Spring-Summer-Travel-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 1086

Spring Summer Travel Plans 2023

Firstly it’s time to take a look at Spring and Summer Travel Plans. Time for a higher vibe in Spring-Summer-Travel-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 1086.


Secondly I’ll talk a little about planning in particular in this podcast.

Southwestern Arizona

Certainly winter down in Southwestern Arizona isn’t like winter up north.

Wind and Chilly Nights

However the wind and chilly nights mean podcasting from the cozy confines of Mobile Podcast Command.

Pull Out The Maps

Above all it’s time to pull my dusty maps out.

Where and How

And to start thinking about the where and how for Spring and Summer Travel.

Playing It Safe

During these periods of high fuel prices many nomads have been playing it safe.

Hunkered Down

That is to say we’re hunkered down rather than barnstorming in order to save cash.


Meanwhile as fuel prices start to sink a little there’s hope for the future.

Ambitious Plans

In the same vein I have some pretty ambitious plans for this spring and summer’s travel.

Yes I Use Paper Maps

Most importantly I use paper maps.

Back Roads

Because I use back roads most of the time.

Save Money On Fuel

For example I’ve learned you can save money on fuel using back roads.

Plan and Navigate

But you have to know how to navigate and plan.

How To Start

As a result I usually start my planning by just looking at the maps and thinking about the best ways to go.

Greater Goals and Plans

In addition there are also greater goals and plans. I’ll devote some time to that discussion as well in Spring-Summer-Travel-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 1086.

Where and When

After that I’ll get more specific about where to go and when.

What To Do

Even more what to do along the way.

Travel Jones

Finally we’re all getting the travel Jones.

Why Did I Hunker Down Again?

And it’s necessary every now and then to remember why we decided to hunker down in the first place.

Economic Conditions

I’ve done a few podcasts about economic conditions.

And where I think we’re headed.

I’ll be updating those as well progress into 2023.

Turn The Pages

But in the meantime it’s a lot of fun to turn the pages on these dusty maps shredded from use.

Warming Up Soon

To sum up it will be warming up in the Southwest soon and the rest of the country later.

Rubber Hits The Road

In short by then it will be time for the rubber to hit the road.

Can’t wait.

Sponsored by Be You Enterprises

Spring-Summer-Travel-Plans-Bob Davis Podcast 1086



Summers-End-Turning-Point-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1068

Summers End Turning Point 2022

Firstly summers end is always a turning point. You might remember this one for a long time. Details in Summers-End-Turning-Point-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1068.

Not Political

Secondly these are not political podcasts.


Certainly they have to do with the US and world economies.

However one of the chief mistakes of many analysts is their penchant for attaching economic problems to current political leaders.

Inflation Years In The Making

Most importantly the inflation nomads and people back home are dealing with was years in the making.

Major Slow Down Ahead?

In addition one of the biggest takeaways from this podcast is the increasing possibility for a major slow down and a shift from inflation to deflation.


For example Germany, China and technically the United States are already in recession.

Feeling The Pinch

And smaller economies and developing economies are also feeling the pinch.

The Cause? Not What You Think

While much has been made of the war in Ukraine or supply issues these are not the root cause of the inflation in the United States.

Gas and Food For Nomads

Above all we nomads feel the pain when it comes to gas and food prices.

Everything For everyone Else

And for the people in the and of bricks and sticks it’s just about everything else.

In Summers-End-Turning-Point-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1068 I argue that the inflation we’re dealing with has been caused by years of near zero interest rates and something called quantitative easing.

Don’t Bet On A Pivot

In the same vein analysts keep saying the US Federal Reserve will ‘pivot’ soon.

95 Billion Every Month Bought For Years

To clarify Quantitative Easing has taken the form of the central bank buying 95 billion dollars worth of bonds EVERY MONTH.

Now Selling 95 Billion Every Month

More importantly Quantitative Tightening is the central bank selling off 95 billion dollars worth of bonds EVERY MONTH.

