Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850

Another Trillion Dollars

This week the president’s budget deal adds a trillion dollars to the National Debt. These days it’s depressing when so called conservatives say, “Deficits Don’t Matter“. Learn more in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

Trump Republicans Spending and More Debt

Above all, Trump’s spending is on pace with Obama first term red ink.

I’ll Pay Off The Deficit In Eight Years

Moreover campaigning in 2016, Trump said he’d pay off the deficit in just eight years. In those days the deficit was 20 trillion. It’s now almost 23 trillion.

Current Federal Debt Is Unsustainable? Bring It on!

As the president began his second year in office, the General Accounting Office released a report on the national debt. The current Federal Fiscal Situation is unsustainable, it said. More in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

Republicans Addition To Debt Peaks In 2030

In fact, the GAO report showed US debt beginning to rise and peak in 2030, long after Trump has left the White House.

American Cities Are Broke Again

Over 70 US cities are in deep financial trouble. New York City is broke. Los Angeles isn’t far behind. Chicago is in a tailspin. I’ll explain it in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

The Amount of Spending And Debt Is Shocking

When it comes to cities, counties and states investigators have to use forensic accounting to find out what’s going on. Even in small towns and counties across the country those investigations are uncovering a shocking amount of spending and debt.

Bonding On Bonding

Even more, states use bonding bills to get around balancing budgets. Therefore creating more debt through bonding.

Corporate Debt Binge

US corporations are on a debt binge too. Corporate debt is skyrocketing. It’s now 45 percent of our GDP. Much higher than during the 2008 crisis and dotcom bubble.

Americans Saved The Economy In The 2nd Quarter With More Debt

In addition Americans are more indebted than they were before 2008. US Household debt is 13.3 trillion in the second quarter. Much of it auto loans. Certainly Americans don’t save enough.

Conservatives Say Don’t Worry

Republicans say debt doesn’t matter and democrats have a new monetary theory. There’s nothing to worry about. Right? The US can “print” as much money as it needs as long as it prints US dollars.

Politicians Handing Out Goodies

Goodies like free college, single payer health, a green new deal, a higher minimum wage and guaranteed full employment are just around the corner. Just simply print money.

[Editor’s Note: In this podcast I used a quote from President Trump saying that he said, “No politician has ever been thrown out of office for not spending money. In fact he is reported to have told Senator McConnell, “No politician has ever lost his job for SPENDING money.”)

Forget Rome, England, Spain, Germany, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

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Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850



Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764

These days it always pays to wait for an outcome before you predict the future. With the confirmation of Brett Cavanaugh to the US Supreme Court we have an outcome. Now comes an avalanche of predictions about the court fight’s impact on the election. Find out why I say ignore the prognosticators in Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764.

Bottom line, elections belong to the people who vote. Not tea leaves

Most noteworthy in 2018 are several US Senate Elections. Moreover scores of House elections are very close.

Blue Wave. Wait! Red Wave! No Wait! Blue Wave

What’s the media telling the American people? It’s a ‘blue’ wave fueled by young adults and women angry at the treatment of Christine Ford, nemesis of the former court nominee. Don’t like that story line? Guess what? Republican voters are seething and will go out and vote again democrats in droves. So say the story tellers.

Not Enough Data

In contrast to the nonsense being spewed by now famous political ‘scientists’ no one knows who’s actually going to vote. Polls are scanty and some shoddily conducted. Another factor is the fact that determining who will vote and why is truly an art. In other words, no one knows. It’s about time someone explains it’s hard to say what will happen on November 6th, without picking sides.

Quick! Who’s Your Congressman?

Truth is midterm voter turn out is lower than presidential years. Many people don’t even know who their congressman is. National issues don’t always drive elections. Almost all the House districts that aren’t gerrymandered are close. And somehow one national story is going to drive the results of all these elections? Are they toss ups that can go either way? Are these close races evidence of a blue wave? Find out in Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764.

Coverage Of Politics In This Country is Terrible

In conclusion I am driven to do another political podcast I did not want to do. Why? Because most of what passes for political coverage in this country is terrible. Too many predictions. Lots of bias. Mostly telling both sides what they want to hear. Finally someone who tells it like it is and waits for election day to judge the outcome.

Sponsored by Water Butler Water Purification Systems and Johantgen Jewelers

Conventional Wisdom-Election 2018 Follies-Podcast 764


Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701

First of all, it’s been a theme in my podcasts to discuss bad information spread by media. Most noteworthy are what the mainstream media likes to call ‘narratives’. Yet there is plenty of out and out nonsense in new media too. We’ll talk about it in Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701.

Are We Sane and Rational?

We like to think of ourselves as sane and rational in this country, but I am starting to wonder. Are we reversing in our progress, going back in time to become a more superstitious people?

Pseudo Science To The Rescue

People now use divination, prophecy and pseudo science to predict the future. These kinds of videos on You Tube have hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of subscribers. Moreover it’s becoming harder to argue You Tube videos have less credibility than mainstream outlets.

We Don’t Need Facts Anymore

It is especially relevant that rather than focusing on facts most of the mainstream news outlets focus on opinion to keep people watching. As a result we’re not using facts to make judgements about our world.

Anything Makes Sense When We Know Nothing

Hence, we might believe the US is about to attack North Korea. Why not accept story lines suggesting there is a planetary system hiding behind the sun and our government is keeping proof of its existence from us? Why wouldn’t we believe pseudo science stories about people who channel aliens?

Your Child Is A Genius

Because it’s easy to accept the idea that our children are geniuses and have evolved DNA and that a benevolent alien race is about to change the energy level on earth, allowing us to live disease free, and promoting love.

Welcome To A Tribal Way of Life

I think it might be easy to accept outrageous stories, when you’re fed opinion disguised as facts on the real stories? Are we well on our way to becoming a tribal rather than rational culture?

Self Reliant People Don’t Believe In Fairy Tales

In conclusion we have all been taught Americans descend from ruggedly self reliant people therefore, we are self reliant. Are we? Can we be strong and self reliant if we believe fairy tales?

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Predicting Future-Divination-Story Lines-Prophecy-Warning-Podcast 701