Fading-Midwestern-Summer-Walk-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 945

Summer Is Short Up Here

First of all summer in the upper Midwest is short. We all know that, right? Join me on a midnight walk and talk as the heat hangs in the balance in Fading-Midwestern-Summer-Walk-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 945.

Walk and Talk Time

More importantly these occasional walk and talk podcasts are necessary.

Making Sense Of This Crazy World

Secondly every now and then I have to take the podcast machine out for some free association. It helps me make sense of the crazy world we’re living in.

Recent Podcasts

Even more late night walks serve to integrate some of the heavier podcasts I’ve done recently.

Lots of Feeds In July! Thank You!

Certainly July had some podcasts that garnered pretty solid download numbers.

Facebook’s Civil War

For example my podcast on Facebook’s diabolical approach to sowing disagreement and discord. In addition a podcast I did at the beginning of July on the economic situation.

Ahead Of The Curve

Above all my goal is to give podcast listeners and subscribers information they might not be aware of. And to give people something to think about a little ahead of the curve.

Summer Storms

In short I find investigating and commenting on ‘news’ that seems to blow up and disappear like a summer storm isn’t worth my attention, or yours.

Three Big Story Lines In August

So in Fading-Midwestern-Summer-Walk-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 945 I outline the three big story lines I think we can pay attention to in the month of August.

Fair Time!

In conclusion in my part of the world we have something called The Minnesota State Fair. The fair is a ritual that helps us process the end of summer.

Weather Change

Finally the weather changes and you get ready for fall.

Cancel Culture

Unfortunately the fair has been cancelled, so it’s hard for us all to figure out what time of the year it is!

Surreal Summer

To sum up it has been a surreal summer. True, we have a few weeks left. In fact there are predictions of the return of heat before it’s all over. But I can’t imagine fall will be any less surreal.

(Photo Editor Note: On the river in Minneapolis. A stark difference from the usual photos and press regarding our troubles in Minneapolis. A night spent with people who care about their home and their community. Thanks guys for the opportunity to get that shot!)

Sponsored by Kim Nybo Insurance and Les J Hill Business and Personal Coaching

Fading-Midwestern-Summer-Walk-Talk-Bob Davis Podcast 945

News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

I was a little surprised by great response to my ‘Who’s Running The Country’ podcast. Lots of positive comments made me realize how unusual it is for commentators these days to break the news cycle. I talk about that in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Mainstream Media In A Playback Loop

How does media work today? Lurid Clickbait Headlines. Saying the same thing again and again. Predicting the future.

Telling Us What’s Going To Happen

Most noteworthy? It’s like they’re all talking to each other and not the audience. Moreover the obsession with telling us “what’s going to happen” gets in the way of the facts.

Never Watch

I have a ‘system’ to deal with this kind of media. Never watch TV News. Never watch the cable channels. Don’t listen to talk radio. I believe when we read we understand more.

Loose Moorings?

Consequently I feel insulated from nonsense. Furthermore my moorings aren’t coming loose from the constant hot air about protests and speechifying. Find out how and why in News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763.

Magpies On The Line

Finally whether a confirmation fight effects democrats or republicans negatively depends on who votes. We will find out in less than a month. Is it possible to wait a mere thirty days or so? Or is it necessary for the magpies to interrupt whatever we’re doing to sell their story line?

Organic Work

Above all it’s about building a business for me. How I spend my time. Relationships and Organic Work. These are the things most important to me right now. What’s really going on in our society?

Individual Interactions

In conclusion it’s the individual interactions and the wide scope of our lives that have the most impact. Do we really want to waste that time obsessed with what a bunch of politicians do?

Sponsored by Johantgen Jewelers and Water Butler Water Purification Systems

News Loop-Greater Insights-Enjoy Life-Podcast 763

Podcast 572-Change

Podcast 572-Change. A Super Moon Walk and Talk Podcast in the wake of Election 2016. Disengage and Decompress from a bruising and challenging election cycle lasting two years. In Podcast 572-Change we’re going to talk about change. The election outcome was a surprise. While a Clinton win might have signaled some level of change, a Trump win signals change in a big way. Political junkies are still hashing over vote totals, turn out, exit polls, laying blame and praise. Leaving the political nuts and bolts aside, this podcast focuses on how we know we’re passing from one era to the next. Many of us feel that change is upon us, whether we voted for Clinton, Trump or some other candidate. What challenges and opportunities lie ahead? One thing is a constant. Things never stay the same. Even though we’re on the doorstep of 2017, sometimes it still feels like 2003. Yet, look at the social, economic and technological change we’ve experienced in the last thirteen or so years. The communication device you hold in your hand is more powerful and more useful than the desktop computer you used back in 2003. The technological changes alone are stunning. Staring up at the full moon in the middle of the night on this walk and talk, it sure feels like the pace of change is accelerating. When an era changes, it always catches people by surprise. We look back later on a particular year and say, “That was when things changed”, but we seldom know and feel it when it is happening. The music we listen to, the TV shows we watch, the clothes we wear, the political coalitions that dominated the news cycle, the rest of the world, how we think of our place in the rest of the world changes. Sometimes without warning. We’re seeing the effects of surprise on the faces of some people who feel they lost the 2016 election and at the same time a sort of triumphalism among supporters of the candidates who won. Over time this will change as people see political changes might not happen as suddenly as thought. Or policies supporters of the winner thought might be advocated for, aren’t. Meanwhile something else may be afoot. Let’s start thinking about change, because it is upon us, whether we want it or not. Sponsored by Ryan Plumbing and Heating of Saint Paul.