No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138

No Politics A Better Path

Firstly it’s time for some real talk about why No Politics is the better path for me. Check out No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138 for details.

Secondly in order to explain this I do have to spend a little time talking about political science.

But no personalities or issues in this podcast.

No Political Content

Or any podcast or YouTube video I do.

In fact this has been my policy for more than three years now.


To clarify a metamorphosis for me began around 2020…

which at length changed my approach to content on my podcasts.

Long Time Listeners Already Know

All things considered my subscribers and listeners know this has been my policy.

On the other hand I have new listeners and subscribers both on these podcasts and through YouTube.


Even more people have been asking me why I don’t talk about politics…

Don’t ‘Should’ me Brah

Or in like manner suggesting I “should”.

Better Path For Me

Therefore it’s time to say again why the no politics content rule is a better path for me.

Political Science

More importantly it’s necessary to discuss political science for a little bit of time in this podcast.


Because of course so much of social media content is devoted to back and forth arguments and rancor about national personalities and national issues.

Easier To Listen

Above all I can’t really write it the way I say it in this podcast…

Socially Corrosive

but so much of this socially corrosive rancor in on the social media platforms where people complain about ‘the media’.

Useless Energy

With this in mind a great deal of national government in the US is not subject to individual votes in the same manner local government is.

Yet so many of these ‘arguments’ have to do with national issues.

Ruining The Vibe

Overall though the reason I think this is the best path for me is that political talk ruins the travel vibe.

Four More Years

Thirdly I have been a nomad for four years now.

Positive Vibe

The first thing to remember about the nomad lifestyle is it carries a very high positive vibe.

We Are More

Furthermore this experience taught me we can be and are so much more than yelling and screaming at each other across the back fence.

Why Bring The Nightmare To The Dream?

In the final analysis when someone chooses a lifestyle that is unique…

It’s most important that one of the drivers of the decision to choose this lifestyle is to experience more and be more.

In the long run, why bring the nightmare to the dream?

Finally I do not feel all this political yelling and screaming is positive at all.

Certainly not for the kind of content I have grown to love.

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No-Politics-Better-Path-Bob Davis Podcast 1138


Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949

Live From The Political Wilderness!

These days the only way to see things clearly is stand back. Way back. I live in the high country. The wilderness. Learn more in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Been Here For Years

Firstly I’ve been here in the wilderness for years.

Best Approach For Listeners and Subscribers

Secondly I think the wilderness has turned out to be best thing for subscribers and listeners of this podcast.

Political Realignment

Because of my vantage point I see a big political realignment coming and I don’t have a dog in that race.

Trapped In The Roach Motel Of Politics

Even more those still trapped in the republican or democrat world might seriously think about the so called wilderness as a destination.

How The Party System Changes

Above all this podcast defines the party system and explains what realignment might mean.

Not Hearing What I Need To Hear

I have certainly said I am not hearing what I need to hear from the mainline political parties.

Land Of Political Confusion

During the time I have been in the high country the political confusion has only increased.

Nothing Seems To Make Sense

Likewise for many nothing seems to make sense anymore.

Hope For The Future

On the other hand there is a hopeful reason for this confusion. That’s what I want to talk about in Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949.

Forging A New Party System

To clarify I think the winner, or loser of the 2020 election may forge a new party system in the United States.

It’s As American As…

That is to say the political make up of the two main parties is about to change significantly. This has happened in the same vein in America several times since the 1790’s.

Partisan Commentators That Attack Their Standard Bearers Are Still Partisan

Finally I take some shots at commentators on one side the current divide as well as protesters on the other.

Our Political System Has To Change

To sum up it’s clear our political system has to change. We’re not addressing new technologies and the changes it brings. There’s been no real discussion of our approach to the rest of the world and our real economic problems or opportunities in this political season.

Something To Think About

In conclusion part of the mission of these podcasts is to give listeners and subscribers something to think about rather than to push you down a path.

Your Vote Is Your Business

I’ve always thought what you fight for and how you vote is your business and your business alone.

Sponsored by AuntieBRentals and Reality One Group Choice and by Nathan W. Nelson Strategic Business Attorney at Virtus Law

Live-From-The-Wilderness-Bob Davis Podcast 949


Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871

Political Chatter

These days there’s a lot of political chatter. We’ll talk about it in Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871.

Who the candidates are.

Who’s going to be nominated.

Which ones will win. It seems to change every week.

Not Much Real Talk About Issues

In contrast there hasn’t been a lot of talk about the issues. We’ll do that it in Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871.

Our Dream State Of Politics

This podcast opens with a quote about the dreamlike nature of our politics. Then there are the pundits who seem to want to break it down with percentages and numbers. To advocate. The desire is to make a call and tell you who’s going to win.

I won’t do that.

Art Not Science

Politics is more of an art than a science.

Personalities and Partisanship

In 2020 it may come down to personalities and partisanship, not polling and elections data from yesteryear.

Emotions Make Bad Decisions

Moreover I don’t think people driven by emotion, and armed with conspiracy theory, make decisions based on the so called ‘issues’.

Fluid Issues

Issues are also fluid. Killing a famous terrorist changes the fortunes of a president.

In addition so can a series of bad economic numbers or an economic crisis.

One day’s high is the next day’s low.

Long Lists Of Issues

I researched issues. Got long lists of ‘issues’. Certainly many of those ‘issues‘ are included in this podcast. Do they mean anything?

What The Media Is Selling You Already

Will these issues drive the election? That’s what most of the media is selling you.

Not me.

In contrast I’ve picked four key themes I think may have a big impact on what happens in 2020. Let’s not forget we don’t directly elect presidents in the US. We do directly elect congress and our statewide representatives and governors. Those elections are important too.


In conclusion it’s necessary say again I am not supporting or fighting against any candidate. I am not trying to convince listeners and subscribers we need to move a certain way in this country. You listen. Make your own calls.

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Real-Talk-2020-Election-Issues-Bob Davis Podcast 871