Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951

Riots Are A Slippery Slope

First of all protests and riots have everyone talking though they are a slippery slope. Cooking dinner and sitting on the deck seems to be a great venue to talk about it. Learn more in Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951.

Civil War Talk Just As Dangerous

Second I don’t like using the term ‘civil war’ in the same context, but some very foolish people are.

Real Talk

In the same vein it’s time for some real talk about what’s going on and what it might mean.

Recent Content Rich Podcasts

Moreover I’ve done some pretty content rich podcasts lately about political realignment and presidential polls. It’s also time for a more relaxed conversation about serious subjects.

I Never Know

On the other hand when I do more relaxed podcasts I never know what I’m going to talk about.

Buzzing On Social Media

Specifically what kicked off this talk are people buzzing about ‘civil war’ on social media.

Dangerous Talk

Most importantly I think this is very dangerous talk, even for so called analysts and commentators. We’ll get into it in Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951.

How The Draft Riots Ended

In addition I use an example from history about the New York City Draft Riots, as depicted in the movie The Gangs Of New York.

It Wasn’t Pretty

To clarify the book, “The Gangs Of New York” was written by Herbert Asbury. A part of the book focuses on the Federal Government’s response to complete anarchy in New York City during these riots, at the height of the Civil War. It wasn’t pretty.

A Lot Of Silly Talk

Above all we don’t need a lot of silly inflammatory talk right now. No matter where it comes from.

Yeah It Could Get A Lot Worse

Finally many of us find ourselves thinking about how tough things are right now. Certainly we can all agree that an actual civil war would make things a lot worse. Like, you can’t imagine how much worse.

Cavalcade Of Idiots

Can we please stop using that term to describe street violence and cavalcade of idiots on both sides responding to it.

Delusional America

In conclusion I have certainly talked about a delusional America. The fact that we’re on the cusp of a change in epoch. I don’t think any of us can say with any degree of confidence where we’ll be in five years.

Meanwhile life goes on.

Sponsored by Auntie B Rentals Realty One Group Choice and Nathan W. Nelson at Virtus Law

Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951




Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949

Live From The Political Wilderness!

These days the only way to see things clearly is stand back. Way back. I live in the high country. The wilderness. Learn more in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Been Here For Years

Firstly I’ve been here in the wilderness for years.

Best Approach For Listeners and Subscribers

Secondly I think the wilderness has turned out to be best thing for subscribers and listeners of this podcast.

Political Realignment

Because of my vantage point I see a big political realignment coming and I don’t have a dog in that race.

Trapped In The Roach Motel Of Politics

Even more those still trapped in the republican or democrat world might seriously think about the so called wilderness as a destination.

How The Party System Changes

Above all this podcast defines the party system and explains what realignment might mean.

Not Hearing What I Need To Hear

I have certainly said I am not hearing what I need to hear from the mainline political parties.

Land Of Political Confusion

During the time I have been in the high country the political confusion has only increased.

Nothing Seems To Make Sense

Likewise for many nothing seems to make sense anymore.

Hope For The Future

On the other hand there is a hopeful reason for this confusion. That’s what I want to talk about in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Forging A New Party System

To clarify I think the winner, or loser of the 2020 election may forge a new party system in the United States.

It’s As American As…

That is to say the political make up of the two main parties is about to change significantly. This has happened in the same vein in America several times since the 1790’s.

Partisan Commentators That Attack Their Standard Bearers Are Still Partisan

Finally I take some shots at commentators on one side the current divide as well as protesters on the other.

Our Political System Has To Change

To sum up it’s clear our political system has to change. We’re not addressing new technologies and the changes it brings. There’s been no real discussion of our approach to the rest of the world and our real economic problems or opportunities in this political season.

Something To Think About

In conclusion part of the mission of these podcasts is to give listeners and subscribers something to think about rather than to push you down a path.

Your Vote Is Your Business

I’ve always thought what you fight for and how you vote is your business and your business alone.

Sponsored by AuntieBRentals and Reality One Group Choice and by Nathan W. Nelson Strategic Business Attorney at Virtus Law

Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949


2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717

Continuing to run down the toss up races in the 2018 midterm elections for the US House. The big story line? A democrat wave will wrest control of the house from the republicans. In 2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717.

From The Midwest Across To The Atlantic Coast

Kansas and Nebraska. East of the Mississippi to Iowa. Minnesota which has some of the closest House races in the country. Illinois in the northern suburbs, and the Land of Lincoln’s southern tip. Across to New York, Georgia, New Hampshire and more.

All About Political Junkies

The second of two parts of a mega podcasting effort for political junkies and subscribers who just want someone to objectively run down all the races in one spot. We’ll challenge some of the myths and tell you why some pundits say this year is a game changer. In 2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717.

These days the biggest problem with the media is its penchant for trying to predict the future. Americans are ill served because of this problem. Expectations become truth. Final outcomes turn out to be much harder to predict. Democrats learned this the hard way in 2016’s presidential race.

Republicans Defending The Most Toss Up Seats

Especially relevant is the fact that as a political agnostic, I’m not afraid to tell you there is almost no polling to speak of, despite all the efforts to predict the outcome of 435 House Races. To be sure, the republicans are defending most of the toss up seats.

Why Democrats Believe This Will Be A Wave

Moreover after spending two days poring over election data and reading about local issues and personalties, I can tell you why democrats believe this will be a ‘wave’ election. Do their hopes have any basis in reality? Well. Listen and find out. In 2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717.

With the Midterms 7 months away, anything can happen. Moreover primaries in some races will determine the tactical situation in many of the House districts in question. Both parties are furiously trying to raise enough money to compete. Will they be able to commit the resources they’re famous for in the special elections that grabbed all the headlines lately?

All Politics Is Local

That’s the old saying. What are the local issues, personalties and unique characteristics of places we don’t think very much about unless its our home? How many of those out of the way places may have an election that determines the future of our country? Check out 2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717 and let’s talk. For the same kind of analysis on the US Senate Toss Up races, go here.

Sponsored by Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

2018 House Toss Up Races-Story Lines-Predictions-Part 2-Podcast 717