Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116

Sharecropper Nation

Altogether I think it’s a sharecropper nation these days. Details in Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116.


Certainly my drive through the Oklahoma Panhandle made a big impression on me last month.

Social Media

But a recent social media exchange accentuated my experience.

To rephrase I am impatient with argumentative comments on social media on some of my posts.

Pressure Back Home

On the other hand I forget the pressure the average person ‘back home’ is under.

Bob Davis Podcasts Economic Series Podcasts

To review I’ve done a number of podcasts about the US and world economic situation.

Click here for the most recent podcast in the economic series.

Trouble Back Home

However I have not done an installment the pressure those back home have to deal with.

Not Keeping Up

For one thing the average income hardly keeps up with average expenses.

Even more children and student loans are expensive…

…And you begin to understand there isn’t money left over each month.


Furthermore the consumer class has been most exposed to inflation.

Higher Interest Rates

At length efforts to address inflation by central banks have resulted in higher interest rates.

Gone To The Credit Cards…Beer…Weed

In addition both small businesses and the consumer class are forced to use credit cards at very high interest rates.


Firstly in Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116 I give a history of sharecropping.

Sharecropper Nation

Secondly I compare today’s working consumer to the famed sharecropper movement west in the 1930’s.

Second Guessing

Therefore until now I worried about my decision to travel.

Nomads Are Insulated

To sum up to a certain degree our lives as nomads are more insulated from the pressures of every day life.

Even With Drawbacks

Even though my existence has a nomad has it’s drawbacks.


In conclusion I am more free to experience bliss.


And I have to remember sometimes not everyone back home has that luxury.

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Sharecropper-Nation-Bob Davis Podcast-1116


Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886

Living In The Past?

These days it sure seems like there’s a lot of people living in the past. Glory Days. Happier Times. Why? We’ll talk about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886.

Friends Have A Deep Conversation

One of the great things about friendship are the deeper conversation friends often have. Recently a good friend and I had a talk after dinner. The country is changing. There were regrets, a memories of a world that was maybe simpler and more predictable.

Obsession With The Past

Especially relevant is the question of when in life does this obsession with the past begin?

This Time Is The Best Time

I think we’re living in extraordinary times. Despite the difficulties I wake up every day excited about what’s going to happen next.

Where do you live in time?

Certainly children live in the now. Most adolescents probably live in the future. In contrast it seems like people start mentally residing in the past at some point in middle age.

When does the past become an obsession?

Because this is the time when the days are shortest maybe we have time for more reflection. It’s natural we would yearn for the traditions of a bygone age. But I have recently encountered some evidence that suggests we’re doing more than yearning for traditions. For instance…

Losing Trust

First of all a Pew study was released recently which says most of us don’t trust the media. ‘Conservatives’ are much more likely to distrust the media than their so called ‘liberal’ counterparts.

YouTube Is My Bellwether

Second because I watch a lot of YouTube I come across some pretty weird stuff. Moreover my favorite genre are the people who predict the apocalypse.

Three Days Of Darkness

Recently I ran across a vein of gold when it comes to apocalypse videos on YouTube. The three days of darkness people. I’ll tell you all about it in Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886. However sometimes I think those predicting the end of the world are really seeing their own world end.

A Preoccupation With Death For Boomers

Most noteworthy? We don’t usually want to talk about death but a preoccupation with it can begin pretty early in life. I wonder if the result of that is an increasing reliance on memories of an easier, simpler time.

Avoiding That Mindset

Finally I try to avoid that mindset. I really do think this is an amazing time. Even though we have many challenges today.

We Remember The Good

In conclusion the one truth about the past is, we generally remember only the good things.

Journey Through Time

Furthermore all of us alive today are on a journey together through time. Like a train trip. Some of us will have to get off the train before others. Also new people will get on as we get off. We all have a role to play on this trip, but eventually it dawns on us…No matter how much we might want to, we’re not driving the train.

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Living-In-The-Past-Bob Davis Podcast 886



Podcast 516

Summer Starts The Year. Most of this year has been like living on an ice floe, or behind glass, or encased in cotton. Now that summer has started, it feels like things are speeding up. It feels like the year is just starting. If that assessment resonates with you, there are three stories to watch in the next few weeks that may bear fruit as major game changers. Or not. First, Britain votes on June 23rd on whether to exit the European Union. If you read the analysts it’s all gloom and doom. Such an exit will trigger an economic collapse, or worse, plunge Europe into a collection of disagreeable states that triggered two world wars in the 20th century. Yet, if you think about it, there are many states that aren’t in the EU, both in Europe and in the rest of the world and we all seem to get along just fine. The world isn’t going to stop trading with Britain whether it stays in the EU, or not. Second, Movements such as the British Exit movement are characterized by the worldwide media as “Populist” or “Nationalist”, or worse “Xenophobic”. Explanations are offered to suggest this is the effect worldwide of the Trump candidacy. What if that isn’t it at all? What if people are struggling to come to grips politically with overbearing and increasingly incompetent governments, and central banks who seem to be doing more harm than good. The west seems to have a disturbing faith in government as a solution to all that ails. What if governments, politicians, technocrats and elitist ‘leaders’ are the problem? Is it possible we have lost the language to be able to define the problem, since almost every story about the economy leaves one with the impression that there’s only one way to address economic stagnation in the US and the rest of the world and that is to stimulate demand. What if stimulating demand isn’t the issue at all. Since we’re all so steeped in one way of thinking regardless of what ‘side’ of the political divide we’re on, we seem to be struggling with the issue of how to describe the tyranny of government. Our political system doesn’t seem to have the capacity to address it, mainly because we don’t seem to have the language to name the problem. Thus, people get described as ‘populist’, or ‘xenophobic’, and non governmental solutions get described the same way. If we talked about government in terms of Monarchy, perhaps Americans would better understand the increasingly unlimited power of government over our lives, and the unlimited ability of government to fail. Maybe that’s what the British in favor of an exit are saying. Third, republican candidate for the nomination for president Donald Trump may suffer death by a thousand cuts, politically speaking in the next few weeks as more and more issues come to the forefront concerning his campaign effort. Vulnerable Republican Senators are so concerned about losing the Senate they managed to get Marco Rubio to announce he is running for Senate in Florida after all. Moreover, Romney supporters are getting appointed to powerful posts on the rules committee, a ‘conscience clause’ rule change is in the offing, former Bush Administration officials are endorsing Hillary Clinton and it was revealed this week Trump’s campaign only has 1.3 million dollars on hand for a national campaign, and isn’t fully staffed. Get ready, a major challenge to Trump is in the works, with all the usual suspects working behind the scenes. Did someone say Jeb Bush? Romney? Ryan? Rubio? Time will tell. Sponsored by Karow Contracting and Brush Studio in the West End, Saint Louis Park.