Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951

Riots Are A Slippery Slope

First of all protests and riots have everyone talking though they are a slippery slope. Cooking dinner and sitting on the deck seems to be a great venue to talk about it. Learn more in Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951.

Civil War Talk Just As Dangerous

Second I don’t like using the term ‘civil war’ in the same context, but some very foolish people are.

Real Talk

In the same vein it’s time for some real talk about what’s going on and what it might mean.

Recent Content Rich Podcasts

Moreover I’ve done some pretty content rich podcasts lately about political realignment and presidential polls. It’s also time for a more relaxed conversation about serious subjects.

I Never Know

On the other hand when I do more relaxed podcasts I never know what I’m going to talk about.

Buzzing On Social Media

Specifically what kicked off this talk are people buzzing about ‘civil war’ on social media.

Dangerous Talk

Most importantly I think this is very dangerous talk, even for so called analysts and commentators. We’ll get into it in Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951.

How The Draft Riots Ended

In addition I use an example from history about the New York City Draft Riots, as depicted in the movie The Gangs Of New York.

It Wasn’t Pretty

To clarify the book, “The Gangs Of New York” was written by Herbert Asbury. A part of the book focuses on the Federal Government’s response to complete anarchy in New York City during these riots, at the height of the Civil War. It wasn’t pretty.

A Lot Of Silly Talk

Above all we don’t need a lot of silly inflammatory talk right now. No matter where it comes from.

Yeah It Could Get A Lot Worse

Finally many of us find ourselves thinking about how tough things are right now. Certainly we can all agree that an actual civil war would make things a lot worse. Like, you can’t imagine how much worse.

Cavalcade Of Idiots

Can we please stop using that term to describe street violence and cavalcade of idiots on both sides responding to it.

Delusional America

In conclusion I have certainly talked about a delusional America. The fact that we’re on the cusp of a change in epoch. I don’t think any of us can say with any degree of confidence where we’ll be in five years.

Meanwhile life goes on.

Sponsored by Auntie B Rentals Realty One Group Choice and Nathan W. Nelson at Virtus Law

Riots-A-Slippery-Slope-Bob Davis Podcast 951




July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741

A big lunar eclipse at the end of July has the doom merchants on You Tube pumping out despair. Again. Seems like I need to do a round up of these alerts of impending doom more often these days. Find out why in July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741.

You Tube Is The Place For All Your Doom Needs

In this podcast I share some excerpts from videos that have become an increasing part of my You Tube viewing experience. Almost all of them are unpredictable and unique in their own way.

Beautiful Summer Days Mean The End Is Near

Especially relevant is the quality of these beautiful summer days we are having. Blue skies. Billowing white clouds. Pure sunshine. You probably think there’s nothing to complain about right?

Look Out! Volcanoes and Earthquakes Ahead!

If you didn’t have You Tube, FaceBook, Twitter, or the Internet in general you wouldn’t know it’s all coming to an end. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. Axis shift. Changes in our energy field. Consequently there’s plenty of be in despair about. Apparently. Check it out in July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741.

Message In A Parking Lot

A message on the back of an SUV in a Whole Foods inspired this podcast. The message said the world is so hateful and cruel it’s understandable some people would want to die rather than become themselves. Really? It all depends on how you look that things.

Longest Lunar Eclipse In A Century

Above all, on July 27th, 2018 parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Australia will get to see the longest lasting lunar eclipse in more than a century. Refracted light from the sun, as the earth passes in front of the moon, will turn the moon a dark orange or red color. This is called a ‘blood moon’.

The Blood Moon What?

This blood moon signals the end. What is the blood moon prophecy?

Finally, religion. astrology, metaphysics these days all seem to rely on fear.

Yes You Can Overcome

In conclusion all this fear mongering adds to the unwarranted sense of despair some people have. It’s important we hear that we can overcome adversity and meet challenges. Many have done more with less.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and Reliafund Payment Processors.

July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741