How-Trump-Won-Open-Up-Debate-Bob Davis Podcast 927

Trump Wins, Shut Down Scolds Lose

These days there’s so much static you might not have noticed President Trump’s victory over the shut down scolds. Find out more in How-Trump-Won-Open-Up-Debate-Bob Davis Podcast 927.

How He Did It

Even more how Trump pushed governors to start reopening is important.

Shut Down Protesters Minority

First of all polls show most people support reasonable social distancing guidelines. Moreover those who protested emergency orders represent a minority of Americans.

Lifting The Curtain On Trump’s 2020 Tactics

As a result HOW the president managed to win the reopen debate is key.

This Proves Trump Could Win. Again!

Most importantly the mechanics of this victory show how Trump could win the 2020 election.

Social Media and Misinformation

First of all I’ve been watching how right wing groups use social media and internet platforms to float ideas.

Fringe Fest

Secondly it usually starts with the fringe.

Mainstreamers, Think Tanks and The President Chime In

Then more mainstream sources add commentary, videos, memes and other content in the same vein. Finally, the president chimes in.

Joining Debate On Trump’s Turf

In addition when the rest of the media starts debating it only adds fuel to the fire. Learn more in How-Trump-Won-Open-Up-Debate-Bob Davis Podcast 927.

How To Be Your Own Reporter

I’ve explained all this in a previous podcast which you can find here.

Learn Tactics

However even I was a little surprised when the White House employed the tactics I’ve uncovered in the open up debate.

If You Think Trump Can’t Win In 2020

Above all this is something democrats should pay attention to. In short even some republicans think the president cannot be reelected.

Democrats Be Warned

Meanwhile many democrats say the president cannot win in 2020.

When you consider these tactics, for instance, those who doubt a Trump victory in 2020 might want to think about it.

Trump Just Won A Big One

On the other hand Trump just won a huge victory isolating some of the biggest democrat governors, and opening up the rest of the country,

Pay Attention

In conclusion, this isn’t a podcast about the Corona Virus.

It’s about modern political tactics.

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How-Trump-Won-Open-Up-Debate-Bob Davis Podcast 927


US-Debt-Kills-Repo-Markets?-Bob Davis Podcast 885

Pay Attention To This Issue

My job is to bring new issues to the attention of subscribers and listeners. That’s why I sat down Saturday and recorded US-Debt-Kills-Repo-Markets?-Bob Davis Podcast 885.

Repo Market Hell

First of all I am not a banker but I stay current on financial news. Especially relevant are the concerns experts are voicing about something called the Repo Markets.

Not Where Your Car Goes When It’s Repossessed

In US-Debt-Kills-Repo-Markets?-Bob Davis Podcast 885 I’ll provide a definition of these markets. I’ll also explain ‘Repurchase Agreements‘.

Key Markets For World Banking Liquidity

Just remember, these markets are instrumental in keeping the world’s banking system afloat on a day to day basis.

Drying Up Like The Dust Bowl

That’s why it’s most noteworthy the repo markets unexpectedly started to dry up in the fall.

Fed Rides To The Rescue…Again

The drought forced the United States Federal Reserve Bank to dump billions into these little known markets.


More billions than the banking experts expected.

More Billions

320 Billion since last fall.

Even More Billions From The Fed

Even more the Federal Reserve has projected dumping as much as another 500 billion into these markets in 2020.

Whistling Past The Graveyard

Why? According to some, the Fed wants these markets, largely based on United States Treasury Bonds, to stay open and liquid.

Big Federal Deficits Finally Taking Their Toll?

After all, the federal government has ever larger budget deficits and debt to finance.

Trillions of Dollars of Debt Gotta Go Somewhere

Now hold onto your hats. The federal government has been dumping US Treasuries on these markets in 2019, in increasing amounts. After all, they have a now trillion dollar budget deficit to cover.

Rumors Of Bank Failures

Other supposed reasons for the problem include rumors of a big European Bank in trouble.

Could Be The Hedge Funds

Some blame the big hedge funds.

Or, Hedge Funds Are Saving Our Asses

Others say there’s so much federal debt out there, the hedge funds are saving our asses right now.


Furthermore it’s suggested post 2008 financial crisis regulations are the culprit.

Too Much US Government Debt

Finally the biggest culprit could be there’s too much US Government debt and it’s draining the banks’ reserve accounts. Imagine that!

Your Broke Ass Uncle Sam

In conclusion can we at long last dispense with the old government-debt-doesn’t-effect-private-credit argument?

Asking A Question

I don’t like to take positions so I’ll ask this as a question.

Drunken Sailors

Isn’t it a travesty that so called conservatives have jumped on the all night drunken binge boat with usually spendthrift democrats?

Thanks Republicans!

As a result we wonder, weren’t Republicans and Tea Party Trumpers for spending less and limiting the power of government?

Nero Fiddled…

Could they be playing Nero while Rome starts burning?

Where’s That Graveyard

Are we whistling past the graveyard again? Only time will tell.

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US-Debt-Kills-Repo-Markets?-Bob Davis Podcast 885




Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850

Another Trillion Dollars

This week the president’s budget deal adds a trillion dollars to the National Debt. These days it’s depressing when so called conservatives say, “Deficits Don’t Matter“. Learn more in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

Trump Republicans Spending and More Debt

Above all, Trump’s spending is on pace with Obama first term red ink.

I’ll Pay Off The Deficit In Eight Years

Moreover campaigning in 2016, Trump said he’d pay off the deficit in just eight years. In those days the deficit was 20 trillion. It’s now almost 23 trillion.

Current Federal Debt Is Unsustainable? Bring It on!

As the president began his second year in office, the General Accounting Office released a report on the national debt. The current Federal Fiscal Situation is unsustainable, it said. More in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

Republicans Addition To Debt Peaks In 2030

In fact, the GAO report showed US debt beginning to rise and peak in 2030, long after Trump has left the White House.

American Cities Are Broke Again

Over 70 US cities are in deep financial trouble. New York City is broke. Los Angeles isn’t far behind. Chicago is in a tailspin. I’ll explain it in Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850.

The Amount of Spending And Debt Is Shocking

When it comes to cities, counties and states investigators have to use forensic accounting to find out what’s going on. Even in small towns and counties across the country those investigations are uncovering a shocking amount of spending and debt.

Bonding On Bonding

Even more, states use bonding bills to get around balancing budgets. Therefore creating more debt through bonding.

Corporate Debt Binge

US corporations are on a debt binge too. Corporate debt is skyrocketing. It’s now 45 percent of our GDP. Much higher than during the 2008 crisis and dotcom bubble.

Americans Saved The Economy In The 2nd Quarter With More Debt

In addition Americans are more indebted than they were before 2008. US Household debt is 13.3 trillion in the second quarter. Much of it auto loans. Certainly Americans don’t save enough.

Conservatives Say Don’t Worry

Republicans say debt doesn’t matter and democrats have a new monetary theory. There’s nothing to worry about. Right? The US can “print” as much money as it needs as long as it prints US dollars.

Politicians Handing Out Goodies

Goodies like free college, single payer health, a green new deal, a higher minimum wage and guaranteed full employment are just around the corner. Just simply print money.

[Editor’s Note: In this podcast I used a quote from President Trump saying that he said, “No politician has ever been thrown out of office for not spending money. In fact he is reported to have told Senator McConnell, “No politician has ever lost his job for SPENDING money.”)

Forget Rome, England, Spain, Germany, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Sponsored by Lacroix Law, Reliafund Payment Processors and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Trump-Republicans-Spending-Debt-Bob Davis Podcast 850