Summer-End-New Hampshire-Bob Davis Podcast 1111

Summer End New Hampshire

Summer end in New Hampshire. The summer of ’23 has been a great one for me. Time to take stock and prepare to head southwest. Details in Summer-End-New Hampshire-Bob Davis Podcast 1111.

Great Summer

Above all this has been a great summer.

For one thing nomads can move.

Avoided Heat

Therefore I’ve been able to avoid most of the heat.

In fact sometimes Ive been downright cold.


On the other hand I have quite enjoyed all the places I’ve seen and stayed this summer.


As I have said before I left Arizona in late March.

And spent most of the spring in the shores of a cool Wisconsin lake.

Eventually it was time for travel.


Firstly heading across a sea of green fields on back roads. My podcast about that experience is here.

Secondly heading north through Pennsylvania to the great New York State. Click here for that podcast.

Finally on to Vermont and New Hampshire.

Back Roads Vibe

All in all my love of movement and back roads has been renewed.

While this may be true I have been making an effort to stay long enough here and there.


Accordingly learning about a place rather than just driving through.


Therefore in Summer-End-New Hampshire-Bob Davis Podcast 1111 there’s detail about some of the places I’ve been…

Rich Greens

Especially the rich greens of this part of the country.


And the history.

Not All One Thing

All things considered we have been conditioned to believe that the United States is all one thing.

Because every town has the same stores and fast food joints.

But this is really not the case.

Nomad Why’s

Due to my travels it’s become clear there’s still a lot of diversity in different places.

Accordingly this is a big reason I am a nomad.

So many places.

So little time.

Heading West Again Soon

To that end it will soon be time to head west again.

Altogether on the back roads.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.

Summer-End-New Hampshire-Bob Davis Podcast 1111




Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988

In The Carolina Outer Banks

Firstly I am in the Carolina Outer Banks on a quest to find the ultimate weather beaten old school beach town. Learn more in Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988,

Atlantic Coast Challenges

Secondly from Florida to North Carolina the Atlantic coast is a challenge for travelers.

Back Roads Always

Even more I’m staying off the interstates and taking the back roads.

On The East Coast A Lot Of Frustration

Traveling off the interstates adds up to a lot of stop and go traffic and frustration.

Myrtle Beach…Oh God

For example Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Welcome To New Jersey

Stop and go traffic. An endless stream of shopping centers. Auto Parts stores. Worn miniature golf places.

Beach? We Don’t Need No Stinking Beaches!

In the same vein you can’t get to the beach. Too many high rises and retirement villages.

Memories of Florida…Back In The Day

On the other hand I can always revert to halcyon memories of Florida back in the day. Before the onslaught of development.

Outer Banks

Most importantly we come to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.


Finally the Atlantic Ocean. Without having to park in a high rise parking lot.

Weather Beaten Villages

Moreover this is where you’ll find the weather beaten, old school villages.

Welcome Home To The National Seashores

Meanwhile as I drive these National Seashores and stay in the National Parks Campgrounds I realize the importance of these designations.

Certainly there are some who feel the national park system can be over bearing.

Without National Reserve Designations…More Golf Resorts

However especially here I get the impression that without these national designations, these coastlines would just be more condos and golf resorts.

Development Done Poorly

To sum up, I’m not even talking about environmental stuff so much here as the fact that development in these resort communities is often done poorly.


In short while I suppose development is essential for communities, sometimes it’s better for everyone is it isn’t allowed at all.

Wiping Out History

Likewise the urge to put in golf villages, hotels and condos all along what used to be a pristine coast may or may not be an environmental issue. However it does have the effect of wiping out history.

Back To The Memories

Finally I go back to the memories of visiting the Atlantic Coast as a boy, especially in Florida. Before the big rushes of the 80’s, 90’s and two thousands.

Great To Find An Unspoiled Coast

In conclusion we all want modern conveniences. But when you’re looking for a pristine beach or a vision of what it was like back in the day, it’s really great to be able to find it.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988




Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985

Springbreak Roadtrip Part1

First of all it’s time for a Springbreak Roadtrip and part 1 is Virginia through the Blueridge Mountains. Secondly long time listeners know I’ve been handling some personal business in Virginia for the last few weeks. Boy, is it time to get back on the road and we’ll do it in Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains.

Heavy Energy

Most importantly I find driving long distances is the best way to process heavy energy.

Sunshine And Warmth On The Agenda

Consequently I would have been happy with a trip to anywhere but I want sunshine and warmth.


Therefore Florida it is.

Panama City Beach Life

When you consider Florida and spring break, certainly Panama City Beach and Pensacola come up. This part of the state is easy to get to on the Interstates.

Back Roads

However I am a back roads nomad. Get the full story in Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985.

Blue Ridge Switchbacks

So my plan takes me through Southwestern Virginia through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Tennessee. North Carolina. Alabama.

Mountain Roads

In short, mountain roads. Detours. Two lane state and US Highways. Truck Stops. Walmart Parking lots and maybe some camping.

Paths In Life

Above all this gives me a chance to share some thoughts about why we choose certain paths in life.


In addition the idea that sometimes the universe or higher power, or God checks back with you to make sure you’re confident of the choices you’ve made.

Are You Sure?

That is to say, are you sure?

Nomad Lifestyle

For instance in my life, my commitment to the Nomad Lifestyle and what that means.


In the same vein, why do some of us choose this approach to life? Why do others choose another way.

Steak Dinner

Meanwhile there’s the road and a steak dinner at a truck stop!

More Depth

Finally I love travelogue podcasts however I think listeners deserve a little more depth from these podcasts. That’s one of the reasons I travel, and want to get out on the back roads.

Connect To Bigger Ideas

To sum up travel is the best way to see, learn and connect my experiences to bigger ideas.

Sponsored by Kim Nybo Agency State Farm Insurance

Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985