Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796

2018 was the year for religious prophets to predict the end of the world and be wrong. Seems like 2019 is starting off with a bang. It’s all about a flip of the Earth’s magnetic poles these days. Up is Down. Down is Up! Learn more in Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796.

True North Ain’t True No More

Especially relevant is the movement of the magnetic North Pole from the arctic over Canada, toward Siberia. Our magnetic pole is moving so fast even NASA has put out emails noting the speed of the shift and its effect on your devices and GPS systems.

From Canada To Siberia

According to NASA the northern magnetic pole is racing away from Canada toward Siberia with ‘surprising acceleration’. While the magnetic poles normally ‘wobble’ around, this is unprecedented. Enter YouTube to save the day.

Disaster Porn

Suddenly YouTube is full of videos describing calamity and disaster. From Russia Today to the BBC and all points in between. Moreover it won’t be long until the mainstream cable networks and broadcast television get hold of this story and run with it. Step right up and get your disaster supplies right here!

cYouTube Goes Overboard Again

Due to intertest in moderately factual accounts of the magnetic pole movement YouTubers have gone overboard with all kinds of information and theories. As a result factual lines are getting blurred. Theory becomes immanent danger with warnings that the actual geographic north and south polls will follow the magnetic poles, and the earth’s rotational axis will ‘flip’.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul Will Be The New Miami!

Most noteworthy to Minnesotans is the prospect of Minnesota slipping down to the equator in a new orientation. Could this happen? Theoretically possible. Would we survive it? To go from 13 degrees to 93 degrees in one afternoon? All of us northerners would like to try!

Sleeping Psychics, Sumer and the Plastic Crust

Finally, who came up with these theories to begin with? From Edgar Cayce, “The Sleeping Psychic” to Immanuel Velikovsky and Zechariah Sitchin. In Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796 I tie it all together and you can decide.

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Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796

July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741

A big lunar eclipse at the end of July has the doom merchants on You Tube pumping out despair. Again. Seems like I need to do a round up of these alerts of impending doom more often these days. Find out why in July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741.

You Tube Is The Place For All Your Doom Needs

In this podcast I share some excerpts from videos that have become an increasing part of my You Tube viewing experience. Almost all of them are unpredictable and unique in their own way.

Beautiful Summer Days Mean The End Is Near

Especially relevant is the quality of these beautiful summer days we are having. Blue skies. Billowing white clouds. Pure sunshine. You probably think there’s nothing to complain about right?

Look Out! Volcanoes and Earthquakes Ahead!

If you didn’t have You Tube, FaceBook, Twitter, or the Internet in general you wouldn’t know it’s all coming to an end. Volcanoes. Earthquakes. Axis shift. Changes in our energy field. Consequently there’s plenty of be in despair about. Apparently. Check it out in July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741.

Message In A Parking Lot

A message on the back of an SUV in a Whole Foods inspired this podcast. The message said the world is so hateful and cruel it’s understandable some people would want to die rather than become themselves. Really? It all depends on how you look that things.

Longest Lunar Eclipse In A Century

Above all, on July 27th, 2018 parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Australia will get to see the longest lasting lunar eclipse in more than a century. Refracted light from the sun, as the earth passes in front of the moon, will turn the moon a dark orange or red color. This is called a ‘blood moon’.

The Blood Moon What?

This blood moon signals the end. What is the blood moon prophecy?

Finally, religion. astrology, metaphysics these days all seem to rely on fear.

Yes You Can Overcome

In conclusion all this fear mongering adds to the unwarranted sense of despair some people have. It’s important we hear that we can overcome adversity and meet challenges. Many have done more with less.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and Reliafund Payment Processors.

July 27th 2018-World Ends-Again-You Tube Despair-Bob Davis Podcast 741

Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655

August 21st 2017. Across a great swath of the United States perhaps millions will gather to watch a total eclipse of the sun. Eclipses don’t happen every day, of course. Then again, it’s just a solar eclipse. In Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655, the Internet wants you to think it’s the end of the world as we know it.

The Age Of Aquarius

The Event. Planet Nibiru. A shift of the Earth’s magnetic poles. Shifting to a higher consciousness. Let’s not forget the emergence of the Anti Christ. Those with special knowledge are eager to share it with you. From ‘psychics’ to astrologers, to UFOlogists. Especially relevant is the ‘fact’ that this all ties in to this highly unusual or ‘special’ eclipse.

An Unprecedented Event?

Thing is, it’s not THAT special. Total solar eclipses occur on average 2 to 3 times in every three year period. It’s just that this eclipse features a path of totality all the way across the United States. Depending on who you listen to, this hasn’t happened since 1918, or 1776. We’ll break it down in Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655.

Back In The Day

2017 will not be like 1979. Back then, people stood in their back yard, took a look, and went back to their lives. It’s a new day. These days everything has to have some supernatural weight. Maybe that’s how we keep it interesting.

Welcome To The Dark Ages

Are we regressing to a primitive state? It’s certainly easier to do so when you have got so many charlatans so easily available. Fact checking would take centuries, even with an abby full of ‘Game Of Thrones’ style Maesters, sifting through their books and ancient scrolls. Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655 gives you an opportunity to hear some of the ‘theories’ and their prognosticators.

Bob Davis Podcasts Will Be There

Mobile Podcast Command will be headed to Carbondale, Illinois on August 21st, 2017. One of many towns and cities across the US which claim to be at the point of the ‘longest totality’. Why not join everyone else for a good old American Freak Out? Yes, we are accepting contributions to fuel the trip. In Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655 I also make a pitch for advertisers to sponsor this trip as well. Why not? Everyone else is!

Tribal Politics

On a more serious note; this kind of media feeding frenzy makes me wonder about the increasing tribal nature of Americans. Each of the theories you’ll hear expressed here about a what is, let’s face it, a regular eclipse…can be considered exclusive. Each theory boasts a constituency. If they can do this with a simple eclipse, just think about what they do with the day to day news.

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Solar Eclipse 2017 Craziness Begins Now On You Tube-Podcast 655