Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875

Winter Is Here…Already

I think it’s time to talk about a more reflective season. Winter is here in Minnesota. Even though it’s only Veterans Day, it’s winter. More time spent reading, streaming TV and more. We’ll talk about it in Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875.

Two Recent Podcasts Highlighted

First of all I have to start with a review of my two recent podcasts with Congressman Tom Emmer. You can listen to them here and here. At one point in posting content on social media, I mentioned those two podcasts would be impossible on the radio today.

Mission Of The Bob Davis Podcasts

Moreover it reminds of me the mission of the Bob Davis Podcasts these days. Especially relevant is the need to say, and say again, I am not driven by wanting to be in a specific political or social construct.

Biggest Problem In Media Today

In addition it is necessary for me to say not only do I not want to be a ‘this or that’, I think the biggest problem in media today is most of the commentators, reporters, and so called analysts seem to need and want to come from a partisan perspective.

Some People Need Acceptance…Apparently

I think it is the wanting, even more the need to be accepted by some group. Learn more in Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875.

Playing To The Crowd

Furthermore playing to an audience adds to the problem.

Say What We Want To Hear

Audiences expect content creators to say certain things. To defend or attack to shore up expectations. To say what they want to hear.

Not My Mission

Of course this is not my mission. My mission is to progress. To be decidedly unpredictable. To refuse a side. Ask questions. Advance the story. Artists progress, sometimes to the dismay of their audiences. Think Picasso, or even Elton John’s changes in style critics did not necessarily liike.

Don’t Follow. Lead!

Sometimes you have to lead the audience.

Human Progress?

I also thought a lot recently about human consciousness. Whether we are making progress. You hear a lot of talk these days about how much progress human beings are supposedly making.

You’ll have to listen to the podcast to get an idea of what I think.


Finally the question of the progress of human consciousness leads me to wonder how we got where we are today. So much confusion about who’s right and wrong, what direction works, failing institutions and new ideas.

From Podcasts To The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald In This Podcast

Therefore it is a fitting random discussion that takes us from recent podcasts to The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald, the role of artists, and more.

I had a lot of fun with this one.

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Human-Nature-Progress-Random-Thoughts-Bob Davis Podcast 875

Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796

2018 was the year for religious prophets to predict the end of the world and be wrong. Seems like 2019 is starting off with a bang. It’s all about a flip of the Earth’s magnetic poles these days. Up is Down. Down is Up! Learn more in Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796.

True North Ain’t True No More

Especially relevant is the movement of the magnetic North Pole from the arctic over Canada, toward Siberia. Our magnetic pole is moving so fast even NASA has put out emails noting the speed of the shift and its effect on your devices and GPS systems.

From Canada To Siberia

According to NASA the northern magnetic pole is racing away from Canada toward Siberia with ‘surprising acceleration’. While the magnetic poles normally ‘wobble’ around, this is unprecedented. Enter YouTube to save the day.

Disaster Porn

Suddenly YouTube is full of videos describing calamity and disaster. From Russia Today to the BBC and all points in between. Moreover it won’t be long until the mainstream cable networks and broadcast television get hold of this story and run with it. Step right up and get your disaster supplies right here!

cYouTube Goes Overboard Again

Due to intertest in moderately factual accounts of the magnetic pole movement YouTubers have gone overboard with all kinds of information and theories. As a result factual lines are getting blurred. Theory becomes immanent danger with warnings that the actual geographic north and south polls will follow the magnetic poles, and the earth’s rotational axis will ‘flip’.

Minneapolis and Saint Paul Will Be The New Miami!

Most noteworthy to Minnesotans is the prospect of Minnesota slipping down to the equator in a new orientation. Could this happen? Theoretically possible. Would we survive it? To go from 13 degrees to 93 degrees in one afternoon? All of us northerners would like to try!

Sleeping Psychics, Sumer and the Plastic Crust

Finally, who came up with these theories to begin with? From Edgar Cayce, “The Sleeping Psychic” to Immanuel Velikovsky and Zechariah Sitchin. In Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796 I tie it all together and you can decide.

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Pole Shift Happening-Soon-Latest YouTube Craze-Bob Davis Podcast 796

Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795

It seems like the talking heads are always telling us what our problems are. The moralists are back trying to shore up their audiences. They are making the case our economic system and politics are making us unhappy. Learn more in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.


First of all, who or what is responsible for our happiness? Where does happiness come from? We’ll talk about it in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

Happiness and Government

Furthermore I was trying to do a yoga podcast. Due to the political and social nature of the topic I have to explain why this question of happiness and government has come up.

The New Moralism

Most noteworthy this week is the fact that most of the moralism is coming from the supposed political right.

Moral Health Of America

Because of Senator Mitt Romney, Tucker Carlson and Armstrong Williams commentary on the ‘moral‘ nature of Americans I feel the need to respond.

Republicans Attack Capitalism?

Especially relevant are Romney’s attacks on the president’s moral character and Tucker Carlson’s attacks on capitalism and our political leaders’ responsibilities.

Republicans Embrace Chavez and Marx

Finally since when do so called conservatives start sounding like Hugo Chavez and Karl Marx? It isn’t the job of our politicians to ‘make us happy’. Certainly we claim the right to the pursuit of happiness, not the right to the condition of happiness.

Who’s Job Is It To Make Me Happy?

Also it is our job to make ourselves happy. I provide some suggestions for that in Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795.

The Devil Marijuana

Finally Romney, Tucker and Armstrong use unsupported assessments of marijuana usage, rape and sexual harassment and general economic ‘malaise’ to support their points. They say this country is in moral decline.

It’s Getting Better Not Worse

In conclusion things are actually getting better. All the world’s problems are not solved, but it is a shock to me that so called conservative opinionators can’t look on the bright side anymore.

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Spiritual Bankruptcy-New Moralists-Bob Davis Podcast 795