Moreover those bonds are ramping up to a full 95 billion EVERY MONTH in September.

That’s a lot of liquidity sucked out of the banking system.

Therefore listeners can see why I say Summers End is a Turning Point.

Meanwhile I emphasize EVERY MONTH here because I did not in Summers-End-Turning-Point-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1068.

Sponsored by BeYou Enterprises

Summers-End-Turning-Point-2022-Bob Davis Podcast 1068

Gas-Taxes-Republican-Hypocrisy-Bob Davis Podcast 833

There Goes Your Tax Cut

How’s the price of gas these days? How’s the price of diesel? We pay nearly 3 dollars a gallon or more at the pump. Especially for diesel. Republicans always talk about lower taxes. Not Trump. The president wants at least a 15 cent per gallon increase in the federal gas tax. Find out why in Gas-Taxes-Republican-Hypocrisy-Bob Davis Podcast 833.

What The Lord Giveth, He Taketh Away

Most noteworthy is the existing 18 cent federal tax on gas and almost 25 cents a gallon for diesel. Even more, most state lawmakers want increases in their state gas taxes.

Drunken Sailors Fighting on The Dance Floor

Sure they take in a lot of money in Washington and the state capitol. In contrast states and the federal government actually spend piles of money. Not to mention your local town or city. For information about that, click here.

Bonding Bonding Bonding

I live in Minnesota. They’re not supposed to, but here politicians throw in bonding packages in just about every legislative session.

You Can’t Get There From Anywhere During ‘Construction Season’

The result? Bonding on bonding. Some projects fully funded, haven’t even been started. Even more, there’s so much construction people are tearing their hair out trying to get to work.

Gas Taxes – Not Just For Highways Anymore

Stadiums. Light Rail. Train Stations. Bus Lanes. Bike Trails. Subsidized bike rentals. Running paths. Signs. Talking Traffic Lights. Roundabouts. Federally compliant intersections and curbs. Sometimes projects finished a couple of years ago are torn up and redone. Notice there are no highways or roads in that list. We still need more money for all those highway projects too. Add Trump’s airports and bridges and it means tax increases. Corporations aren’t going to pay for it.

Five Floors of 1800 Dollar A Month Rentals and a Starbucks On Every Corner

Moreover subsidies for ‘affordable’ housing projects which are really five story condos and 1800 dollar a month rentals with a Starbucks on the ground floor everywhere. Funding for these projects are cobbled together from Federal Transit Authority money.

Thanks Taxpayers!

That is, your money. Learn more in Gas-Taxes-Republican-Hypocrisy-Bob Davis Podcast 833.

Republicans Love Lower Taxes, More Spending and Ballooning Deficits

Finally, as republicans ballyhoo their 2017 tax cut and campaign on lower taxes, they keep spending. In Minnesota they passed a five hundred million dollar bonding bill and a 48 billion dollar budget last week and they think they did a great job. This year the federal budget is 4.4 trillion. That’s a trillion more than Barack Obama’s average. The US Budget Deficit this year will be more than a trillion dollars. Our total debt is estimated at 22 trillion.

Buddy Can You Spare 67 Thousand Dollars?

The raw dollar amounts these governments take in will make you sick. Especially relevant is the fact that every American is on the hook for 67 thousand dollars in federal debt alone, and counting. Because despite the revenue, they keep spending more and more, whether they have a D or an R in front of their name. Sooner or later the piper has to be paid. Spending, whether it comes from tax collections or bonds, always ends up as a tax.

The Man Who Lost Billions Wants You To Pay For … Another New Airport

And here comes the man who built skyscrapers and lost billions doing it, Donald Trump. He wants to put his name on airports, subways and bridges we don’t need, and make us pay for it.

What would Ben Franklin say to the woman about our government today?

“It’s a Hypo-cracy Madam. If you can keep it”.

Why would you want to?

Sponsored by John D Scott of JDS Injury Law and Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul

Gas-Taxes-Republican-Hypocrisy-Bob Davis Podcast 833