Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149

Values and Principles are All In The Family

Firstly this is a personal and heartfelt podcast about Values and Principles and It’s All In The Family. Details in Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149.

Suggested By A YouTube Viewer

Secondly the idea for this podcast came from a YouTube viewer.


To begin with this viewer suggested I talk about the principles of Mountain Men and how I have adopted them.

Of course I don’t follow someone else’s principles. I follow my own.


But where do they come from.

Great Idea

So that’s a great idea for a podcast.

My Family

Accordingly I delve deeply into my own family for clues.


Therefore this became a rather personal and heartfelt podcast.

Four Generations

Because I went back four generations sharing what I know about my ancestors and what they were like.

That is to say what they might have believed in when it came to principles…

And how they lived their lives.

Where Did You Find These Stories

Because I’m going so far back you might wonder about the source.

With this is mind much of the stories come from my Grandfather.

All in all my mom as well.

Not only these…

But my own memories too.

Confuse Values and Principles

Above all I think people confuse values with principles.

Of course principles can come from values.

On the other hand I find principles more like hard and fast rules…

And values to be more flexible.

Hard To Adopt Principles

Given these points it’s difficult to see how this nomad could have adapted or adopted the principles of an historical figure.


In spite of the feeling you might get from watching a movie about some figure or character that results in a feeling like you can almost channel the them…

Eventually you’re left with your own history and family story.

Everyone Has A Different Story

Lastly of course these are different for everyone.

Certainly some of us would rather not follow principles of certain family members.

Nevertheless we learn our family’s principles in early childhoods.

Accordingly that makes Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149 a very personal and emotional podcast.

Follow Along

In conclusion it’s my hope the listener will follow along as I tell my story.

Think About Your Own Family and Principles

And accordingly remember your own childhood for ideas that apply.

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Values-Principles-All In The Family-Bob Davis Podcast 1149



Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116

Sharecropper Nation

Altogether I think it’s a sharecropper nation these days. Details in Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116.


Certainly my drive through the Oklahoma Panhandle made a big impression on me last month.

Social Media

But a recent social media exchange accentuated my experience.

To rephrase I am impatient with argumentative comments on social media on some of my posts.

Pressure Back Home

On the other hand I forget the pressure the average person ‘back home’ is under.

Bob Davis Podcasts Economic Series Podcasts

To review I’ve done a number of podcasts about the US and world economic situation.

Click here for the most recent podcast in the economic series.

Trouble Back Home

However I have not done an installment the pressure those back home have to deal with.

Not Keeping Up

For one thing the average income hardly keeps up with average expenses.

Even more children and student loans are expensive…

…And you begin to understand there isn’t money left over each month.


Furthermore the consumer class has been most exposed to inflation.

Higher Interest Rates

At length efforts to address inflation by central banks have resulted in higher interest rates.

Gone To The Credit Cards…Beer…Weed

In addition both small businesses and the consumer class are forced to use credit cards at very high interest rates.


Firstly in Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116 I give a history of sharecropping.

Sharecropper Nation

Secondly I compare today’s working consumer to the famed sharecropper movement west in the 1930’s.

Second Guessing

Therefore until now I worried about my decision to travel.

Nomads Are Insulated

To sum up to a certain degree our lives as nomads are more insulated from the pressures of every day life.

Even With Drawbacks

Even though my existence has a nomad has it’s drawbacks.


In conclusion I am more free to experience bliss.


And I have to remember sometimes not everyone back home has that luxury.

Sponsored by Garden Gurus MN

Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116


Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957

Tough Decisions Ahead

These days it seems like tough decisions are ahead for everyone. Me too. Let’s talk about it in Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957.

Things Aren’t What They Seem

First of all the truth is things aren’t what they seem. At least that’s my takeaway.

When The Going Gets Tough

Second of all when the going gets tough, decisions have to be made.

Normal People Take The Brunt

Most importantly normal everyday people are the ones that struggle the most with choices.

Ranches, Road Trips and Renters

I can’t tell you how many people I know who have told me about some plan to move to a ranch in New Mexico, go out on the road, or take in renters.

More Stimulus?

Even more there’s talk of more stimulus and government spending. And here I thought the economy was going strong.

A Sea Of Nonsense

I say we’re living in a sea of nonsense. I’ve already talked about how useless political content is in a world awash with speculation and ‘experts’ at every turn.

Turning A Blind Eye To So Called Coaches

In addition what about the nonsense these so called ‘coaches’ are spewing on social media.

Content Has To Change

I’ve also certainly talked about how I can change my own content in that regard.

One Spectacle After Another

Meanwhile with so many ‘one day stories’ all the copycat content about the debates seems silly. Especially with the spectacle of the president’s back and forth with Covid-19 and the hospital over a recent weekend.

Back To Those Tough Decisions

Above all we’re living in a time when soon most of us will be forced to make tough decisions.

In Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957 I wonder how my listeners and subscribers approach those decisions.

My Experience

Further I tell a few stories I’ve gleaned from my experience and from others.

Curve Balls and Wild Pitches

Sometimes life throws curve balls.

Similarly I have to wonder if we’re about to receive the mother of all wild pitches.

In conclusion how do we make those tough decisions?

Sponsored by Tim LaCroix Real Estate Law and Kim Nybo Insurance

Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957