Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 1136

Six Thousand Miles of Back Roads Part2

Above all traveling six thousand miles on backroads across 15 states in sixty days is a mega trip and I’ll tell you all about it in Part 2 of this series. Details in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 1136.


Firstly we’ll start in Florida.

Where the most compelling evidence for over crowding and over development is getting kicked out of a state park…

Of course not to mention the traffic…

And expense of the so called Sunshine State.

Secondly take Florida off your travel list in season.

Undoubtedly Florida is overdeveloped.

However there are less populated and more quaint parts of Florida worth visiting and spending time.


Hence we move on to Georgia

Certainly the Saint Simons Cumberland national seashores are beautiful.

For example Jekyll Island, Saint Simons, and the rest of the Georgia Coast has a lot of history.

South Carolina

Then in South Carolina I discovered some great dusty beach towns.

But I am not going to name those towns because I don’t want to see them ruined.

Otherwise they are there.

North Carolina

Subsequently the North Carolina coastline was fantastic

For example highway 179…

and Ocean Isle Beach, Oak Island on out to the Carolina Beach.

Finally the Ferries are low cost and so much fun.

Thereafter-Emerald Island, Atlantic Beach and the rest of the Outer Banks.

Ocracoke Island

Especially Ocracoke Island.

In due time you get on Route 12 which goes all the way up to Kill Devil Hills.

All in all The national Seashores keep these areas from being over developed.

The Old Dominion

Afterward I headed to Virginia on some personal business.

Most importantly here is the fact that I lived in the Old Dominion State for ten years at one point.

And Virginia has some great back roads.

Eventually I left Richmond headed up 460 to Bristol, Virginia.


Presently I left Bristol for Tennessee. Details again in Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 1136

By all means the best of the latter parts of this trip was the navigation.

Using GPS Doesn’t Make A Road Trip

It must be remembered that most people enter a location on their GPS.

Eventually hitting start and driving on the Interstate until the GPS tells them they have arrived.

All things considered using GPS on the Interstates just isn’t any way to travel for me.


To this end I love maps.

And navigating with maps.


In short I navigated to the Nashville area without all the traffic.

Because Nashville is booming.

Civil War History

Equally important is the amount of Civil War history in this part of the country.

Death and Destruction Monuments

That is to say it is food for thought considering popular culture these days.

Kentucky Does Not Like Shoulders

Accordingly I moved onto Kentucky which does not like shoulders on its roads.


Then Southern Illinois.

As an illustration of the superiority of maps over GPS it’s easier to make changes in your travel plans.

Because you pull out a map and look for a route to emerge to a new destination.

Thus I headed North to the Chicago area to see friends.


At this point another tremendous feat of navigation coming up on 51.


On this occasion I came across Cairo, Illinois.

To begin this town is so beat down it was actually shocking.

In fact there’s a reason. Listen to Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 1136.

(Editor’s Note: Some might blame flooding for the problems in Cairo but there’s more to the story.)

Neenah Wisconsin

In time I came straight up through Wisconsin to Neenah.

In conclusion much of this experience has been and is like a dream and now it is onto Western Wisconsin and rest!

And I wouldn’t have it any other way

Six-Thousand-Miles-Backroads-Part2-Bob Davis Podcast 1136

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Authentic-Creativity-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 989

Authentic Creativity and Nomad Travel

First of all authentic creativity and nomad travel go together. Secondly we’ll talk about it in depth in Authentic-Creativity-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 989.


Most importantly while people value authenticity, there isn’t much of it around.

Thought Processes of Creating

Certainly I consider thought processes as a part of creating content.

Lots of Content

On the other hand there’s a lot of content on various platforms.

Not Genuine

Even more much of this content doesn’t seem genuine, creative or authentic.

No Time To Think and Dream

To clarify I don’t think content creators have enough time to think and dream.

Too Busy To Create!

In short many creators are too ‘busy’ to create.

Enter the nomad lifestyle.

Above all there’s no tether for the nomad. There’s no ‘coming home’. Because the nomad is home where ever he is.

The Zen Of Nomad Life

Moreover I’ve learned there is a zen to this life.

More Time Somehow

In the same vein there’s more time think and to think about what you’re thinking about!

In Depth

At least that is how I have experienced it. And, I talk about it in depth in Authentic-Creativity-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 989.


Finally there is something about the pace of ‘untethered‘ travel.

Whim Is Real

For example the ability to decide to go South or North, East or West depending on your whim.

Time Slows Down

In other words time does slow down. You are alone with your thoughts.

No Peace In Today’s Culture

To sum up sometimes it seems as though you can’t get a moment’s peace in our day to day culture.

Not Easy

For instance we’re always listening to watching something. Texting. Communicating. Stop and go traffic.

In addition it feels like most people are just irritated just about all the time.

Nothing Is Easy

Not A Care In The World

Likewise I have had some bad days traveling but for the most part it’s like I don’t have a care in the world.


In short the other day someone asked me if I was happy.

“Happier than I have ever been”, I said.

Sponsored by The Kim Nybo Agency State Farm Insurance and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Authentic-Creativity-Nomad-Travel-Bob Davis Podcast 989






Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988

In The Carolina Outer Banks

Firstly I am in the Carolina Outer Banks on a quest to find the ultimate weather beaten old school beach town. Learn more in Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988,

Atlantic Coast Challenges

Secondly from Florida to North Carolina the Atlantic coast is a challenge for travelers.

Back Roads Always

Even more I’m staying off the interstates and taking the back roads.

On The East Coast A Lot Of Frustration

Traveling off the interstates adds up to a lot of stop and go traffic and frustration.

Myrtle Beach…Oh God

For example Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Welcome To New Jersey

Stop and go traffic. An endless stream of shopping centers. Auto Parts stores. Worn miniature golf places.

Beach? We Don’t Need No Stinking Beaches!

In the same vein you can’t get to the beach. Too many high rises and retirement villages.

Memories of Florida…Back In The Day

On the other hand I can always revert to halcyon memories of Florida back in the day. Before the onslaught of development.

Outer Banks

Most importantly we come to the Outer Banks of North Carolina.


Finally the Atlantic Ocean. Without having to park in a high rise parking lot.

Weather Beaten Villages

Moreover this is where you’ll find the weather beaten, old school villages.

Welcome Home To The National Seashores

Meanwhile as I drive these National Seashores and stay in the National Parks Campgrounds I realize the importance of these designations.

Certainly there are some who feel the national park system can be over bearing.

Without National Reserve Designations…More Golf Resorts

However especially here I get the impression that without these national designations, these coastlines would just be more condos and golf resorts.

Development Done Poorly

To sum up, I’m not even talking about environmental stuff so much here as the fact that development in these resort communities is often done poorly.


In short while I suppose development is essential for communities, sometimes it’s better for everyone is it isn’t allowed at all.

Wiping Out History

Likewise the urge to put in golf villages, hotels and condos all along what used to be a pristine coast may or may not be an environmental issue. However it does have the effect of wiping out history.

Back To The Memories

Finally I go back to the memories of visiting the Atlantic Coast as a boy, especially in Florida. Before the big rushes of the 80’s, 90’s and two thousands.

Great To Find An Unspoiled Coast

In conclusion we all want modern conveniences. But when you’re looking for a pristine beach or a vision of what it was like back in the day, it’s really great to be able to find it.

Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Carolina-Outer-Banks-Quest-Bob Davis Podcast 988