New-Epoch-Dead-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 926

New Future Dead Ahead

First of all no one likes lock downs, wearing masks or worrying about what comes next. Even so we have caught a glimpse of a the future. Working from home. Video conferencing. Pivoting to on line services. There’s a new future dead ahead. Learn more in New-Epoch-Dead-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 926.

End Of An Era

I’ve already suggested we’re on the cusp of major change. Even more the end of an era.

Triggers Of Change Present Before The Pandemic

Moreover the triggers of change were already in place before the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Things To Think About

What stays? How will things change? I’ll give you some things to think about in New-Epoch-Dead-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 926.

Define Epoch

Especially relevant is the definition of the word epoch.

Long And Distinct Period

The word Epoch is a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.

The End Of A Long Arc

I personally think we’re at the end of a much longer arc.

Final Breaths Of Industrial Revolution

We’re living through the dying breaths of the industrial revolution which started in Britain at the end of the 1700’s, peaked in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Age Of Technology

Above all what’s coming is an age of technology which took its first breaths in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, and is now growing into its chaotic adolescence.

Losing Cultural Landmarks

When an epoch ends we have no cultural, economic or cultural landmarks.

Fasten Your Seatbelts

Finally my sense is that previous periods of change will pale in comparison to what we have just begun to go through, even though we’ve had plenty of warning.

Are We Ready For Prime Time? Not Even Close

I’ve often said we, our leaders and our systems are ill equipped to deal with this change.

When Did The New World Emerge?

In conclusion somewhere along the line the old world began to fade and the new emerged.

Good Things and Bad Things

We’ve seen a preview of the bad things and the good things to come. Let’s think about some of the good things and the future in New-Epoch-Dead-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 926.

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New-Epoch-Dead-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 926


Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705

These days the scolds are telling us how to live. What to do. Put down the hand held device. Give up screen time. So called conservatives especially stake out the moral high ground. Problem is there don’t seem to be any principles when it comes to politics. We’ll talk about it in Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Sacrifice For The Greater Good

If we can just sacrifice for the greater good. Devote our lives to something bigger than ourselves. Become more passionate and purposeful about that purpose. Right?

The Greatest Generation

What’s more, the World War 2 generation can always be trotted out as an example of virtue. Just think how much better the world would be if those distracted millennials and super liberal generate Z people would emulate the “Greatest Generation”.

It’s The Millennials Right?

Truth is the world is changing fast. We’re at the dawn of a fast moving wall of change. Moreover demanding people act a certain way may not be the right idea. In Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705.

Principle Free Politics

Welcome to the seedy underbelly of politics. Moralists on both sides tell everyone else how to act while they ignore basic principles. Yeah sure, democrats have been doing this for years. Now republicans are becoming champions at principle free politics. Looks to me like one big mob.

Character Is Someone Else’s Problem

Get the guns and deal with due process later. A 25 cent per gallon gas tax increase. Trade protection. Spend and spend. Pile on national debt. President for life sounds like a good idea. What to do when a republican president promotes ideas directly opposed to republican ideals? Defend him. Go figure.

Principles Or Power?

In conclusion, given the fast pace of change in the world what troubles me isn’t character, it’s the lack of principle in the political party that controls all three branches of government.

In the near future the Technology Revolution will challenge us all. If all anyone wants to do is tear the old world down we’re in for a rough ride.

As far as I’m concerned there’s only one principle that matters these days. Individual Freedom.

Do republicans care about liberty anymore? Or do they just want power.

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Road To Character-Principle Free Politics In America-Podcast 705