Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985

Springbreak Roadtrip Part1

First of all it’s time for a Springbreak Roadtrip and part 1 is Virginia through the Blueridge Mountains. Secondly long time listeners know I’ve been handling some personal business in Virginia for the last few weeks. Boy, is it time to get back on the road and we’ll do it in Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains.

Heavy Energy

Most importantly I find driving long distances is the best way to process heavy energy.

Sunshine And Warmth On The Agenda

Consequently I would have been happy with a trip to anywhere but I want sunshine and warmth.


Therefore Florida it is.

Panama City Beach Life

When you consider Florida and spring break, certainly Panama City Beach and Pensacola come up. This part of the state is easy to get to on the Interstates.

Back Roads

However I am a back roads nomad. Get the full story in Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985.

Blue Ridge Switchbacks

So my plan takes me through Southwestern Virginia through the Blue Ridge Mountains. Tennessee. North Carolina. Alabama.

Mountain Roads

In short, mountain roads. Detours. Two lane state and US Highways. Truck Stops. Walmart Parking lots and maybe some camping.

Paths In Life

Above all this gives me a chance to share some thoughts about why we choose certain paths in life.


In addition the idea that sometimes the universe or higher power, or God checks back with you to make sure you’re confident of the choices you’ve made.

Are You Sure?

That is to say, are you sure?

Nomad Lifestyle

For instance in my life, my commitment to the Nomad Lifestyle and what that means.


In the same vein, why do some of us choose this approach to life? Why do others choose another way.

Steak Dinner

Meanwhile there’s the road and a steak dinner at a truck stop!

More Depth

Finally I love travelogue podcasts however I think listeners deserve a little more depth from these podcasts. That’s one of the reasons I travel, and want to get out on the back roads.

Connect To Bigger Ideas

To sum up travel is the best way to see, learn and connect my experiences to bigger ideas.

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Springbreak-Roadtrip-Part1-Blueridge-Mountains-Bob Davis Podcast 985



Flu-Shot-Or-Not-Bob Davis Podcast 870

Flu Shot Or Not

These days it’s everywhere. Moreover we have the same fight  about the flu every year. Learn more in Flu-Shot-Or-Not-Bob Davis Podcast 870.

Hear The Flu In This Podcast

You can tell as soon as you download this podcast I am just recovering from a pretty bad bout with the flu. Voice a little weak. Especially relevant is the heavy congestion.

Hate Flu Shots

First of all I don’t like getting flu shots. I’ve always felt that actually getting the virus helps your body gain a stronger immunity. In addition I also believe it gives you some immunity to future strains. The good news is you’re possibly immune to the zombie apocalypse flu. The bad news is you got the flu, right?

Beginning To Understand Why People Get Flu Shots

In contrast as I get a little older I am starting to understand why vulnerable groups are encouraged to get shots. Senior citizens, and sometimes the very young. Finally after ten plus days in a malaise, coughing constantly and having to get medications I have some thoughts to share.

Like A Hurricane

The flu is like a hurricane. You know it’s coming. The storm might glance your island or miss completely. Then again it could be a direct hit. That’s what happened to me. Hurricanes are hard to predict and so is the flu.

Viral Disease

Influenza is a viral disease. Antibiotics won’t help. Anti-viral drugs can help early on. But in the midst of the flu nobody wants to sit in a waiting room.

Respiratory Attacks

Most noteworthy? Influenza is a respiratory disease attacking ears, nose, throat and lungs.

Coffee Started Tasting Bad

Early symptoms always feel like a cold or headache.

“How did you know you were sick”, they asked me. Truth is, the coffee started tasting bad five or six days out. Then a lot of sleeping. A lot!

Recovery Awesome

Furthermore when you start recovering you feel like a million bucks! As a result you gain some clarity about life. And stuff.

Enforced Vacations

My conclusion is every now and then an enforced ‘vacation’, coupled with a physical ordeal can kind of be fun. People tell me I drive myself pretty hard and I guess I do. Getting called out of the game for a few days isn’t such a bad thing. We’ll talk about it in Flu-Shot-Or-Not-Bob Davis Podcast 870.

Loving Life

I love life. Even when it’s uphill. Those moments make the downhill moments seem even sweeter.

We can get caught in the ACTION phrase of life’s loop. When you just have to stop you learn a lot.

Flu Shot? Where’s The Fun In That?

Then again, I could have just gotten a flu shot.

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Flu-Shot-Or-Not-Bob Davis Podcast 870