Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957

Tough Decisions Ahead

These days it seems like tough decisions are ahead for everyone. Me too. Let’s talk about it in Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957.

Things Aren’t What They Seem

First of all the truth is things aren’t what they seem. At least that’s my takeaway.

When The Going Gets Tough

Second of all when the going gets tough, decisions have to be made.

Normal People Take The Brunt

Most importantly normal everyday people are the ones that struggle the most with choices.

Ranches, Road Trips and Renters

I can’t tell you how many people I know who have told me about some plan to move to a ranch in New Mexico, go out on the road, or take in renters.

More Stimulus?

Even more there’s talk of more stimulus and government spending. And here I thought the economy was going strong.

A Sea Of Nonsense

I say we’re living in a sea of nonsense. I’ve already talked about how useless political content is in a world awash with speculation and ‘experts’ at every turn.

Turning A Blind Eye To So Called Coaches

In addition what about the nonsense these so called ‘coaches’ are spewing on social media.

Content Has To Change

I’ve also certainly talked about how I can change my own content in that regard.

One Spectacle After Another

Meanwhile with so many ‘one day stories’ all the copycat content about the debates seems silly. Especially with the spectacle of the president’s back and forth with Covid-19 and the hospital over a recent weekend.

Back To Those Tough Decisions

Above all we’re living in a time when soon most of us will be forced to make tough decisions.

In Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957 I wonder how my listeners and subscribers approach those decisions.

My Experience

Further I tell a few stories I’ve gleaned from my experience and from others.

Curve Balls and Wild Pitches

Sometimes life throws curve balls.

Similarly I have to wonder if we’re about to receive the mother of all wild pitches.

In conclusion how do we make those tough decisions?

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Tough-Decisions-Ahead-Bob Davis Podcast 957


News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

I was a little surprised by great response to my ‘Who’s Running The Country’ podcast. Lots of positive comments made me realize how unusual it is for commentators these days to break the news cycle. I talk about that in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Mainstream Media In A Playback Loop

How does media work today? Lurid Clickbait Headlines. Saying the same thing again and again. Predicting the future.

Telling Us What’s Going To Happen

Most noteworthy? It’s like they’re all talking to each other and not the audience. Moreover the obsession with telling us “what’s going to happen” gets in the way of the facts.

Never Watch

I have a ‘system’ to deal with this kind of media. Never watch TV News. Never watch the cable channels. Don’t listen to talk radio. I believe when we read we understand more.

Loose Moorings?

Consequently I feel insulated from nonsense. Furthermore my moorings aren’t coming loose from the constant hot air about protests and speechifying. Find out how and why in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Magpies On The Line

Finally whether a confirmation fight effects democrats or republicans negatively depends on who votes. We will find out in less than a month. Is it possible to wait a mere thirty days or so? Or is it necessary for the magpies to interrupt whatever we’re doing to sell their story line?

Organic Work

Above all it’s about building a business for me. How I spend my time. Relationships and Organic Work. These are the things most important to me right now. What’s really going on in our society?

Individual Interactions

In conclusion it’s the individual interactions and the wide scope of our lives that have the most impact. Do we really want to waste that time obsessed with what a bunch of politicians do?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers and Water Butler Water Purification Systems

News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682

Life is a journey and a process. These days there’s so much noise we forget how our experiences change our attitudes. Time for an easy talker about the challenges, changes and benefits of being an entrepreneur in How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682.

Spitting Into The Wind

One of the major news stories in the present time frame is the question of the so called tax reform bill. A podcaster wonders whether to do another podcast celebrating or condemning this legislation and concludes a discussion along these lines won’t advance the story. Especially relevant are the experiences of being in business and how it has changed how I think about money, labor and providing a service.

Owning A Business Changes A Life

In How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682 one of the key turning points in the life of a small business person is the transition from an employee mindset and the mindset of an entrepreneur. Moreover there’s also a change in how the business person thinks about service to clients and in the case of communications, the audience.

Freedom Isn’t Free

Most Americans these days grew up in middle class families. We were taught to work hard, tell the truth and to follow the rules. For the most part these are bedrock lessons we all need to learn. However one of the first lessons one learns in business is the heady freedom of being your own master. This turns out to be a great challenge. We’ll talk about it in How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682.

Take The Risk

Considering making the leap from employee to business owner? How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682 might give you some thought starters and things to consider. I am not one to read primers on business or ‘how to’s’. In some ways I wish I was, but then the journey of learning to sail on rough seas wouldn’t be part of the experience. For me, that’s what it’s all about.

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How Owning Small Business Changes Views About Money-Podcast 682