Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730

Due to legal weed in many states, Legal Recreational Marijuana is coming to your town or state. As a result, a position on weed may not define a party loyalty. Hear what the movers and shakers behind Colorado’s legalization effort say. Download Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730 now.

Politicians Love This Issue

If you’re a politician looking for an issue that cuts across demographic and party lines, weed is the ticket.

Especially relevant is the fact that legalization starts with medical applications. Moreover as with any new law, problems, opportunities and benefits resulted. Get informed in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia

Colorado enjoys very low unemployment and is collecting more tax from cannabis sales. Roving bands of stoned hippies are not invading suburbia. The sky has not fallen. Check it out in Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730.

So Far It’s Working

Because of Amendment 64, Colorado now enjoys low unemployment. The state is also collecting more tax revenue from cannabis sales. Finally, many in Colorado view the law as a win-win. Much as opponents predicted the worst outcomes the opposite has happened. Most of all lower regulation has led to lower prices and free market advocates love that!

In addition Trump, like Obama, has not enforced federal marijuana laws. Will weed retailers will run afoul of federal banking laws? Furthermore what happens if the federal government decides to raid pot farms in Colorado? Maybe the reason the Feds haven’t done this is they don’t want to challenge the tenth amendment?

Strange Bedfellows

Probably most interesting are the strange political bedfellows this issue creates. Republicans and Democrats working together? Republican congressional candidates advocating for repealing federal drug laws? Law and Order pols pushing for legalizing weed?

Legal Weed Is Coming

As a result, legal weed is coming. Many states already have medical marijuana laws. Moreover polls show fewer opposed to legalization. And more studies show the medical benefits of certain cannabis products. Finally considering the problems created by alcohol abuse, there’s no question which is a better heath bet.

Hard Pressed To Find A Reason Not To

In conclusion I’m pretty hard pressed to find a reason why marijuana should still be illegal. Maybe even drugs like Special K and low dose LSD have their applications. Especially relevant are drugs you get from your doctor which seem even more dangerous than some so called ‘street drugs’.

Restrictive Laws No One Obeys

Most of all I don’t know why anyone drinks or uses drugs. In a perfect world no one should do either. Thing is, people do. Why do we have so many laws restricting how we behave, especially when they don’t seem to work?

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Colorado Marijuana Legalization-Results-Strange Political Bedfellows-Joshua Kappel-Podcast 730







Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

These days the we see the US from a bird’s eye view. Americans eat the same kind of food. Listen to the same kind of music. Dress the same. Look the same. Right? Not really. Find out why in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Media Says We’re One People

One people, one culture. That’s what they say on TV. Furthermore, news ratings depend on selling the myth that we’re all the same. We’re supposed to be nine or eleven ‘nations’ of North America. Or as ‘The Fourth Turning’ says, behavior can be predicted by our generation, or where we are from.

Except that isn’t true. Never has been.

Travel Teaches How Real Differences Work

I’ve been up and down both coasts. Crisscrossed the midwest. Toured the west from the Mile High City to Las Cruces. I’ve been up and down Skyline Drive and the birthplace of country music in Bristol. I can tell you from experience there are some real differences in Americans. It’s what makes this country great. In Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Big Assed States

First of all, these fifty states are geographically imposing. Even the so called ‘little’ states in New England are big. Each of them have regional differences that can play out politically in some significant ways.

Different Places Different People

Moreover the personality of these states depends on the settlers. When did they come? Who were they? Why did they come? Where did they come from. What ideas and culture did they bring with them?

Regional Differences

One of the things I hear a lot these days is, “Why can’t they get it done?”. Or, why is a state so ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’. Look closer and you might be surprised. Whatever ‘IT’ is. Part of the reason are the regional differences that might surprise you. Find out about them in Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703.

Northern Minnesota Democrats who support 2nd Amendment rights. Conservative residents of Mountain West states like Colorado that supported legalizing marijuana. West Virginia republicans who want trade protection and aid for coal mines.

These differences are especially relevant when it comes to congressional districts.

All Politics Really Is Local

In conclusion, 2018 is an election year. All of congress. One third of the senate. State Legislatures and Governors. Judges and special elections. The pundits, the media, and the parties will try to make it about national issues. More often though, when it comes to so called off-year cycles, all politics is local.

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Travel Stories-Regional Differences Across America-2018 Primer-Podcast 703

Podcast 305

Comcast Customer Service Sucks. Close out the week with a podcast down in the bunker by the wood stove. A consumer advocate blogger breaks another national story about how bad Comcast’s customer service is. When a woman tried to cancel her cable service, the company allegedly refused to allow to her do so, and sent a late bill notice in which the customer’s name was changed from ‘Ricardo Brown’ to ‘A**hole Brown’. The story was picked up by CNNMoney and the rest of the mainstream media, and now Comcast has once again apologized. “It might take more than a few years for us to get our customer service straightened out” says a company spokesperson, or something like that. How are business models that seemed so great five, ten or twenty years ago looking more and more tarnished? What is the future of television, and cable delivered television. If Comcast is any example of how the industry operates, hopefully there is no future. Former Reagan OMB director David Stockman is on the warpath again, this time saying the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing program is exclusively responsible for making people in the top 5 percent income bracket in the US richer. How is this era different from other ‘income inequality’ periods in US History. Does the Cocaine boom in Miami in the early 80’s prove, when business generates money (as opposed to central banks) everyone benefits? Meanwhile, the fastest growing business in the United States isn’t an industrial company or even technology, it’s legal Marijuana sales. Legal weed sales grew 74 percent in one year. Breaking news! The Obama Administration is telling banks to keep quiet about regulations targeted against gun owners and gun stores. More breaking news! More Americans are putting their cash in the mattress. Does that surprise you? And, the Minneapolis Tribune finds yet another negative story about North Dakota. Sponsored by Depotstar