I have in Toss Up House Elections 2018-Part 5-Podcast 757.

Final Analysis Coming

I’ll do a final analysis in the next podcast. In addition there will be no predictions. No campaigning for a candidate. I think it is very difficult right now given the facts to make predictions about what will happen on November 6th 2018. That’s why they call them ‘close’ elections. You have to wait and see what the outcome will be.

Tons of Toss Ups All Over The Country

These toss up districts and statewide races are all over the country. There are older and younger people running. Men and Women. There are good democrat and republican candidates and a few libertarians and constitution party folks too. Moreover there are some truly funny characteristics to some of the candidates and situations in these districts.

No ‘Fake Wind’ Here

In conclusion it’s time we had political coverage that doesn’t ‘sell’ conclusions to keep people watching and listening. Coverage that doesn’t try to convince you to vote one way or another. No fake wind.

Finally, guess what every election depends on? Who votes. It’s that simple.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and John D. Scott Personal Injury Lawyer

Toss Up House Elections 2018-Part 5-Podcast 757